
rails: how do I build an active-relation scope to traverse many tables?

I have these tables and relationships: user has_many projects project has_many tasks task has_many actions I would like to build a scope that allows me to select all of the current users actions, regardless of what project or task they belong to. Thanks ...

How to always return a set number of records when using find_related_tags with acts-as-taggable-on

I'm using the acts-as-taggable-on gem and I need to use find_related_tags on my survey model to get back 3 surveys every time. In the event there aren't always 3 related I need to pick how ever many are related plus some random ones to get to 3. Additionally I have a method I wrote called completed_survey_ids which return an array of s...

Rails ActiveRecord: Select Posts WITHOUT comments

I have a a Comments table and a Posts table, where a Post has many comments and a comment belongs to a post (i.e. it has a post_id in the table). How can I efficiently select the last ten Posts that DO NOT have comments. I can't seem to accomplish this without first selecting all the posts and checking each for a 0 comment count. Thank...

Rails 2.3 - Storing sessions in different schema

Hi - I want to configure my app to use a different schema than the default for storing sessions. Basically, I want the app to store all its active_record objects in app_development and only its sessions in app_sessions. Normally this could be done by defining the sessions db in database.yml: development: # ... sessions: host:...

Codeigniter: Combining activeRecord with manual queries?

Hi everybody, I've though a bit about the activerecord vs. manual queries in Codeigniter. ActiveRecord is awesome when it's all about standard queries and holds development time really low. However, when there's a need to add some complexity to the queries, the ActiveRecord gets quite complicated to work with. Sub queries or complex j...

codeigniter active record and mysql

I am running a query with Active Record in a modal of my codeigniter application, the query looks like this, public function selectAllJobs() { $this->db->select('*') ->from('job_listing') ->join('job_listing_has_employer_details', 'job_listing_has_employer_details.employer_details_id =', 'le...

Rails, using ActiveRecord to find all rows matching a parent row attribute

I have a class Foo which has_many Bars. Foo has an attribute, some_id. I want to Retrieve all Bar instances where the Foo has some_id = N. In SQL this translates into something like: select * from bar inner join foo on = bar.foo_id WHERE foo.some_id = N ...

Castle Active Record (Linq AND Validation) Problem

I am trying out Castle ActiveRecord. I want to use the Validation features AND the LINQ features. In order to use LINQ, you can either: My preference: Make your entities inherit from ActiveRecordLinqBase<T>, then to query: var blogs = (from b in Blog.Queryable select b).ToList(); Use ActiveRecordLinq.AsQueryable<T>, e.g.: var blogs ...

CodeIgniter Question: How to delete records using ActiveRecord with mySQL function as WHERE condition

I have a table named ChatSessions where I keep track of active users in the chatroom. I need to prune expired user sessions from the table every 10 minutes. Using pure php-mysql is plain simple but I'm totally clueless how to convert this into ActiveRecord in CodeIgniter. The plain SQL query is below: SELECT * FROM `ChatSessions` WHERE ...

Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord nested select for NotIn bug?

I have the following Subsonic 3.0 query, which contains a nested NotIn query: public List<Order> GetRandomOrdersForNoReason(int shopId, int typeId) { // build query var q = new SubSonic.Query.Select().Top("1") .From("Order") .Where("ShopId") .IsEqualTo(shopId) .And(OrderTable.CustomerId).NotIn...

How do I do a join in ActiveRecord after records have been returned?

I am using ActiveRecord in Rails 3 to pull data from two different tables in two different databases. These databases can not join on each other, but I have the need to do a simple join after-the-fact. I would like to preserve the relation so that I can chain it down the line. here is a simplified version of what I am doing browsers ...

named scoped NOT IN, how to?

how can I write a NOT IN in named scope syntax? For example, User :has_many Photos, how can I define: User.has_no_photo and returns all users who are not in the Photo model? thanks! ...

NHibernate HiLo Intervention

We have a single server/single database application that uses NHibernate and Castle ActiveRecord, SQL Server sits behind it. As part of the processing I need to write as many as 1.2 million rows of data. Using ActiveRecord and NHibernate is woefully slow and needs to be improved - this could easily be done with an "insert into .. select...

Disjunction in ActiveRecord

Is it possible to use ActiveRecord named_scopes to create one query with sql OR clauses? When I use Model.scope1.scope2 generated query is conjunction of these scopes. ...

turn array into object active record can use

I'm running a query and then decrypting it in the controller. After it is decrypted I was putting the results into an array and sending that to the view. The problem is with this solution I need to rewrite all of my views to parse the arrays sent instead of the active record objects sent before. Is there a way to turn the decrypted arr...

How to do STI + self-referential has_many :through

class Addressee < AR::Base end class Employee < Addressee belongs_to :person belongs_to :company end class Person < Addressee has_many :employees has_many :companies, :through => :employees end class Company < Addressee has_many :employees has_many :people, :through => :employees end Given the models above, when I ru...

Rails 2.3.5 connecting to Sql Server 2005

I've got an application running on Rails 2.3.5, on a Linux box, and I need to connect to Sql Server 2005 for one of my models. I've been reading up on this, and it's getting frustrating, can't find a solution that works thus far. I've done this before using JRuby and JDBC, but I can't use Java in this scenario. Any pointers to a failsa...

Chaining Named Scopes not working as intended

I have 2 simple named scopes defined as such: class Numbers < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :even, :conditions => {:title => ['2','4','6']} named_scope :odd, :conditions => {:title => ['1','3','5']} end if I call Numbers.even I get back 2,4,6 which is correct if I call Numbers.odd I get back 1,3,5 which is correct When I chain t...

Generating the input id with an ActiveRecord model

How do you generate an input's id attribute, given a model? For example, if I have a model of Person with a first_name attribute, the form helper prints out a textbox with this html: <input type="text" id="person_first_name" /> How can I generate that person_first_name from some other place in the code (like in a controller or some pl...

Is it possible to group validation?

I am using a lot of my own validation methods to compare the data from one association to the other. I've noticed that I'm constantly checking that my associations aren't nil before trying to call anything on them, but I am also validating their presence, and so I feel that my nil checks are redundant. Here's an example: class House <...