
Can ActiveMQ CPP Api be used to Talk to RabbitMQ Broker?

We have C++ Software that needs to send message via RabbitMQ broker, has somebody tried ActiveMQ CPP lib (CMS) to send/receive messages to RabbitMQ broker? ...

Distributed ActiveMQ with Camel

I am in the process of learning ActiveMQ and Camel, with the goal to create a little prototype system that works something like this: (big) When an order is placed in the Orders system, a message is sent out to any subscribers (a pub/sub system), and they can play their part in processing the order. The Orders, Shipping and Invoicing ...

Tomcat understands amq:broker but Eclipse marks errors in schema

When working with ActiveMQ in Eclipse, you might sometimes get a schema parsing error as such: Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'amq:broker'. However, the project deploys successfully in Tomcat. ...

How do I get my MDB to ignore messages coming from itself?

I have a few clients that are both consumers and subscribers to a single topic on an ActiveMQ message broker. All the clients share the same code, they are in fact using exactly the same Enterprise Application consisting of: (1) an EJB producing a message, and (2) an MDB consuming the message. The problem is basically that if I have c...

How can one use activemq not locally?

I can't understand how to use ActiveMQ not locally. Suppose I have 2 machines, which need to exchange some messages. On the on machine I start ActiveMQ broker: > ~/bin/activemq and use something like: javax.naming.Context ctx = new InitialContext(); TopicConnectionFactory factory = (TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("conn...

ActiveMQ JMS ping

Apache Activemq 5.2.0 My application listens to messages on three topics and sends messages on 2 topics. When my application is "webping"ed, I want to check if these topics are alive. I would like to know if this is possible. Here are my observations, Advisory messages can be used for this, but they send messages only when a producer/...

ActiveMQ created with localhost VM does not create JMX Beans

This question comes from here but can be a totally independent question. I have a unit test with Spring 2.5.2 and activemq 5.2.0. I create a broker (useJmx is true) using "vm://localhost", fire a couple of messages to "myTopic1" open a jconsole to this process and I see MBeans under org.apache.activemq -> localhost -> Topic -> ActiveMQ....

VB6 and ActiveMQ

Hi, how can I consume topics in ActiveMQ with VB6? Is there any other way besides using the REST API? ...

Jruby Rails app on Tomcat CPU Usage spikes

This might also belong on serverfault. It's kind of a combo between server config and code (I think) Here's my setup: Rails 2.3.5 app running on jruby 1.3.1 Service Oriented backend over JMS with activeMQ 5.3 and mule 2.2.1 Tomcat 5.5 with opts: "-Xmx1536m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled" Java jdk 1.5.0_19 ...

Supported file systems for Shared File System Master/Slave in ActiveMQ

Does anybody know what file systems are actually supported by the ActiveMQ File System Master/Slave? I cannot find such list in reference - . ...

Experience with various file systems for Shared File System Master/Slave in ActiveMQ

I would be grateful if you share your experience with Shared File System Master/Slave in ActiveMQ. I'm interested particularly in the comparison of the performance/reliability of the different file systems used in this context. ...

How do you scale your ActiveMQ vertically?

Can somebody share an experience concerning scaling vertically the ActiveMQ? I'm particularly interested how performance is affected by: NIO transport option org.apache.activemq.UseDedicatedTaskRunner disabling tightEncoding in OpenWire using various type of Message Stores (including KahaDB) ...

Using JMS or ThreadPool to send email messages

Hi everyone, I will like to know: I have a scenario. If a user adds a product to the system (I'm developing), there's a listener that sends a notification to the user's client base notifying of a new product added by the user. I've read this thread and (seeing I've never used JMS nor ThreadPool before) I was wondering whether I should...

How to connect to a network of activemq brokers from a client application?

I have setup a network of brokers in activemq, how do i connect to that from my client application I tried with network:static:(tcp://master1.IP:61616,tcp://master2.IP:61617) and but I get the following exception javax.jms.JMSException: Uncategorized exception occured during JMS processing; nested exception is javax.jms.JMSException:...

Writing a JMS Publisher without "public static void main"

Hi guys, Every example I've seen on the web, e.g., creates a publisher and subscriber with a public static void main method. I don't think that'll work for my web application. I'm learning JMS and I've setup Apache ActiveMQ to run on JBoss 5 and Tomcat 6 (with no glit...

ActiveMQ - sending message to specific consumer

Hello. Having single AMQ broker and 100 consumers connected. I would send the message to some specific consumer, so other consumers does not receive it (client-side filtering won't work). Simplest way is to create virtual destinations (name them queue:consumer-) for example and send messages there. However this will lead to 100 new qu...

Is ActiveMQ built on top of / wraps around JSSE, or does it implement its own secure connections?

I've used ActiveMQ in the past for nonsecure connections. I now have to write a secure distributed application, and was required to "write it on top of JSSE". I'm wondering whether using JMS and ActiveMQ will transparently let me do that, or whether ActiveMQ has its own implementation for SSL, authentication, etc. ...

What is the best way to reject messages with the same body in AMQ queue?

I have a single AMQ queue that receives simple messages with string body. Consider I'm sending CLSIDs as message bodies. CLSIDs could be not unique, but I'd like to reject all messages with not unique bodies and keep only single instance of such messages in the queue. Is there any simple way to do it? Currently I'm using a workaround. M...

about activemq ajax problem

activemq works fine in localhost but problem in the server. i want a solution. ...

about activemq ajax problem

amq object is undefined at the server. ...