
Changing browser's address bar without refreshing

I'm developing a web app. In it I have a section called categories that every time a user clicked one of the categories an update panel loads appropriate content. I want to after user clicked the category change the browser's address bar url from "" to something like "{selectedCat}" withou...

Can a child iframe onload event trigger a url updation (window.location.hash ) on the parent window(browser) and still keep back button functionality on browsers.‏

The question is on iframes/bookmarkablity and back button functionality. This issue I am facing is how to create iframes with bookmarkable url's without loosing the back button functionality.Lets say all the pages are in the same domain and the child pages inform parent of the child page load for updating the window.location.hash pro...

Hiding browser address bar without reloading

I would like dynamically (via JavaScript) hide the address bar. I realize this can be done when opening a pop-up, but in this case I don't have the luxury (the file is being opened from local disk and I don't want the address bar to show the horrible and confusing file:// etc URL). Is this possible, and if so, how? ...

IE Address bar search. I need to add a list of other results at the end of current result list.

Currently, if you type in the address bar in IE, you see a dropdown list of url search results depending on what you type. I'd like any hint, anything, about how to access the address bar object throught a BHO in C++, so that i can append url results from my bho at the end the current list. Thank you. If anyone need precisions, please as...

IE Address bar search. I need to grab what the user types to offer him added results.

Is there a way to grab (in real time, like a onKeyPressed, return what is pressed) what the user types in the address bar. Currently in IE, it offers you a matching list from history depending of what you type. I'm looking for a way to get some sort of handle to the address bar and then listen to what the user is typing. I'm doing a BHO(...

What does IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject Method do ?

I'm looking for a way to access the address bar search so that i can append some personnal url at the end of the current list, and i found 'IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject' but there is no documention linked to it. Anyone knows what this method does ? On msdn: ...

Open new popup window without address bars in firefox & IE

Hi everyone, hope someone can help. just cannot get a new window to open in Firefox without address bars. IE works fine with below code'/pageaddress.html', 'winname', directories=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0, menubar=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=no, width=400,height=350); I need to make for...

javascript in an address bar

Hi, I have a small problem. When im executing a javascript in an address bar and the function that i'm calling there returns a value. The page moves to a new page. To prevent this, i use a void(0) at the end. But once this is done, how can i capture the returned value of the function. For eg: javascript:function f(){return 'success'} ...

How to open a browser window in Java without the addressbar

Hello, Is there any way to open a new window in Java without the addressbar? I'm looking for a Java API similiar to the JavaScript where you can specify the new window "features". I know I can use Desktop.browse() or even the more adavance BrowserLauncher2, Still both APIs don't give me the option to specify any features...

How to delete IE addressbar history on Vista/Win7?

First, here is a picture of what I see I need an solution to clear addressbar dropdawn, but not using ClearMyTracksByProcess or IE dialogs. I need to delete only a specific URL and all his traces. I deleted manually all traces of that URL in: Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Te...

ASP.NET MVC Update Address Bar With Ajax Link

Hello, I'm trying to create an ajax-driven gallery where each photo in a sequence is loaded with an Ajax.Actionlink. The user can get to any given photo by passing a parameter to the action method, eg: Gallery/Index?photo=100 The problem is that when the user is cycling through photos with the Ajax.Actionlink's the URL is no longer be...

Load remote JavaScript files via the address bar

Is it possible to load remote JavaScript files from the address bar? I have been trying to put this into the address bar: javascript:src='';funcname(); I'm not using this for bad things. I'm just testing my site, that's all. If you wanted to protect your site you must learn to attack it first, right? ...

How to get text from Address Bar in Firefox extension

Hi Experts I am building a Firefox Extension. I am using XUL and Javascript to do this. I need to get the text from my Firefox browser's address bar. Please don't get confused with URL where the browser has navigated, its just the text that user enters before the page redirects. Suppose user is at or whatever p...

how to hide broweser address bar using javascript on client side using java script in onload function of body

how to hide broweser address bar using javascript on client side using java script in onload function of body ...