
Why does writeUTFBytes mess up non-english characters?

I'm writing all sorts of multi lingual text to .txt files using AIR's fileStream.writeUTFBytes() For english characters everything works perfectly. But as soon as there are chinese, arabic or any other non-english characters the sentences are totally messed up. For example: 对着大叔摄影师的确没爱.... becomes ÂØπÁùħßÂèîÊëÑÂΩ±Â∏àÁöÑÁ°ÆÊ≤°Áà...

Changing middle mouse behavior in Adobe AIR HTML Control?

I'm using the Flex 4/Adobe AIR mx:HTML control in a project and I'm trying to figure out how to change the middle mouse behavior. For some reason the control treats middle mouse clicks and drags exactly the same as left mouse clicks and drags, navigating through links and selecting text -- everything. For my project I need to use the m...

AIR - Making use of air.swf file in an internal network

Hello StackOverflow community, The air.swf file referenced here: used to launch AIR applications from Flex applications requires the use of an air.swf file located here: We have tried to download this SW...

Is it possible to open a URL in an external browser from within HTML component?

I'm loading a webpage inside a HTML component in AIR. By default, when something is clicked the next page is loaded inside the HTML component itself. I want the links from that page to open in an external web browser. Is this possible at all? ...

Adobe AIR - Write a file and specify as read-only

Hey Stack Overflow community, Another Adobe AIR question for you: Can we write files to the file system and leave them as read-only in Adobe AIR? In the future, we would overwrite these files (or delete them and write a new one). Thanks, Mauricio Update: I tried the following approach, but I was still able to open the file, edit,...

What is responsible for caching the HTTP requests sent via AIR desktop application?

When dealing with a flash application that will run in a browser, it's obvious that the browser will cache some of the HTTP requests. But when dealing with a desktop AIR application, what's caching them? Is it the OS, or the AIR container? Reason I'm asking is that I've recently dealt with a really ugly and time consuming memory leak th...

Adobe Air - Read information from LDAP server

Hi, I have an AIR application and would like to connect to an LDAP server to obtain some information for a particular user. The url is something like ldap://ldapservername:389/ I would like to pass the userid/Name as the parameter and hope to retrieve the Full Name, Email address etc. Can you please provide suggestions regarding impl...

Adobe AIR - SharePoint Authentication using Kerberos

Hello StackOverflow Community, Can Adobe AIR use Integrated Windows Authentication (Kerberos) to authenticate from a user’s work station to SharePoint? Thanks, Mauricio ...

AlivePDF generate pdf with grid, text not showing

Adding text to a grid in flex adding the grid to a pdf with some other elements on there as well. text is not showing up in some cases. I've tested myself silly on the computers i own but there doesnt seem to be a problem. However, the person i made this for keeps saying text doesnt show up. I've seen the results of his instance of thi...

Run AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) without a GUI for continuous build

Is it possible to run the ADL without a GUI so that I can run FlexUnit tests during a nightly build? Right now, when I execute our test runner on our server (Ubuntu 9.04) it fails with the output: "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:". Many thanks for any suggestions! ...

How To Protect Sensitive Keys in Adobe Air Apps?

What are the best practices for delivering an Adobe Air app that needs a private key in order to communicate with some online API? Adobe Air apps seem like they are delivered to the user with full source code, so storing any keys within the source would be a really bad idea. I've read some suggestions saying to download the key from you...

AIR File.resolvePath doesn't work anymore

Hi all, I'm having a very strange issue, it looks like my application can't create file anymore. It works w/ directories, but the so-many-times-used resolvePath() methods doesn't. Here is what I do : var databaseFileContent : File = new File(File.desktopDirectory.nativePath + "/testing"); databaseFileContent.createDirectory(); databa...

Is it possible to bypass the cross-domain.xml requirement for an Adobe AIR application built with Flex?

Is it possible for an Adobe AIR application to connect to a remove webservice that does not expose a cross-domain.xml file? If so, how do you configure the security sandbox within Air to allow this? I have attempted a socket connection and received the following error: securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityErro...

How to run an external SWF inside a Flex Application?

EDIT: Due to the answer I change the code posted. I've added the Security.allowDomain("*") line and that line throws me an error. So, how can that be made? I want to run an Action Script 3.0 Application into a Flex Application. To do this I've done the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:WindowedApplication windowComp...

Streaming encoded video in Adobe AIR Application

Hi, I am developing a desktop application in Adobe AIR that will be used to stream the user's camera video to a wowza media server. I want to encode the video on the fly, means transmit the H.264 encoded video instead of the default flash player encoded video for quality purpose. Is there any way around for this? Waiting for the help...

server side Adobe AIR apps

This might sound like a really stupid question, but is there anyway to run an Adobe AIR application in a headless server side mode on a non-UI server (i.e. Linux)? I'm trying to build server side bots to interact with an API ( and I want to use existing code to do that without having to re-write all the data munging et...

Accessing contents of NativeWindow in a HTML AIR application?

I'm currently building a HTML/JS AIR application. The application needs to display to the user a different 'window' - dependant on whether this is the first time they've launched the application or not. This part is actually fine and I have the code below to do that: if(!startUp()) { // this simply returns a boolean from a local prefere...

Flex AS3: ProgressBar doesn't move

Hey All, I am a little stuck and need some advice/help. I have a progress bar: <mx:ProgressBar id="appProgress" mode="manual" width="300" label="{appProgressMsg}" minimum="0" maximum="100"/> I have two listener functions, one sets the progress, and one sets the appProgressMsg: public function incProgress(e:TEvent):void { var p...

Run Windows XP on a usb drive virtually on Windows XP?

I am sick of not being able to run and install certain applications on my work computer due to admin restrictions (eg: Adobe AIR) . I have heard of smaller versions of Windows running on a usb thumb drive and have looked into it but can't find anything on running windows virtually from a usb drive. I would like to be able to login to th...

In Adobe Air, how do I pull an image from a sqlite database that was created with .net?

We have the need to create a sqlite database that contains images. The database is created using .net. After the db is created we need to use an air application to pull the images from the sqlite db created with c#. The database is created fine and Air can read all but the BLOB field which contains a bytearray created from an image in .n...