
jQuery addClass to a tag problem

I have this in my html code: <ul id="navlist" <li id="tabItem1"><a href="#">Item one</a></li> <li id="tabItem2"><a href="#">Item two</a></li> <li id="tabItem3"><a href="#">Item three</a></li> <li id="tabItem4"><a href="#">Item four</a></li> </ul> I want to add a class to the a element with jquery like this: (its not working) var curr...

div addClass only on ONE div

When i do something like : $('#container').addClass("contract"); It only add class to the first div with id container When i do something like : $('.container').addClass("contract"); It adds the class to ALL the divs with class container WHY ? ...

Browser detection and addClass

This doesn't work if( $.browser.opera ){ $("body").addClass('opera'); } why? ...

jquery addClass - wait, delay, speed, timeout or other

Hi The question has been posted several times and is how to delay an addClass. I got this: $("#menu ul li").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("hover"); },function(){ $(this).removeClass("hover"); }) And want something similar but where the class is added after 500msek or so. Best answer so far is this one using settimeout. Mayb...

How to add several classes to ul list

How can I add severeal classes to ul list? I dont want to add it to every li items but jsut some of them. ...

load part of the page

hi i have 2 pages one is the main and the other is the sub-main main,html : <A href="sub-main.html#post5>go and load just post 5</a> sub-main.html : <DIV class=posttop id="post4"> here you can write anything ;) </div> <DIV class=posttop id="post5"> here you can write anything ;) </div> <link type="text/css" href="post.css" rel=...

jQuery performance, .css or addClass

I have a big jQuery code and I am thinking at speed performance of my functions. When an element is clicked (mousedown) i need to assign an image as background. I can do this by 2 ways: $('#element li.class').css({"background":"someimageURL"}); or $('#element li.class').addClass("someclass"); where "someclass" have the actual CSS b...

jQuery "a" addclass help

Hi Guys, I have the following html <div class="sub"> <a href="#" id="people">People</a> </div> which has the CSS for the "a" as color:#999999; font-size:31px; I am trying to use jQuery to get this to change the color using a class "active" which just has "color:#777!important;" but everytime I do this it just doesn't work....

Find the longest element (jQuery)

I use this script to equalize heights of elements: (function ($) { $.fn.autoheight = function () { var height = 0, reset = $.browser.msie ? "1%" : "auto"; return this.css("height", reset).each(function () { height = Math.max(height, this.offsetHeight); }).css("height", height).each(fun...

JQuery Find #ID, RemoveClass and AddClass

Hi Guys, I have the following HTML <div id="testID" class="test1"> <img id="testID2" class="test2" alt="" src="some-image.gif" /> </div> I basically want to get to #testID2 and replace .test2 class with .test3 class ? I tried jQuery('#testID2').find('.test2').replaceWith('.test3'); But this doesn't appear to work ? A...

jQuery - addClass or removeClass - Is there an append class?

I have css hover over images for my tabs and I'm trying to get the class to change from .how to .how_on when I click on the image HOW. My tabs are HOW | WHAT | WHEN | WHO | WHY I have classes for each (.how, .how_on), (.what, .what_on), etc... Can I make jQuery add _on to the original class name using click(function(){}); ? ...

How to add a class to just upper element of trigger with Jquery?

Hello, I am working on a Jquery accordion stuff. I want to add a class to the div that contains the accordion trigger <a> tag. You can look at my code. I want to add "first" class name to just first "newsitems" class when clicked "Recession fashion in Japan Video" title. <!-- news items starts--> <div class="newsitems">...

how to loop through menu and remove class and then add class to current menu item

Hi all I have this menu structure that is used to navigate through content slider panels. <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#1" class="cross-link highlight">Bliss Fine Foods</a></li> <li><a href="#2" class="cross-link">Menus</a></li> <li><a href="#3" class="cross-link">Wines</a></li> <li><a href="#4" class="cross-l...

jQuery addClass on $.post

I am basically trying to create a small registration form. If the username is already taken, I want to add the 'red' class, if not then 'green'. The PHP here works fine, and returns either a "YES" or "NO" to determine whether it's ok. The CSS: input { border:1px solid #ccc; } .red { border:1px solid #c00; } .green { border:1px s...

jquery question - addclass to element depending on active image in rotating banner

EDIT : Per Slaks $j('#banner-content img').each(function() { var link = $j('#page-tabs li a.' + $j(this).attr('class')); if ($j(this).is(':visible')) { link.addClass('active'); } else { link.removeClass('active'); } }); ORIGINAL POST I have a banner that rotates a series of three images. The active...

Add a class depending on the attribute in jquery

Hi all, I'm trying to add a class to some input elements depending on the type, so if it's type='text' iI want to add .txt class and if it's typt='button' I want to add .btn class. I tried some stuff but so luck, it adds .text to all of them: var text_type = $('#right input').attr('type'); if(text_type=='text'){ ...

Jquery hasClass conditional not working

Hey, I have my site going here: I am trying to make it so when a navigation item is clicked, it retracts the news ticker on the right and then doesn't run any of the extracting/timer functions anymore. I got it to retract but it still extracts. How I am doing it is I am adding a "noTicker" class with the nav ...

jQuery addClass() not running before jQuery.ajax()

I'm trying to have a button that onclick will apply a class loading (sets cursor to "wait") to the body, before making a series of ajax requests. Code is: $('#addSelected').click(function(){ $('body').addClass('loading'); var products = $(':checkbox[id^=add_]:checked'); products.each(function(){ var prodID = $(thi...

jquery: addClass 1,2,3 etc. auto to a list

Hello, is it possible, to add auto numeric classes to a list by using jquery? html: <ul id="list"> <li>Element 1</li> <li>Element 2</li> <li>Element 3</li> <li>Element 4</li> <li>Element 5</li> </ul> i want to get something like this: <ul id="list"> <li class="1">Element 1</li> <li class="2">Element 2</li> <li class="3">Ele...

Jquery addClass on radio box checked.

I checked all the topics, but i simply don't know why my script does not work :( <script type="text/javascript"> $('input[name=pic]').click(function() { $(this).closest('ul').find(".green").removeClass("green"); if($(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).closest('ul').find("li").addClass('green'); } }); </scri...