
how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity?

hi, i have username,password and checkbox of remember me. how to implement remember me function to keep username and password data?? any help would be appriciated. ...

android dialog activity position

I created an non-maximized activity using android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" to make it looks like a dialog. I need to change the position of the activity on screen but I didn't find how to do this... ...

how to run Specific activity in android emulator?

dear friends, i have created 4 activities in eclipse now i want to run activity 1, 2,3 ,4 repectively one by one in emulator for testing. can any one guide me how can i run those all??? when i press run button it only runs first activity. any help would be appriciated. ...

How to create Transparent Activity in Android?

I want to create transparent create on another activity. How can I achieve this? ...

how to use variable while calling new activity in intent?

dear friends, i have following code to call new activity now i want to use variable to call new activity String var1,var2,var3; var1="Login"; var2="Signup"; var3="more"; Intent i; i = new Intent(Favorites.this, Login.class); --> login.class with var startActivity(i); can any one guide me how to achieve this??? ...

Android: extended android.widget.Chronometer and main.xml

Hi, I've extended android.widget.Chronometer like so: public class PausableCountdownTimer extends Chronometer implements OnChronometerTickListener { I would like to be able to add this widget to my UI via main.xml: <com.example.myproject.PauseableCountdownTimer ... /> but I get this error message in Eclipse: ClassNotFoundEx...

how to change title of activity in android?

dear friends, i am using Window w= getWindow(); w.setTitle("adf as afsa"); to change title of my current activity but it not seem to work.. can any one guide me how to change this? ...

How to connect a layout view with an activity

in my main view i have public class PlayersActivity extends Activity { ViewFlipper flipper; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.playercontainer); flipper = (ViewFlipper) findViewById(

Android - Bringing Activity to Foreground via the Call Button (Green Key)

Hi all, I currently have an application that naturally gets pushed to the background when the home key is pressed. The activity losses focus but continues running in the background. So I want to know is it possible to bring the application back to the foreground when the user presses the green key (call button) on the device? ...

Android - dialer icon gets placed in recently used apps after finish()

In my application I detect the out going call when a call is dialled from the dialer or contacts. This works fine and I then pop up a dialog saying I have detected the call and then the user presses a button to close the dialog which calls finish() on that activity. It all works fine except that when I then hold the home key to bring u...

Android app with multiple activities

I have a very simple game that consists of only one activity, and I want to add a title screen. If the title screen is another activity, what changes do I need to make to my manifest file to make the title screen open first? The gameplay activity is called Leeder, and the title screen activity is called LeederTitleScreen here is my cu...

How do I fill a ListView (in Android) with XML or JSON data?

I read a tutorial, and it uses SQLlite and "SimpleCursorAdapter" to fill the list with items. This is the code the tutorial taught me. private void fillData() { // Get all of the notes from the database and create the item list Cursor c = mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes(); startManagingCursor(c); String[] from = new...

Android: setComponentEnabledSetting() for an activity-alias

I have an activity-alias declared in my manifest and android:enabled="false" I would like to enable it at run time, but I'm not sure how to use PackageManager's setComponentEnabledSetting() since the ComponentName parameter requires a class name, and not the activity or activity alias name. I guess the same goes for turning android:e...

Difference Between 2 Ways to Start an Activity?

I have seen the following two examples of starting activities in Android: Example 1 Intent myIntent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, NextActivity.class); CurrentActivity.this.startActivity(myIntent); Example 2 // Calling activity // In the called activity static void show(Context context) { final I...

How do I display 2 views in 1 activity (android)?

Suppose I have a webview open: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); main_webv = (WebView) findViewById(; main_webv.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient()); main_webv.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); main...

How to do a WebView AND ListView in the same Activity onCreate()?

public class hello extends Activity, ListActivity { WebView main_webv; ListView main_listv; public static final int REFRESHLIST_ID = Menu.FIRST; private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private static final String SPLASH = "http://"; private static final String LIST_NAMES = "http://"; private class HelloW...

How can I implement a ListView without ListActivity? (use only Activity)

I'm new to Android, and I really need to do it this way (I've considered doing it in another Activity), but can anyone show me a simple code (just the onCreate method) that can do Listview without ListActivity? THanks ...

Need critics, UML activity diagram (image inside)

Here is my question I've decided to make activity diagram to describe this process user is clicking "edit" button preloader is shown to user ajax request is sent to url /ajax_request/category/{category_id}/; we are ...

How do I send some data (eg. a String) from my Activity to a Service Android ?

Usually, I putExtra inside an Intent to transfer stuff between Activities. But it seems like I can't do this with a Service? Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); That doesn't work for a android Service. How do I send a string from an Activity to a Service then? ...

How to kill a Service by another Activity?

Activity 1 starts a Service, using the standard Intent. Activity 1 starts Activity 2. Then, Activity 1 gets finished(). Now, there's only Activity 2. How does Activity 2 kill the Service, since that Intent was generated in Activity 1? I don't want to pass the Intent everywhere... ...