How to clear changes on an ADO.NET Data Services DataServiceContext?

Astoria's DataServiceContext class doesn't have a ClearChanges() method. How do you reset the changes being tracked by the context? ...

ADO.NET Data Services: How to filter a entity based on foriegn keys?

Hi This might be a entity framework related question, anyway, here goes: Consider the following simple database schema: CREATE TABLE Supplier( SupplierId int identity(1,1) not null primary key, DisplayName nvarchar(50) ) CREATE TABLE Category( CategoryId int identity(1,1) not null primary key, DisplayName nvarchar(50)...

ADO.NET Data Services in an ASP.NET-MVC project

I'm trying to add an ADO.NET data service to a vanilla ASP.NET-MVC project. Does anyone know if these technologies are compatible? When I Ctrl+f5 the solution and visit the service URL all I get when is the very unhelpful "Request Error ... See server logs" page. Does the Development Web server even write any logs and if so where? I ...

Host ADO.NET Data Service on Cassini

We need to run ADO.NET Data services without using III. I see cassini is the right option but how to host a ADO.NET Data service in Cassini.. I couldn't find any example. ...

ADO.NET Data Services Media type requires a ';' character before a parameter definition.

I am experimenting with ADO.NET and I am seeing this error on the second attempt to browse the service: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <error xmlns=""&gt; <code /> <message xml:lang="en-US">Media type requires a ';' character before a parameter ...

What is the best way to implement REST based Web Services in .NET?

So far my options are ADO.Net data services, WCF REST Starter Kit(not sure if I can use it, as their EULA is hard to comprehend and confusing), ASP.NET MVC. There are quite a few posts, but I want to see if there are anymore frameworks that I am missing. Also please post your experiences if you already used any of the above options. Th...

Adding a property to an Entity Framework Entity from another table

I'm just starting out with the Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services and I've run into an issue that I can't seem to figure out. I have two tables, one that has user information and the other that has a created by field. Within the database, there isn't a foreign key between these tables. The user table contains an arbitrary Id, ...

Call to BeginSaveChanges doesn't update database

I'm sure I'm missing something very simple but I can't seem to discover what it is. I have a Silverlight 2.0 project and associated web site where I have added an ADO.NET Entity Data model and ADO.NET Data Service. The model contains three tables, one of which is called Volunteer. I use ctx.BeginExecute to get the data from this table t...

ASP.Net MVC with web service as model?

Does anyone have advice or tips on using a web service as the model in an ASP.Net MVC application? I haven't seen anyone writing about doing this. I'd like to build an MVC app, but not tie it to using a specific database, nor limit the database to the single MVC app. I feel a web service (RESTful, most likely ADO.Net Data Services) is th... data service advantages/disadvantages over WCF service

For me I have a WCF service which acts as DAL and does all the CRUD operations I just came to know regarding the new ADO.Net Data Service, just read somewhat but not actually sure when & where to use it? Just to add more, my new project is in ASP.Net MVC, so is it wise to use ADO.NET Data Service rather than WCF service with it which w...

ADO.NET Data Services & Oracle - RESTful WCF w/ Oracle

I'm looking into WCF and woud like to created my framework in a RESTful way. I've just started looking into ADO.NET Data Services, but it seems it only supports SQL Server, is this correct? Can you run in against Oracle? ...

ADO.NET Data Services .NET client caching

On my service, I've added the following method: protected override void OnStartProcessingRequest(ProcessRequestArgs args) { base.OnStartProcessingRequest(args); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));...

RIA Services vs ADO.NET Data Services

I'm currently in the process of creating a Silverlight 3 data driven application. To access the database, 2 common approaches are used: RIA Services and ADO.NET Data Services. Does anyone have any guidance on when/why to choose each approach? Here is what I've gathered from my research / experience. Any thoughts? ADO.NET seems to be...

Entitry Framework Add To Intersection Table

Hi Every one, I have just started jumping into EF and cant seem to do something that seems simple. Here is my question and supporting info. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appropriated. I have a user table and a group table. Between these is a UserGroups Intersection table to allow a user to belong to any number of groups. T...

Exposing enum typed properties for entity framework entities fields in ADO.NET Data Service client context

I have an entity with fields that are typed int and i want to exposed those fields as properties which get and recieve enum type values for working strongly typed. so i've created a new partial class for the entity and added the two properties. when i try to create a new instance of the TestEntity and add it to the context , and call ...

Silverlight 2: Set Timeout on ADO.NET Data Services DataServiceContext

I cannot figure out how to set a timeout on an ADO.NET data service that I am calling from a Silverlight client. I have seen blogs posts that mention a timeout property on the DataServiceContext base class. But when I try to set the Timeout property it on my D...

Why does ADO.NET Data Services use $ as query param identifier?

/Customers?$skip=30&$top=10 Is there a reason why you need '?' or '&' AND '$' to identify a query parameter? Is this a case of the implementation leaking into the interface? I dont necessarily want to expose to users the blatant fact that I'm using .NET Data Services. especially, if at a later date I want to change the implementation ...

Consuming an ADO.NET Data Service from a WIN32 Delphi application. How?

Simple. I created a LINQ-TO-SQL Entity model, created a website, added a Data Service (*.svc) to this site and made sure it works by writing a simple .NET console application. The service works fine and cannot be modified. Now I'm going to write a Delphi application (2007) for WIN32 which will have to call this data service. And while D...

ADO.NET Data Services

I'm not familiar with ADO.NET Data Services but it looks usable. All I need is a list of pro's and con's about this technique. However, to avoid any good/bad discussions, I'm rephrasing this question: What would you tell a fellow coworker/manager that this ADO.NET technique is great and needs to be implemented with the next update from ...

What problem is Microsoft trying to solve with all of these data access strategies?

There seems to be many different data access strategies coming out of Microsoft. There’s ‘classic’ ADO.NET, Linq2Sql, ADO.NET Entity Framework, ADO.NET Data Services, ADO.NET Dynamic Data. I’m sure that I’ve missed some. To me, it seems that there’s a lot of confusion surrounding where each frameworks fit into an application's architectu...