
How would I have a dynamic Activity based on Web Service input?

I'm looking to have an app that calls a web service, and the return from that WS would specify a specific puzzle to play (sudoku, arithmetic, logic, problem solving, memory, etc). I think that each puzzle should be its own Activity, but I don't know if they should be nested in my main app Activity, separate Activities, or something else...

Developing a UML activity diagram for a search application

I have to create a UML activity diagrams for a searching application for a semantic database. Easy to guess, users can search and select a file, but they can also browse and refine the retrieved results by clicking the categories the results belong to. They can even select a file just by browsing without actually entering any keyword. S...

how to disable Touch Screen in Android Phone?

dear friends, while showing progress bar i want to disable touch screen to restrict other functionalities in android phone. can any one guide me how to achieve this? any help would be appricated. ...

launching mapview from main activity (button)

Hi all. Going round in circles here i think. I have an activity called Locate; public class Locate extends Activity { public static String lat; public static String lon; public static String number; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.locate); ... redirect if maximum connections/sessions reached

hi is there a way to redirect a user when there are n people/sessions on a site. I have a requirement to redirect to a 'sorry we are busy, please try later' page if there are too many people currently engaging the site (this is to stop flooding a live business service that is behind the webpages). The ideal is that only new users (use...

resuming an activity from a notification

Hi, I have a notification in the status bar for my app: Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon, null, System.currentTimeMillis()); Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this.parent, MainActivity.class); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this.parent, 0, notificationIntent, 0); ...

How to change title bar color in android activity?

How can I change the titlebar color in an Android app? I tried: this.setTitleColor(Color.BLUE); but it changes color of written text on it not title bar color. ...

Launch Activity From URL

I am trying to have my application launch when the user browses to a certain url. I have found a few examples and they all have the same things in the manifests but it's not working for me. I have put the intent-filter under an Activity as well as a Receiver. Here is my manifest snippet: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android....

Make Android Activity looks like dialog

Hi, I am trying to open a dialog on widget click. I have solved the problem skinning the activity started on click with android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog". Unfortunately I cannot reach the same look of a dialog. This is the outcome: while I would like to reach this result (except for the but...

how to set custom title bar TextView Value dynamically in android?

friends, i have created custom title bar using following titlebar.xml file with code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TextView xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/myTitle" android:text="This is my new title" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_par...

Use a service to monitor when other activites/applications start or end

Hi, Is it possible to make a service running in backgroud to be notified when an arbritary activity/application is started and ended by a user? I want to use it to log how often and for how long different applications are used in Android. ...

Android: new Intent() starts new instance with android:launchMode="singleTop"

I have Activity A with android:launchMode="singleTop" in the manifest. If I go to Activity B, C and D there I have menu shortcuts to return to my applications root activity (A). The code looks like this: Intent myIntent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), MainActivity.class); startActivity(myIntent); However, instead of returning to the...

Android: What happens to my activity in case of incoming phone call?

I want to know that what will happen to my activity incase of an incoming phone call? Will the state of my activity be saved or I have to explicitly save it? Another question is that will the activity resume after the call is disconnected? Please help..! ...

Wordpress plugin to track logged users activity

Hello. I need a Wordpress plugin to let me see any logged user's activity. I need to know what the user accessed from when he logged in. Any suggestions ? Thanks. ...

Android: How to restore List data when pressing the "back" button?

Hi there, My question is about restoring complex activity related data when coming back to the activity using the "back" button". Activity A has a ListView which is connected to ArrayAdapter serving as its data source - this happens in onCreate(). By default, if I move to activity B and press "back" to get back to activity A, does my ...

UIScrollView: Activity Indicator while loading image from url.

Hi, I need and Activity indicator spinning in a modal Modal view that has an UIScrollView while the content of the ScrollView(image from url) is loading. Any ideas of how to get this done? As a plus I need to know how to tell the ScrollView to behaves like the Photos Iphone Native App, I mean, load an image, adjust it to fit the scree...

ListView and dynamic row sizes

I'd like to use different row descriptors (from the XML layout resource) in one ListView. Can I and how? Also, I'd like to be able to programmatically change the size of the rows, based on the data in each row, in a ListView. Can I and how? Thank you in advance--I LOVE stackoverflow. M ...

Conditional restart on Activity onConfigurationChanged

I want to make an activity that allows orientation changes on some condition, but not otherwise. More exactly I want to prevent restarting the activity when a background thread is busy. I have put the configChanges attribute on the activity manifest, and onConfigurationChanged is called when the orientation changes. However I want to al...

How to establish a two-way communication between Activity and Service in different process?

Hi everyone, I'm working on establishing a two-way communication between an Activity and a Service which runs in a different process. Querying the process from the Activity is no big deal. But I want the process to notify the Activity on events. The idea behind it is this: the service runs independently from the actual app. It queries ...

How to log user actions with php and mysql?

I'm working on my CMS and I want it to log activities by users and other admins. For example: when new user registers or admin makes a new news post -> update last activity. I want to know what is the best and easiest way. ...