
Interactive charts/graphs in PDF file

I want to add an interactive graph/chart in pdf file with a slider or links. So whenever user click on a link or change the value of slider then graph regenerate according to this. There is no dynamic data (no need to get data from database or xml etc). Any advice? ...

How to unpack, update and repack Adobe air file?

I need to unpack air file, update it and repack it. Can anybody please help me in this regard? In java, for jar file we can use winrar utlity for this kind. Please suggest how can we do for air.Is there any utility for adobe air. I tried with winzip/winrar. I changed its extension to .zip file and opened it in winzip and winrar. When I...

Preventing Caching of swf files in Adobe AIR

Hi, I'm trying to prevent caching of swf files in Adobe AIR application. The situation is like this, I've my AIR application running and i'm dragging and dropping swf files from external (flex builder) onto AIR application. The swf files are loading. But if i recompile the swf files with some changes and drop the swf file onto already ...

Adobe Air upload progress without FileReference

I'm deploying a small application with Adobe Air. My application will do batch upload from filepath which stored in a text file. For example, in a text file name "list.txt", there is a string "C:\myfiles\IMG_0001.JPG". Now I want to upload this image file, keep tracking of upload progress :-< I want to use FileReference to get the upload...

How to handle events within the accordian control in flex

Inside of accordion panel, we have some containers like canvas,vbox etc. within that containers have some components like button,link button etc. How to raise events for button and link buttons using addeventListener ` <mx:Accordion width="100%" height="100%" id="crmEntities" > <mx:Canvas id="CompanyView" label="Company" width="...

How do I use ANT to produce a .air file?

This is a sample from my build.xml <mxmlc file="${SRC_DIR}/Main.mxml" output="${DEPLOY_DIR}/@{market}.air" locale="@{locale}" debug="false" optimize="true"> <arg value="+configname=air"/> <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/> <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/li...

Flex AIR play AAC audio file from local disk

Hi All, I would like to play AAC audio format file from local disk. I got example to play through netstreaming but I need to play it from local disk. I got an example to play mp3 file from local disk using Sound class. For reference: ...

How to make an Adobe Air App connect to a webservice and update it content when connected

I'm building an air app (A screensaver). What I want to do is to let the app check a webservice (preferably PHP, java axis2 would also help) for images and text content etc. I may even do some DOM restructuring (using jQuery). Any suggestions and pointers would be welcome. Of Course code snippets would be appreciated :-) thanx Pk Anane ...

How to check if a SWF is running as an AIR app?

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way for a SWF to check at runtime whether it is running as an online SWF or an AIR app? I need to use the same SWF to run both online and locally, however when running as an AIR app, external assets are located in a different directory. I'd like to check whether a SWF is local or online so I can change th...

Flex/AIR toaster message notification

Hi All, I need a message notifier when the application is running in the system tray. Like I have set a reminder for 4:00 PM & my application is minimized to system tray. Now at 4:00 PM a notification window should pop up like gtalk incoming message. My notification windows is flex custom component. Thanks in advance ...

Problem loading external files in online and AIR versions of Flex application

I have an application which I build two versions of. One for the web and one an AIR app for the desktop (they share most of the same code). Part of the functionality of the app is to load external SWF files created by other users. Some of these SWF files load external FLV files progressively. On the web this works fine. However, the...

Adobe AIR application as a http server?

Is there any way to use an Adobe AIR application as a local http server? i.e. Adobe AIR application listening to http://localhost:8020 and I'm able to use a browser to access the application? If I can, is it true or pseudo multithreading? Is there any library or code that I can look for? ...

Resize movieclip in AIR, when resizing window?

Hello I need to make a resizable window. Here is my code: stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; resize_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, moveWindow); function moveWindow(event:MouseEvent):void { var corner:String; corner = NativeWindowResize.BOTTOM_RIGHT; stage.nativeWindow.startResize(corner); } It is mean...

Stick element to bottom-right corner (AS3 - Adobe AIR)?

Hello I'm creating a simple AIR app with resize-functionality. Of course i need to position a resize-arrow to the bottom-right corner. Here's my code: stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, handleResize); function handleResize(e:Event):void{ resize_btn.y = stage.stageHeight-resize_btn.height; } This doesn't work, my button gets out...

Adobe Air Debugger not visible

Have a little conundrum, when I debug my air app. It goes through the build process and seemingly launches. I can see the process in windows task manager, but can not see the actual application. Kind of strange I know. If anyone has had the same problem and can offer a shortcut to success, I'd much appreciate a pointer. Thanks ...

TestComplete and Adobe Air

Does anyone know if TestComplete can be used with Adobe Air applications? ...

how to load external xml using air application for flash programmer ?

hi, i have faced this problem couple of days ago, while trying to import an external xml file into an AIR application. import; var ldr:Loader = new Loader(); var url:String = ""; var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); ldr.load(urlReq); ldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE , f...

encrypting assets (video files) in Adobe AIR

Hi I am trying to create a video player in Adobe AIR. I want to encrypt the video files so that they are not sharable outside the player. I don't want to jump through hoops to create a rock-solid system but something simple that just prevents 90-95% of the users from sharing the content. I have been through a related question on SO at ...

Flex/AIR Encryption/Decryption library (alternative to as3crypto)

Hey stackoverflow community, I was wondering if anyone knew of any built-in Flex libraries that support encryption/decryption. I see that most people recommend AS3Crypto, are there other alternatives? In particular, looking for one that supports DES encryption. Thanks! ...

Security behaviour in Adobe Air

Hi everyone! I am trying to load external SWFs in my Adobe AIR App. The loaded SWF is trying to access an URL to retrieve some informations via XML. When starting the SWF by itself it works fine. When loading the SWF from the File.applicationStorageDirectory i will get an Security-Error because the loaded App is executed in a local-with...