
Open Source Address Scrubber?

I have set of names and addresses that have been entered into and excel spreadsheet, but the problem is that the many people that entered the addresses entered them in many different non-standard formats. I want to scrub the addresses before transferring all of of them to my database. Looking around, all I really found in the way of ad...

shell script to reset Evolution passwords

I posted the following question to the Ubuntu forum and no success yet. I realize this is less of a programming issue and more of an Evolution/Ubuntu issue, but given that I want to automate the solution it seems not inappropriate to post it here... Here is the problem. I changed my Google account password recently and now Evolution (U...

PHP Mail $to multiple recipients from database table

<?php include("admin/db.php"); $recipients = "SELECT * FROM recipients ORDER BY id DESC"; $email_list = $db->query($recipients); foreach($email_list as $row) { echo $row['email'].","; } $to = "?"; ?> Above I have a comma delimitated list of emails which I need to insert into the $to variable. How do I do this? ...

strategies for finding duplicate mailing addresses

Hello, I'm trying to come up with a method of finding duplicate addresses, based on a similarity score. Consider these duplicate addresses: addr_1 = '# 3 FAIRMONT LINK SOUTH' addr_2 = '3 FAIRMONT LINK S' addr_3 = '5703 - 48TH AVE' adrr_4 = '5703- 48 AVENUE' I'm planning on applying some string transformation to make long words abbrev...

Most complete source of international address formats?

I'm looking for a source that describes the standard address format most of the world's countries. I've found sources for the more prominent Western and Asian countries, but these sources tend to peter out pretty quickly when you get away from larger/more influential countries. Ideally I'd like to see something similar this book book, ...

jquery ajax using 'addresses' to update url for bookmarking

$("document").ready(function(){ contM = $('#main-content'); contS = $('#second-content'); $(contM).hide(); $(contS).hide(); function loadURL(url) { console.log("loadURL: " + url); $.post(url,{post_loader: 1},{post_loader: 1}, function(data){ ...

jquery addresses and live method

//deep linking $.fn.ajaxAnim = function() { $(this).animW(); $(this).html('<div class="load-prog">loading...</div>'); } $("document").ready(function(){ contM = $('#main-content'); contS = $('#second-content'); $(contM).hide(); $(contM).addClass('hidden'); $(contS).hide(); $(contS).addClass('hidden'); ...

C pointers and addresses

Hi, I always thought that *&p = p = &*p in C. I tried this code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> char a[] = "programming"; char *ap = &a[4]; int main(void) { printf("%x %x %x\n", ap, &*(ap), *&(ap)); /* line 13 */ printf("%x %x %x\n\n", ap+1, &*(ap+1), *&(ap+1)); /* line 14 */ } The first printf line (line 13) gi...