
Delphi: Do I need to deploy BDE with DBChart?

Hi, My application uses TDbChart and ADO. I was wondering, for deployment, do I need to include BDE files too? Do you know other charting tools that can be used with ADO (freeware preferably)? I just need simple charting tool. TDbChart is a good one, but if I need to deploy BDE files too, I think it's becoming too bulky and complicated...

Delphi Open save to XML using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 (.mdb)

I have a application with working in access (.mdb) my connection is made using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 and i nead to export a MasterTable and detailtables (1,2,3) to XML is it possible? If it´s possible can i somewhere else (send by email) Open and update or insert into the database? the tables are the same only we are somewhere where i...

Problem with using transaction in delphi when calling to MS SQL SERVER 2008 R2 ?

I need to call some Stored Procedures from Delphi and because they are related I have to use transactions. But It always returns an error when called : 'Transaction cannot have multiple recordsets with this cursor type. Change the cursor type ,commit the transaction, or close one of the recordsets.' And this error only occurs for...

Need simple example to use TAdoConnection to connect to MySql default databasse

Final answer: This was not a Delphi problem, just configuration. I use Xampp to provide the MySql server. C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql.exe --version mysql.exe Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.41, for Win32 (ia32) so, the correct connection string is 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=mysql;User=root; Password=;Option=3...

ADO OleDB Visual Foxpro

Hi. Specific question: Does VARCHARMAPPING=True work on Ado OleDB connections for Visual FoxPro? and if so how should the connectionstring look like? We're developing a Delphi application that uses parts of an old visual foxpro database as a base. This morning I had a working connection to the database that for all intents and purposes...

How to check if stored procedure returned a field

I'm using some asp net stored procedures and I do not want edit them. The trouble is when ThisProcedure returns no Field I need. Query->FieldByName("RoleName") // delphi : Query.FieldByName("RoleName") (for TAG %D) and sometimes it works, sometimes I've got error : CommandText does not return a return set I can't avoid it using try c...

Oracle connections exhausted by IIS

Our Oracle (9i) DBA called me to report that my IIS (v6) web server has exhausted the available connections. I created a test page (Classic ASP) that basically creates ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Recordset objects, connects to a database, opens a basic recordset, loops through it, closes the recordset and connection and sets the objects...

Issue with ftCurrency fields with ADODatasets

Hello I have an accuracy problem with a reporting tool that I'm using. The issue is that it is reading in data from a TADODataset on the fly but converting the ftBCD fields into doubles. This causes rounding errors when performing operations at the reporting level (sums, etc). I'd like to specify my currency fields as ftCurrency, not ...

ADO error 'Operation cancelled' in Delphi

I have the following code for executing a sql stored procedure that returns multiple resultsets, then reads this result from stream. For background info: it returns xml blocks as strings and then transforms it into complete xml. It has worked well over a year but now i have a case that results in error message: Operation cancelled. Debug...

Debugging "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors."

This is kinda a general question, looking for as much info as possible. I have code which generates this error (the define is DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED), and I'm looking for the best methods to debug it (eg: figure out what the particular errors were). I'm aware that there are some other SO questions related this this error (eg: here, here, he...

Utilize ADO.NET within Classic ASP script

I'm writing some simple queries which return a single value and I'd like to get the ADO.NET ExecuteScalar method's behavior from Classic ASP's ADO libary. However, I'd prefer to not re-invent the wheel. Is it possible to instantiate ADO.NET's Command object within classic ASP? If so, how would I go about doing that? If I do need to re-i...

Error on Recordset update after addnew saying a column cannot be null even with a default set to empty string

I've got a program that i've been supporting that recently was installed on a windows 7 machine. Everything has been working however recently this machine has started Receiving the following error when using the recordset.update method after modifying fields i've received the following error. -2147467259 ([MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][...

View exact query executed in ASP page

I've got stored procedures in my ASP code and I'd like to see the full command text (not just the (?,?,?,?) that will execute so I don't have to open up SQL Profiler. Code is as follows: sSQL="myProc" Set dbCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set dbCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn dbCommand.CommandType = adCmdStored...

how do i retrieve data from SQLite to VB6??

i am using SQLite3 ODBC Driver as my connection string, Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Set conn = New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Set conn = New ADODB.Connection conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=test.db;LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;" conn.Open rs.Open "sele...

TADOQuery UpdateBatch CancelBatch similarity in C#.NET/ADO.NET

ON a form with a Grid I want to allow users to edit data but not actually post to the database until the press the save button and if they press the cancel button I want for all changes made in the Grid to the data to be undone if possible. Donnelly ...

Issue with OleDbConnection.Open when Running as a Service

We have an Nant build script that we are running through SSH (Cygwin & Open SSH) to remotely upgrade our databases. When the Nant script is launched through an SSH session, the following error is thrown when it attempts to make a database connection. However, if I log in to the server directly (using the same account as the service) an...

ADO and exception handling

I have the following function that was written by someone else, however I am rewriting this application and I was just wondering if there isn't any better way to do exception handling, besides just returning what was originally passed to the function? CComVariant GetFldVar(ADO_RsPtr rs, long nIndex, CComVariant def) { try { ... combine two rows into 1.

I'm working on a project that will combine a couple of sharepoint listitemcollections. It's basically to bring together three sharepoint lists. I've already gotten my three sharepoint queries to return my proper results and im using the .GetDataTable() method to generate my objects for LINQ joins. Below is my code. I may be approachi...

files needed for deploying delphi 2010 with ms access 2007 and ado for database connection

dear all delphi programmer, i'm building database application with delphi 2010 in which the database i used is ms access 2007 and ado as the connection.... then, i used installshield express from delphi 7 to do the deployment.... i open the setup file in my computer and there is no problem with it..but when i open the setup file in cli...

How to open SQL Compact database read only

There is a SQL Compact v3.1 database that I want to quickly read. I'm doing this in python so I don't have access to managed code. I've noticed that if I use adodbapi the database file actually gets modified just by opening it. And sadly when I add 'File mode=Read Only' to the connection string I get a weird error. Here is the code I...