
SQL Server 2005 XML to table

I'm using classic asp and I'm passing in a varchar (ado data type) into an xml data column in a proc. The xml looks as follows: <DocumentCriteria> <Document documentGUID="{B49654E7-9AF2-4B89-AF8F-5146F7CD4911}" graderFYC="5907"> <criterion cnumber="1" rank="3"/> <criterion cnumber="3" rank="3"/> </Document> </Docume...

either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted

This error showed when I tried to select on an empty table in MS SQL Server 2005: "either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted". I have used TADOConnection and TADODataSet in Delphi 5 to connect and retrieve data from the database. Conn := TADOConnection.Create(nil); DataSet := TADODataSet.Create(nil); Conn....

Writing to a ADOStream in PHP

$this->ADOStream = new COM('ADODB.Stream'); $this->ADOStream->Mode = adModeReadWrite; $this->ADOStream->Type = adTypeBinary; $this->ADOStream->Open(); $this->ADOStream->Write($this->Value); $this->ADOStream->Position = 0; $this->Size = $this->ADOStream->Size; $this->Value is the result of $myDataFile = "c:\\temp\\test.PNG"; $...

Get ConnectionTimeout from Data Link Properties Dialog

Using the below code I open the DataLinkDialog. The type ADODB._Connection has a ConnectionTimeout property and the dialog has two spots to edit a property called Connect Timeout. But these properties don't seem to correspond to each other. No matter what I change the value on the dialog to connection.ConnectionTimeout is always 15. For ...

An efficient way to insert a single record using ADO

OK, this should be simple. I've just started using ADO in C++, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to insert a record. At the moment I'm creating a new Recordset and opening it using Open(), but it seems strange to use ADODB::adCmdTable, because it's my understanding that it does a select *. Is there a better option here? Also, i...

VBA Transactions

I'm trying to insert some data into SQL from Excel VBA. The SQL commands are built up over the course of the VBA script, and include the use of some SQL variables. I'm trying to understand how transactions work in VBA, and whether they will work with what I need to do, I have the code below that will test this, but it does not work. It ...

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors

Dim NorthWindOledbConnection As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DataSOurce=SARAN-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=ssp1;InitialCatalog=Sara" Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset() rs.Open("select * from SecUserPassword", NorthWindOledbConnection, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic) i tried to run this ab...

[SQL Server] There is already an object named '##Temp' in the database.

I have a stored procedure on SQL Server 2000. It contains: select ... into ##Temp ... ... drop table ##Temp When I run the stored procedure with ADO a second time, it prompts: There is already an object named '##Temp' in the database. Could anyone kindly tell me what's wrong? ...

Best Practice append, Insert into Table . Queries

Hi trying to acknowledge the best practice to update Insert data from A table A to Table B . I have ADOConnection1 Table Clientes and ADOConnection2 Table Q_Clientes Now i knead to update ADOConnection1 Table Clientes \Q_Clientes has the same similar to Clientes only it´s in another Locacion i can call clientes.FieldByName('Localização'...

Isolating MSSQL bcp loads into temporary table

I want to empty a temporary table, load it via bcp, and then modify its rows before moving to a production table. The commands would look something like this: truncate table temp1 bcp db.schema1.temp1 in import1.txt -h "TABLOCK" exec sp_modify_temp1_rows_move_to_production_table My question is how can I execute all this as one transa...

[ADO] Why can't I get the recordset directly from the stored procedure?

I have a SP as follows. When I execute it with ADO, the first returned recordset is closed. I have to call the NextRecordset method to get the recordset I want. Why is that? How can I avoid the trouble? Thank you. create proc GetTeamCurrentPlan @ReleaseID varchar(30) as set nocount on declare @CurrentSp smallint set @CurrentSp=...

How to connect Excel to MS SQL and get data WITH column names?

One of my users wants to get data into Excel from SQL 2008 query/stored proc. I never actually did it before. I tried a sample using ADO and got data but user reasonably asked - where are the column names? How do I connect a spreadsheet to an SQL resultset and get it with column names? ...

Issue related record set sheet in database connectivity...

Hi, Please find below the code.. Function Connect_to_db(Byval mfgprt) Dim cnn,rss Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rss = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") cnn.ConnectionString = "DSN=QTPDSN;Description=desc;UID=;PWD=;APP=QuickTest Professional;WSID=;DATABASE=;" rss = cnn.Execute (""select ...

[ADO] Can't update recordset

I don't want to update data in DB. I just want to update data in the recordset to prepare the data to use. With RS .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "execute StoredProcedure", DBCon, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing End With I was once able to call update method successfully with the code ab...

Insert Null value in ADO Recordset

Is it possible to insert a null value into a field using the AddNew method of an ADO Recordset in VB6? In a typcial INSERT query, you would simply use NULL; however, I've discovered that this doesn't work through ADO; it inserts "NULL" instead. Is there another way to insert a null value when adding a new record? ...

Creating Batch update in Classic ASP and ADO

I have an ASP form that brings in a number of records that I want to modify and then update. Currently, the updates take place as one-at-a-time update through DLL's that simply build a SQL statement and call the database for each record. Now, I need to place a check in the SQL to make sure that I'm not getting rid of the last type of l...

How to create reports in Access via ADO When data is in SQL Server?

I have an Access 2003 project in which all data is stored in SQL Server 2008. I am using ADO to view/update data via forms that are completely unbound. For example, a form has several textboxes and combo boxes on it. When the form is loaded I use ADO to make a call to a stored procedure on SQL SQL, it returns a recordset and I populate t...

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Error

I'm referencing the following dll in a VB6 dll I'm creating: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library After making the VB6 dll, it works fine, but on other people's computers, the following error pops up: Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object I'm pretty sure this is related to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objec...

Cannot create ADODB.Connection with complicated programming chain

Ok so this is a really complicated problem, I will try my best to explain. We have a c++ application which communicates with Sql Connection like so: CoCreateInstance(_T("ADODB.Connection")) This works fine. We recently made all of our backend code into a Com Object. If I write a Vb program to load our Com Object and do some database...

ADO Connection to Firebird stays connected.

Hi I've noticed that ADO Connections to our FireBird 2.1 Server stays open. The connections are initiated from an Intraweb Application in the UserSession Unit. I use ADOConnection.Connected := False; but that does not seem to close the connection. I've also tried ADOConnection.Close;. Is there a way to ensure that an ADO Connection i...