How to map a database view using Ruby ActiveRecord?
How to map a mysql database view using Ruby ActiveRecord in Rails? ...
How to map a mysql database view using Ruby ActiveRecord in Rails? ...
In Ruby on Rails, where does one put the code from this snippet in I want to extend ActiveRecord::Errors with the code that's available there so I can merge error messages. Is this something for ApplicationController? or for lib? Paste from # monkey patch gleaned from http://dev.rubyonrails...
I am trying to assign a message to flash[:notice] in a model observer. This question has already been asked: Ruby on Rails: Observers and flash[:notice] messages? However, I get the following error message when I try to access it in my model: undefined local variable or method `flash' for #<ModelObserver:0x2c1742c> Here is my code: ...
I am doing this from the console but I'd like to do this in my code too. Basically I am trying to add a record to the table and then get the id back. >> @record = Physician.create(:pname => "someone2") => #<Physician id: nil, pname: "someone2", pgroup: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, userid: nil, storeid: nil, licexpdate: nil, a...
I need some help in fixing the below issue. I had transaction blocks in my rails code like below: @sqlcontact = "INSERT INTO contacts (id,\"cid\", \"hphone\", mphone, provider, cemail, email, sms , mail, phone) VALUES ('"+@id1+"','" + @id1 + "', '"+ params[:hphone] + "', '"+params[:mphone]+ "', '" + params[:provider] + "', '" + param...
I have a table already created. I am looking for a rails migration where I can modify the starting point of the auto_increment number for id column of my table. Let's say I want it to start from 1000. I googled a bit and came across this: it says: :options "string" pass raw options to your underlying database, e.g. aut...
How can I achieve query string and URL parameters in a link_to block declaration? Right now, I have this, which works: <%= link_to 'Edit', :edit, :type => 'book', :id => book %> The above works, and outputs: http://localhost:3000/books/edit/1?type=book What I want to do is something like this: <% link_to :edit, :type => 'book', :i...
I have a simple model setup in my Ruby on Rails app. (User {name, username, lat, lon}) and am writing a basic extension to the model. I would like the method to return users within a certain distance. It all works just fine in the page view, but as I am debugging I would like to work through some testing using the script/console. My ...
I have a parent-child relationship between two objects. Parent :has_many :children Child :belongs_to :parent When creating a new parent, in the same controller, I'm creating the child. @mom = @child = @mom.children << @child That all seems to go okay, but this parent has one more attribute - this parent has a ...
When should you use ActiveRecord's composed_of class method? ...
I want to implement a model "Contact", whose data is not stored in database, but remotely. The operations on data are done via web service. The model Contact is related to other models, whose data is stored locally. Is there any plugin/gem which can take care of this? Regards, Pankaj ...
Hi - I'm trying to validate uniqueness of some field in my model with one catch - it shouldn't raise an error if records have some shared relation. For the sake of example, here's what I mean: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :category end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :products end >>> Category.crea...
I have an application with three Models (Profile -> SubModel -> SubSubModel) chained together with has many relationships. I am trying to limit a user, after logging in, to only retrieving records that are associated with their Profile. I am very new to rails and this is what I had been trying in the Profile model has_many :submodels, :...
Hi, I am a beginner in Rails. In the following code,there is an id which is set as false. What's the meaning of it? class CreateCoursesStudents < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :courses_students, **:id => false** do |t| t.integer :course_id,:null => false t.integer :student_id, :null => false ...
For a specified model, I'd like to generate CREATE TABLE statements, in fact INSERT and UPDATE too, using a connection adapter which I specify. In other words I'd like to dump out a create table statement for a model for a particular database type. Is this possible? ...
I have a model called List which has many records: class List has_many :records end class Record end The table Record has 2 permanent fields: name, email. Besides these 2 fields, for each List a Record can have 'n' custom fields. For example: for list1 I add address(text), dob(date) as custom fields. Then while adding records to l...
is there an activerecord (any similar SQL-wrapper) for python? which is good for: used in a server-side python script light-weight supports MySQL what I need to do: insert (filename, file size, file md5, the file itself) into (string, int, string, BLOB) columns if the same file (checksum + filename) does not exist in db thx ...
Consider the following code which is to be thrown at an AR find: conditions = [] conditions[:age] = params[:age] if params[:age].present? conditions[:gender] = params[:gender] if params[:gender].present? I need to add another condition which is a LIKE criteria on a 'profile' attribute. How can I do this, as obviously a LIKE is usuall...
Hi, the website I'm developing will be in spanish. Therefore, I'll need the error messages in that language. I created a file under Configuration directory called 'en.yml' in order to accomplish this. And I added the following code in it: es: activerecord: errors: models: announcement: attributes: ...
Hi, all. I have application with 2 groups of models - content based (news, questions) and "something" based (devices, applications etc). I need to link all models between groups - for example question may belongs to 3 different things - one application and 2 devices. The same - for news. From other side - i need to see all news articles ...