
remove field name from object validation message

I've got a simple active record validation on an object using this within a form: form.error_messages({:message => '', :header_message => ''}) This in turn outputs something like "FieldName My Custom message" What i need to do is remove the field name from the error message but leave my custom message. Can anyone point me in the r...

Advanced count and join in Rails

I am try to find the top n number of categories as they relate to articles, there is a habtm relationship set up between the two. This is the SQL I want to execute, but am unsure of how to do this with ActiveRecord, aside from using the find_by_sql method. is there any way of doing this with ActiveRecord methods: SELECT "categories".id,...

Obtaining ActiveRecords if NOT nil

I would like to be able to gather all records in a table where the user_id is not null. This is what I have but it doesn't seem to be working (even though I've had it working in a seperate project): named_scope :all_registered, :conditions => ["user_id != ?", nil] ...

Rails ActiveRecord friendly code from a Complex Join, Sum, and Group query

PROBLEM Hello, I am having no luck trying to break down this SQL statement into ActiveRecord/Rails friendly code and I'd like to learn how I can avoid a find_by_sql statement in this situation. Scenario I have users that create audits when they perform an action. Each audit is of a specific audit_activity. Each audit_activity is wort...

Class method or named_scope?

i would like to have your opinion in a project i am currently working on. class Product has_many :orders end class Order attr_accessor :deliverable # to contain temporary data on how many items can be delivered for this order belongs_to :product end somehow i want to have Order.all_deliverable that will calculate the Product...

initializing variables in ActiveRecord's classes

How to initialize variables in ActiveRecord class? Variables here is the variables that are outside the scope of database such as: class Product attr_accessor :used end I want to initially assign @used initially to false, later if some person access the product, i will change @used to true First i thought of putting @used=false i...

Ruby find method with select

I can't seem to get this one right at the moment. I want distinct records but I need other attributes to come along with the results of the find method. Current nonworking code is: Visit.find(:all, :select => "user_id, DISTINCT cookie") ...

SubSonic IQueryable To String Array

Hey All, I have decided to use SubSonic (v3.0) for the first time and thoroughly enjoy it so far however I seem to have stumbled and I am hoping there is a nice neat solution. I have a users, roles and joining table. SubSonic (ActiveRecord) generated an entity User for my users table. A property of User is UserRoles and is of the type...

Rails - Accessing model class methods from within ActiveRecord model

I have a simple standalone model that doesn't inherit from ActiveRecord or anything else, called SmsSender. As the name suggests, it delivers text messages to an SMS gateway. I also have an ActiveRecord model called SmsMessage which has an instance method called deliver: def deliver SmsSender.deliver_message(self) self.update_attri...

Will_paginate and geokit misbehavior (double query)

Hi all, I'm using will_paginate to paginate my geokit search results. The code works, however, when looking at the log it does double the geokit query when using the following will_paginate call: @posts = Post.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 1, :origin => @search, :within => @miles, :include => :u...

Initialize the variable in records from the full scope of database, not subset of it

The illustration is like this: class Product end class SalesOrder belongs_to :product belongs_to :customer att_accessor :deliverable # give all sales orders that are deliverable because the stock is ready # and also assign deliverable def self.calculate_deliverable all_so = SalesOrder.find(:all, :order => 'input_date ...

Rails: print associations in ActiveRecord inspectors

When I print an ActiveRecord of a Department, I get: Department:0x210ec4c { :id => 3, :name => "Computer Science", ... :school_id => 3 } How can I make it give me the School instead of the School_ID? In other words, call to_s on the school found by the school_id. Just lik...

join same rails models twice, eg people has_many clubs through membership AND people has_many clubs through committee

Models: * Person * Club Relationships * Membership * Committee People should be able to join a club (Membership) People should be able to be on the board of a club (Committee) For my application these involve vastly different features, so I would prefer not to use a flag to set (is_board_member) or similar. I find myself wanting ...

Has many relationship help in rails

I have two models questions and answers. and a question has_many answers. How can I find out all the questions which don't have any answer? ...

Rails: can't convert ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation into String

This rails project is very bare-bones, just begun, so I haven't done any weird loopholes or patching. The model, to_s replaces school with bar if nil: class Department < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :school def to_s "foo" + (school || "bar") end end Says the view: can't convert ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssocia...

How to set up SubSonic ActiveRecord Repository in the ASP.NET MVC Starter Site

I would like to setup ActiveRecord iSession with Ninject IoC just like SubSonicSimple is done. Pls help ;) ...

ActiveRecord without setting up database tables? (declarative like Django)

In Django, you fully describe your models in In Rails with ActiveRecord, you describe part of a model in in the /models directory, and part of it in migrations. Then ActiveRecord introspects model properties from the existing database tables. But I find migrations, columns, and tables to be a headache. How can I do like ...

Rails relational table with multiple id's from the same table

I know that if I name a column in a table "othertablename_id" rails will know to use that column for a belongs_to or other relation. If I want to have multiple id's from the same table, obviously this won't work, because I would have duplicate column names. What is the best way to build a table that relates two rows from the same table? ...

how can I destroy a record without an ID column in ruby ActiveRecord?

hi, I have a table without an ID column. When I try to delete from it using ActiveRecord the generated SQL is DELETE FROM table_name WHERE ID=NULL, which obviously doesn't work. Is there any way to delete from the table using ActiveRecord, or at least run a raw SQL delete query with placeholders (so it's not vulnerable to SQL injection)...

How do we know if a query is cache or retrieved from database?

For example: class Product has_many :sales_orders def total_items_deliverable self.sales_orders.each { |so| #sum the total } #give back the value end end class SalesOrder def self.deliverable # return array of sales_orders that are deliverable to customer end end SalesOrder.deliverable #give all sales_orders t...