
Building Cross Platform app - recommendation

Hi, I need to build a fairly simple app but it needs to work on both PC and Mac. It also needs to be redistributable on a disc or usb drive as a standalone desktop app. Initially I thought AIR would be perfect for this (it ticks all the API requirements), but the difficulty is making it distributable, as the app would require the AIR ...

How to open a folder using 'openWithDefaultApplication' in Adobe Air 2.0?

How would I create a button that links to an external folder using the openWithDefaultApplication class? I'm new to Adobe Air and developing using Dreamweaver (JS and HTML). Thanks in advance! ...

how to save a sound object to local file for play later in adobe air ?

in my application , I want to download a mp3 file for remote server ,then play it . now I'd like to save the sound to local , for play it from the file later , just like a cache . I've tried to extract the raw data to a file when the sound object load complete , sound.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, function(event){ var cacheFileS...

Are HTML-based AIR apps equally fast/powerful v. Flex AIR, or just a "lesser" sibling?

I've got a HTML/JS (YUI framework) photo-organizer that needs access to the local FS. Should I move HTML/JS to AIR, or bite the bullet and "port" it to Flex AIR? I know what the marketing says, but I want the real answer -- what an I "giving up" by going HTML/JS AIR? I'd like to get some feedback from people with deep experience buildi...

AIR: Should I use a Sandbox Bridge to provide access to local FS for HTML-based AIR app?

I've got a HTML/JS (YUI 2/3 framework) photo-organizer, and I want to get access to the local FS to organize desktop photos. Searching for the best approach to deal with security/sandbox issues and also maximize HTML/JS code reuse. Some key issues to consider: HTML/JS codebase still lives on for web-only content, ideally I could load ...

AIR: Does YUI3 work in the AIR application sandbox?

This page only lists YUI 2.5.1. Is it outdated? I know it works fine in a remote sandbox. ...

Accessing other windows in Air

Hi, Is there a way to access other active windows in AIR? I want to make an AIR app that look into the active application text and look for a specific pattern and make a transparent window into that text position to create a button. Its a bit like the skype plug-in in Mozilla ... It replaces the telephone number with a button to launch ...

Loading Facebook ActionScript library in an HTML Adobe AIR app

I'm writing an Adobe AIR app using plain HTML which needs to upload photos to Facebook. I don't think Facebook's JavaScript/Connect library includes photo uploading functionality, but their ActionScript library does. However, I'm having trouble loading the ActionScript library into the HTML page. Adobe's documentation describes the proc...

Adobe AIR: how to play and download an audio file synchronously?

in adobe air , I can play a mp3 file from the web , and download the file to a custom file system before or after too . but in this way I have to download the file twice factly. So, how to save the file to a custom location when the sound is playing , and using the same download file stream for not waste any bits? ...

Flex 3.5 and Air 2.0 beta 2: Opening a *.cmd file

Hi: Using Adobe Air 2.0 beta 2 I want to open a cmd file when the user clicks on a button, but I get "Error #3001: File or directory access denied". the code: <mx:Button width="200" height="50" click="OpenFileHandler()"/> <mx:Script> private function OpenFileHandler():void { var file:File = new File("C:\\OpenIE.cmd"); file.ope...

Does Adobe Air support KEEP ALIVEs / persistent HTTP connections

As far as I can tell Adobe Air does not support persistent HTTP connections via KEEP ALIVEs. Does anyone know any different? Thanks ...

AIR: Can I use remote JS files in a local sandbox?

I need a local sandbox to load IMG content using "file:/" scheme. I want to reuse JS classes from my web-based app. Q: Is it possible to download remote JS files and load into an AIR app running in a local sandbox? NOTE: I'm not talking about a sandbox bridge here, I'll use that to manage local FS access. But here, I'm just talking ab...

Installing jQuery API Browser AIR

Can someone tell me how to install this? I go here: and click the INSTALL NOW button. After that it says "Download and open the AIR file to begin the Installation". I have AIR installed but can't figure out where the file is for the API Browser. I'm definitely missing something obvious... ...

extract and display contents of zip file in Adobe AIR.

I have a requiremnt where my Air application loads ZIP files instead of swf. The zip contains all swf ,images and other files. My requirement is when user browses for file in a browse dialog, user selects a zip file and the contents of this zip file should be displayed to the user. i found examples to extract zip files, but i want to k...

Determining when Video has ended in Adobe Flex using Events

Hi everyone, I'm new to Flex, Flash, and ActionScript. I'm attempting to create a video player that starts another video when the previous video ends. I thought there might be an event that is thrown when the video finishes playing, but I have not been able to find it. VideoEvent.COMPLETE is when the video is completely downloaded, n...

How to display an alert when there is no available update (using Adobe Air update framework)

Hi all, I'm using Adobe Air update framework to implement auto-update feature in my application. The feature is working great when there is an available update, but when there is no updates no notification/alert is displayed. is there a way to display an alert when there is no update available ? thanks ...

Flash in Python

I was exploring possibilities of Rich Internet applications using Python. The most awesome possibility I found was of programming in IronPython and running it as a Silverlight. Is there something similar available for Adobe AIR? I.e. programing in Python and run in Adobe AIR (Flash, that is). ...

Adobe AIR 512x512 Icons?

correct me if i'm wrong, but Adobe AIR currently only allows applications to have maximum size icon of 256x256. is there a way to supply an application with a 512x512 icon? will 512x512 icons be supported in the new upcoming Adobe AIR 2? update: AIR 2 still doesn't support importing 512x512 sized icons. ...

Is it possible to profile CPU / memory inside an Adobe AIR application?

Couldn`t find any ActionScript native APIs even in the beta documentation, am I right supposing that this means the only way to measure CPU / memory consumption is by cooking up a custom native solution, hooking it up with AIR and making it work on each targeted platform? Basically the aim is to be able to have this information availabl...

Actionscript base class in Flex AIR app

I'm trying to build a Flex AIR app using Flex Builder 3, which I'm just getting started with. In Flash CS4, there's a text field in the authoring environment where you can specify a class that will become the "base" class - your class inherits from Sprite and then "becomes" the Stage at runtime. Is there a a way to do the same thing wit...