Extending WCF Data Service to synthesize missing data on request

I have got a WCF Data Service based on a LINQ to SQL data provider. I am making a query "get me all the records between two dates". The problem is that I want to synthesize two extra records such that I always get records that fall on the start and end dates, plus all the ones in between which come from the database. Is there a way to...

Project setup for an ADO.NET/WCF DataService

I'd like to implement a ADO.NET/WCF DataService and I am wondering what's the best way to setup a project in VS2008 SP1 for this purpose. Currently I have an ASP.NET web application project (not of "WebSite" project type). The data access layer is an Entity model (EF version 1) with SQL Server database. I have the Entity Model in a sepa...

Why is System.Data.Services.MimeTypeAttribute now only a class level attribute?

I'm getting started with Astoria/ADO.NET Data Services/WCF Data Services. Looking through a lot of the code samples out there, it appears that the MimeType attribute used to be a method level attribute. After installing the latest update, it is now a class level attribute. If I have more than one Service Operation that I want to return ...

How to return plain XML from ADO.NET data service

Hi, I was wondering how to return plain XML from data services I have exposed an data service to different DEPARTMENTS in our company who are not so technical. The data returned is ATOM FEED which is kind a hard to read / interpret with its format, too much information is returned people from various departments would ...

Using non primitive types in ServiceOperation for WCF Data Service (3.5SP1)

Is there any way at all to create a "mock" entity type for use in a WCF Service Operation? We have some queries we do that we need to optimize by exposing as a ServiceOperation. The problem is in order to do so we would result in a very long list of primitative types... Ex SomeoneHelpMe(int time, string name, string address, string...

oData/ADO.NET Data Services using LINQ-to-SQL with a decryption layer

I have written an application using LINQ-to-SQL that submits a web form into a database. I absact the LINQ-to-SQL away using a Repository pattern. This repository has the basic methods: Get(), Save(), etc. As a development of the project, I needed to encrypt certain fields in the form. This was trivial, as I just added the encryption c...

What's the best way to validate EntityFramwork 4.0 classes?

Hi! I've done a fair amount of searching but I've yet to find an easy way to validate EntityFramework 4.0 entities passed accross the wire via WCF Data Services. Basically, I want to do something on the client like: Proxy.MyEntities entities = new Proxy.MyEntities( new Uri("http://localhost:2679/Service.svc")); ... filer using composite

Hi, I am having a problem filter a query. I have a Contact and a Tag entities, which are in many to many relationship. Actually in the database, they are 3 different tables,Contacts, Tags and ContactTag table. I would like to filter contacts using the Tag name. I was trying this filter but it did not work. http://localhost:50143/Cont...

Entity Framework and WCF Data Services : Calling business logic after persisting entity

We have an Entity Data Model which is used by a WCF Data Service that needs to run some business logic after persisting an entity to the database. In this case it needs to pass the id generated for the persisted entity to another service via a WCF web service call. The question is how do we run some business logic after saving the enti...

can I sort a deferred loading collection property on a wcf dataservice entity

I have a wcf dataservice I am calling from Silverlight and I am expanding a collection property on an entity and I want to be able to sort the items in the expanded property by specifying it in the query. Is there a way to do this? here is the expand linq : - I want the Videos collection to be sorted by a property called SortOrder on t...