
AutoCompleteTextView not displaying result even when the ArrayAdapter is updated

I'm trying to get an AutoCompleteTextView(ACTV) to display results I'm a getting from a network resource. I have set the completion-treshold to 2 and I can see that the request is fired when I enter to characters. The result I am getting is the correct one. Lets say I write "ca", and I get the result "car" as an autocompletion. I have a...

Comparison of databases on the performance of Ruby on Rails

It is well-known that Ruby on Rails offers a list of choice on database adapters, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite, MSSQL, Oracle, DB2. All of them offers the same basic set of SQL on CRUD. Is there any comparison on their performance when running a typical Ruby on Rails application? ...

Custom color for the section box displayed on a ListView with fast scrolling enabled in Android

I have an adapter that implements the SectionIndexer interface in order to display the box that indicate the letter of the section when the user scroll my listview (like when you scroll a contact list). It works well but i need to customize the background and the text color of this box. Any advice? ...

Cannot understand NullPointerException with custom adapter

hi, I am trying to create a list view which as TextView that can display html content , an WebView and other basic TextViews.I tried to extend SimpleAdapter but i struck with the problem ,I will be glad if someone can point out the mistake i am doing. In onCreate method ArrayList> mylist= resultfromXmlparser(); adap = new MyAdapter(To...

setOnItemClickListener not responding for Custom ListView

hi, I wrote a custom Adapter for a listview ,but when i tried implement click event for list item ,i found that it was not responding ,I will be glad if someone suggest me a solution. public class TourList extends ListActivity { .... setContentView(R.layout.tourlist); ..... getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListen...

Adapter Methods in Android?

i have go through the three methods in Adapters classes. getView() newView() bindView() what are the difference between those methods? please share some tutorial, sample code or logics to understand this. Thanks. i have to create a listview with the progressive icons. which adapter you suggest me to do that? ...

CustomListAdapter Problem in Android? Getting ClassCast Exception? How???

i want to improve the list view's performance. this is the code for my getView method in my Adapter? public View getView(int arg0, View text_view_name, ViewGroup parent) { try { if (text_view_name == null) { text_view_name = mInflater.inflate( R.layout.bs_content_list_item1, null); ...

Using GROUP BY to fetch rows from SQLiteDatabase and then render them using SimpleCursorAdapter

I want to display total amount of seconds that was spent each day on a project. I want to use SQLiteDatabase to fetch rows using the query below and then use SimpleCursorAdapter to fill a ListView. SELECT projectId, date, sum(endedAt-startedAt) as hours FROM project_reports WHERE startedAt >= 1270098000 AND endedAt <= 1272776399 GROUP ...

Looking for a virtual network adapter (virtual interface controller)

I need a software that simulates a network adapter. I need the virtual adapters will be able to communicate with each other. For example, if I i have 2 virtual adapter (on the same computer): interface1- and interface2- I want the packets that will be send through interface1 will be received in interface2. I have as an o...

Invisible ActiveX that takes a string

I need to adapt a simple function (let's say) int printText(string) written using an MFC library (this function prints the text on a particular printer whose driver lib is completely developed by MFC), to two applications developed the first in LabView and the second in Java (Eclipse RCP). I've thought that an ActiveX component is the ...

is the ruby mysqlplus adapter production ready

is the ruby mysqlplus adapter production ready? have a choice between: 1. mysql library by tmtm (has a pure ruby and c version) 2. mysqlplus by 3. dataobjects (used my datamapper ORM) 4. em-mysql Currently using the C version of the mysql gem, that is the oldest and most popular option. Evented...

Android: Registering ContextMenu for a Custom ListAdapter

Hi, I made a custom list adapter extending the Base adapter. Each item in the list has an imagebutton, 2 textviews and a button. I tried to add the context menu to the list so as to display some options for an item in the list. registerForContextMenu(getListView()); I used a MenuInflater object to inflate the context menu xml file. ...

how to create trackballevent in android custom adapter?

dear friends, i am using following code to create custom adapter for listview. now i want to use trackball click event in it but i dont know how to do that can any one help me out in creating ontracballevent in custom adapter? i have tried writing few lines but not able to solve it. public class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter i...

What is the best way to do multiple listviews in android?

Hi all, i am writing a software that i have to drill down on content a lot. For example when the program starts a listview is displayed. When user clicks on an item, then a second listview must be displayed. For example: Select Continent > Select Country > Select State > Select City > Select Address What is the best way to do this (l...

deploying flex on tomcat

Hello, I am using Flash builder 4 (SDK3.5) to create my flex program. I want to deploy this program and load it to a tomcat server. I configure my "flex server" root folder and other parameters in the project properties. The problem is, that i don't know how to make it generic. e.g. my friend's tomcat is installed in other directory on ...

Calling notifyDataSetChanged doesn't fire onContentChanged event of SimpleCursorAdapter

I have this scenario onResume of an activity: @Override protected void onResume() { if (adapter1!=null) adapter1.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (adapter2!=null) adapter2.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (adapter3!=null) adapter3.notifyDataSetChanged(); super.onResume(); } Adapter has been defined as: pu...

How to adapt a SOAP Service to REST in java?

I need to integrate some services that are external and that are offered as SOAP Services. I don't like to use SOAP inside our system for a few reasons. I think from a pragmatic point of view it should be fairly easy to adapt SOAP to REST. This is not a SOAP vs. REST question! I'm just trying to collect java libraries, code, howtos etc....

How to call notifyDataSetChanged() from a generic Adapter

An OnItemClickListener for a ListView has the following method: @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) I'd like to have the adapter behind the ListView refresh, and I believe this is done through the use of: BaseAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() How do I use the parent parameter in the ...

ASP.NET 2.0 WebControlAdapters cannot be used on Validator controls?

I'm using a CompareValidator on a page, and I added a ControlAdapter (via browserfile) to watch all BaseValidator classes (and their derivatives). My ControlAdapter does nothing - overrides no methods, currently. The validator writes the span tag, it's id and style, but nothing else - no error message, no javascript. Any ideas why? ...

Android how can you implement moveToPosition with a Custom Adapter

I have a simple custom adapter. I need to set the starting position to different positions at different times. When using a standard listadapter, I can simply use myCursor.moveToPosition( i ). A custom adapter using getview does not work that way. Can anyone tell me how to move the current list to the position I want? ...