
How do you publish a JMS topic with Spring JMS?

Hello, I have a component that sends messages to a queue to be handled by another system. It should also publish a topic about job statuses every once in a while. Can I just use the same JmsTemplate used to send to a queue AND to publish to a topic? I created a new topic in ActiveMQ, except that when I send from JmsTemplate a message,...

How to connect to ActiveMQ broker (stomp protocol,activemessaging) running in another Machine?

Basically, I have 2 MQs running on different machines(ubuntu). I need them to be able to communicate with one another. I have my broker.yml,on machine A, like this; development: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" host: localhost port: 61613 reliable: true reconnectDelay: 5 foo: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" ...

ActiveMQ Ajax not processing topic messages published by Spring JmsTemplate

Hello, I created a quick web site with ActiveMQ's Ajax javascript message handlers to subscribe to a topic that is published by a JAX-RS/Spring web service. I noticed something rather weird, the ActiveMQ ajax does not call the message handler function if I publish a MapMessage from JmsTemplate, however it does call it if I publish it ...

ActiveMQ - multiple connections per session?

Within ActiveMQ I've been told that the most optimal solution for increased throughput is to have multiple connections, each with their own session and consumer. I've been trying to achieve this with NMS (Connecting via C#), but in the "Active Consumwers" screen of the MQ web console, I'm seeing all my connections & consumers listed as ...

Jboss 5.1 ActiveMQ 5 standalone broker MDB setup

I'm attempting to use the sample broker that comes with ActiveMQ 5 with an MDB deployed on JBoss 5.1 AS. I've deployed the activemq rar to the deploy directory. I've deployed activemq-jms-ds.xml to deploy/messaging which defines my connection factories. I have the broker running on localhost:61616 as defined in the connectionfactory con...

How do I use ActiveMQ Blob messages?

Has anyone tried sending ActiveMQ Blob messages? I am having trouble uploading images to a webapp through AMQ Blob messages. I followed their documentation ( ). I set the Upload URL to be the url i wanted the files to go (ie: http://localhost:8080/myapp/uploads) and i keep getting an excep...

ActiveMQ - Connect time out on IPV6 address

Problem:- ActiveMQ is installed on a linux machine which can be reachable by ping6. When broker URL is given as hostname, the messages are consumed. However, as soon as I specify broker URL in IPV6 format, I get connection timeout error. Broker URL:- tcp://[fe80::XXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX]:61616?wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=1000 Error:- ...

how can I configure an activemq queue to make it not accepting messages?

I am an activeMQ newbie. Is it possible to add something to the activeMQ xml configuration to force a queue to stop accepting messages when (for example) 100 messages are already in a specific queue? ...

JMS / ActiveMQ Transaction Timeout

I've been having problems with setting the transaction timeout for ActiveMQ. I want to set the timeout on a message so if it isn't committed within a certain period, then rollback() is then called. I'm not sure whats the best way to go about this - whether it is set on the activemq configuration or it is done at the time the message is...

ActiveMQ Ajax problem, re-writing Javascript code

Hi. I'm experiencing a very weird problem, subscribing to an ActiveMQ topic through Ajax. Here's my simple javascript code: var priceHandler = { _price: function(message) { if (message != null) { var store_id= message.getAttribute('store-id') var job_id = message.getAttribute('job-id') var status = message.getAttribute...

ActiveMQ and Client identity through certificate authentication

Is there a way to determine the identity of a Message sender in ActiveMQ (JMS in general) that successfully connected to a broker via SSL using a client certificate? I am planning on using JMs for communications between a remote terminal and a perimeter server within my network simply because of the extensive work that's been done inter...

unable to install activemq-web-console in Fuse service mix

"Error executing command: URL [mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-web-console/5.4.0/war] could not be resolved." is thrown up when i do features:install activemq-web-console i am using fuse 4.3 ...


I'm having trouble getting an example running using the REST API with ActiveMQ 5.4.0. I've seen several different GET URIs. The documentation refers to this URI: http://localhost:8161/demo/message/<queue name>?type=queue Other sources refer to these URIs: http://localhost:8161/queue/<queue name> http://localhost:8161/demo/...

ActiveMQ Broker connectible only on Localhost

Is there a way to run a loopback JMS adapter that will only be detected locally? I'm not sure if my terminology is correct, but I want the ActiveMQ broker to only be connectible from the same machine that the broker is running on. ...

transactional remote method execution

Hello, I am developing a series of java web applications that will be deployed independently, possibly on separate application servers (with local network connectivity). Apart from servicing incoming user requests, these applications need to be able to talk to each other. The format of this communication will be as a published service...

ActiveMQ + REST + Java environment creation

Hey, I got several questions regarding this issue 1) ActiveMQ after installed and started also starts Jetty? Jetty is running on port 80? (the environment where my application is going to be installed already running Apache, so there can't be another web server on port 80...) 2) I have managed successfully post and get messages from q...

Cleaning up ActiveMQ object

Hi, I am using ActiveMQ as the messaging component in our JEE application (using Glassfish). We are encountering issues with delay in messages being delivered and with memory leaks. To identify the issue I have started profiling the app. The memory profiling has revealed that the org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQObjectMessage is seco...

suppression of dynamic topic creation within activemq

Hello! I'm looking to configure ActiveMQ such that only predefined topics are allowed. I've found doc on defining topics within the config XML but can't quite determine how I'd prevent any connecting user from just creating dynamic topics at will. Authorization of the users will be done remotely so I can't use the authorization plugin ...

How will Heroku's AMQP work?

I saw that they soon will have an addon for AMQP. I'm about to learn how to use AMQP with RabbitMQ. I suppose that that addon doesn't deal with RabbitMQ. Isn't AMQP just a protocol. Are they using any AMQP broker like RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ? ...

ActiveMQ: Slow processing consumers

Concerning ActiveMQ: I have a scenario where I have one producer which sends small (around 10KB) files to the consumers. Although the files are small, the consumers need around 10 seconds to analyze them and return the result to the producer. I've researched a lot, but I still cannot find answers to the following questions: How do I ma...