guid REST URL for dataservice call?

Trying to use a guid as a resource id in a rest url but cant find any resource on how to. My best right now (not working though) is: http://localhost:49157/PhotogalleryDS.svc/gallery('1d03beb3-6d63-498b-aad7-fab0b1480996') (I've tried duouble/single quotes. And also {guid....} with braces. Still no luck. i only get: Syntax error '"' a...

Problem rolling out ADO.Net Data Service application to IIS

I am adding a ADO.Net Data Service lookup feature to an existing web page. Everything works great when running from visual studio, but when I roll it out to IIS, I get the following error: Request ErrorThe server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details. I get this even when trying to display t...

How does ADO.Net Data services support POST being something other than create?

From the documentation that I have read so far, ADO.Net data services is positioned as way of exposing a CRUD like interface to tables in a database in a RESTful way. This is great for applications that only do those four operations, but what about applications that do more? What about verbs like Print, Approve, Submit, Copy, Transfer,...

What are the alternatives to using Expand in a LINQ to Data Service Query?

I am wondering if there are any alternatives to using the Expand key word when performing an LINQ to Data Services query. The expand method does get me the data I am interested in, but it requires me to know all of the sub-objects that I am going to be working with in advance. My absolute preference would be that those sub-obje...

What is the best way to use the .SaveChanges() method in ADO.Net Data Services?

Does anyone have some good information on the usage of the .SaveChanges() method? I am experiencing a variety of issues when attempting to use the .SaveChanges() method on my data context object. I am taking data from an existing data source, creating the appropriate EntityFramework/DataService objects, populating those created objects...

In ADO.Net Data Services how do I check if an entity is already in the context?

I have an ADO.Net Data Service that I am using to do a data import. There are a number of entities that are linked to by most entities. To do that during import I create those entities first, save them and then use .SetLink(EntityImport, "NavigationProperty", CreatedEntity). Now the first issue that I ran into was that the context did...

ADO.NET Data Service -- non .NET consumers

Has anyone come across an example of a non .Net consumer of an ADO.NET Data Service? I am on the second day of looking at what Astoria is and how it can be used. I am also trying to answer why would I use this instead of a web service? After getting my examples running, I kind get the RESTful approach to getting data out the system. And...

WCF REST vs. ADO.NET Data Services

Hi there, Could someone compare and contrast on WCF Rest services vs. ADO.NET Data Services? What is the difference and when to use which? Thanks, Ray. Edit: thanks to the first answer, just to give a bit background on what I'm looking to do: I have a web app I plan to put in the cloud (someday), the DAL is built with ADO.NET Entity...

Expand all child objects by default

I know that to have my child objects expanded I can use URL query parameters like: http://localhost:18253/ScheduleServices/SchedulerService.svc/Session(1)?$expand=TimeSlot,Track But, is there an option to get all objects expanded by default (without having to use the querystring parameters?) Thanks!! ...

ADO.NET Data Services 'Astoria' and Caching

Hello all, I just started diving into ADO.NET Data Services for a project, and I quickly ran into a problem. At first I was amazed by the performance, but then I realized that the data was cached. My project relies on real-time data, and I'd love to use the ADO.NET Data Services REST query syntax (without needing to use WCF or SOAP), bu...

Can I Access an ADO .Net Data Service from Silverlight accross domain if I have a proper crossdomain.xml file in place and do not rely on the ADO .Net Silverlight Client components?

If I create an ADO .Net Data Service, can I access it from Silverlight accross domains as long as I don't use the ADO .Net Silverlight Client helpers and I have a propery crossdomain.xml file in place? (I would essentialy just get the raw xml and parse it myself) Asked another way, is it the ADO .Net Data Services Silverlight Client com...

Does LINQ Support Composable "OR Queries"?

In another posting: Does Linq-To-Sql support composable queries there was discussion on how to compose/concat where clauses dynamically. This appears to be done with an "AND" (i.e. the first where clause and the second where clause are joined by an AND). What I am wondering is if there is a way to compose Linq queries with an OR. Exam...

ADO.NET DataService: Passing parameter to [WebInvoke] Method

Consider following example : public class SomeBusinessLayerService : DataService<MyEntityContainer> { [WebInvoke] void DoSomething(string someParam) { } } I can not find example or any help on how can I pass parameter to the function! Using WebClient (or goofinfg around with fiddler) I can trigger the function call, but no matter ...

How do I configure MVC to Scaffold using dataservice??

Setting up MVC with Linq2SQL or Entity Framework's context to have scaffolding work out of the box is extremely easy. What tweaks would you make to make it work with Data Services? ...

How do I increase the size of data sent to ADO.Net Data Services?

I have a data service that takes a byte array. I then have a web page that attempts to send a file to that data service. If the file is small (say 50kb) then everything functions as expected, however if the file is large (anything over 100kb) I get a "BadRequest" error message on the save change call for the data service. Is there a w...

How to force ADO.NET Entity Framework to regenerate code?

I've run into a snag with a ADO.NET Entity Framework model and a ADO.NET Data Service that is making it available. The model and data service are compiling without any problems or warnings when they come out of source control. However when I run the service I get the following error: Unfortunately there are no server logs (that I am ...

Consume data service from a non-dotnet-3.5 client

What are my options to access a data service from a .net 2.0 client? The client application has to run on Windows 2000 so upgrading to .net 3.5 is not an option. Other than writing my own proxy against the service, any other options out there? ...

How do I use ."Include" on a Service Operation for ADO.Net Data Services

I am using ADO.Net Data Services and have a Service Operation that ends up returning the results of some linq to entities statements. As a part of those Linq statements there is a .Include("NavProp") to include a sub-object. When running this service operation it doesn't appear to return that expanded Include. Does anyone know either ...

Resource not found for segment 'Property'

When using ADO.Net Data Services client to refresh an entity by calling the LoadProperty: ctx.BeginLoadProperty(this, "Owner", (IAsyncResult ar) => ... It throws an error on the server if the property is null Error: Exception Thrown: System.Data.Services.DataServiceException: Resource not found for the segment 'Owner'. at System.D...

ADO.NET Data Services - format parameter - xml / json

Has the $format parameter been removed with the VS2008 SP1 release of ADO.NET Data Services. I try to use it and I get the error: The query parameter '$format' begins with a system-reserved '$' character but is not recognized. I think the support for the Atom stuff is very cool, but can you get "plain old xml" too? ...