
AIR GUI testing

What do you guys recommend for AIR GUI testing? ...

Making Flex HTML Control UnSelectable

I am displaying some HTML text in an Adobe AIR Application that I do not want the user to be able to cut and paste. How do I make the HTML control disallow highlighting of the HTML without disabling the ScrollBars. mouseChildren=false works but disables the scrollbars which is unacceptable. Right now I have: <mx:HTML location...

sorting advance datagrid columns in flex

For example : Having four columns in advance datagrid like company,contact_person,product and date. In this, first i want to sort by product followed by company and followed by date. how can i do it in Advance datagrid. Anybody knows please reply me asap. Advance thanks to u. ...

Adobe AIR: problem with OpenID / rpxnow logins

Does Adobe Air work with OpenID/rpxnow? I'm having a developer build me an AIR app to work with my website so I can have access to desktop photos. However, my site uses OpenID logins via the implementation. Works fine in the web version, but my developer has told me that he cannot do rpxnow/openid logins from the AIR app be...

Adobe AIR - Options to open folder in Windows Explorer

Hello StackOverflow community, Is there any way to open a folder in Windows Explorer from Adobe AIR? It looks like these APIs won't be added until AIR 2.0, but until then are there any workarounds that can be used to enable this feature? Thanks, Mauricio ...

Using Fzip lib under Adobe Air App

I'm currently working on a project for Adobe Air (1.5.3) and I need to unzip a file, copy some of its contents to another file. Then I saw people talking about the Fzip ( lib. The problem is that I don't know how to "import" or use this library with Javascript and Adobe Air, since Javascript doesn't have...

Adobe AIR applications slow response after idle time

Hello! I spent hundreds of ours developing an Adobe AIR Application with Flex 4.0 and now I thought I should have finished, but after letting the application run for more than a few hours the UI-responsiveness begins to lack... What I do: My application uses custom chromes by setting backgroundImages with transparency to BorderContaine...

How to insert a script into html pages before they will render? (Adobe Air 2)

So I have a simple HTML pages browser in air (using Default one) I give it a link it renders out Page I use code like this (Flash builder) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xml...

Loading external Swf - sandbox violation

Hello Mates , I need a help ... an urgent one !!! i tried so hard to figured it out .. but i couldn't .. so I appreciate your help so much .. I'm developing an Air App using flash ... the app loads an external SWF file dynamically through an xml ... the SWF file has a movieclip that has a listener (ON click ) function mouseDownHandler...

How to get a File Explorer/Navigator to work in Adobe AIR applications?

Hi, I realize this is probably a simple question but my google-fu is failing me. I would like to get a windows explorer like file browser to popup when I click a button to select images to upload to my AIR application. However I cannot find a component that handles File exploring. Does anyone know what to use? Thanks! ...

not show air application content

Hello, I am doing my first AIR Application, I have Air correctly installed, I create the certificate correctly and when I create the myApp.air and then I install it, this only show me a white stage, Someone knows what I'm doing bad? Thank you everyone Pimager ...

[Adobe Air] Can I catch a mouseUp event of an mx:Window that did not fire hte mouseDown?

Hi, In an AIR application, I have one mx:TileList with several images. What I need to do is let the user drag and drop one of the images on the desktop, giving a feeling of a desktop widget. Firstly I tried to implement this using dragStart etc, but in the end I think it is easier to handle mouseDown and mouseUp on the TileList. In gen...

Using yfrog's uploadAndPost with Actionscript/Adobe AIR

I am trying to upload a photo from an Adobe AIR application to yfrog's api, I have the following code: public function upload(file:File, msg:String, username:String, password:String):void { var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); vars["username"] = username; ...

What tools do I need to write Adobe AIR applications?

I cannot afford the Creative Suite or Flex Builder but I would like to develop a commercial Flex/ActionScript AIR application. Is this a viable goal and are there robust tools out there that don't cost a small fortune? Have others done this? What am I missing out on without Adobe's pricey software? ...

Possible to embed an Adobe Air application on a website?

I have an Adobe Air application that I'd like to embed on a website, is there anyway at all of doing this? I currently have it as a downloadable file, but it is part of my brief that it be embeddable. Thanks ...

Decompile Adobe Air application to get a swf from it?

It is possible to decompile an Adobe Air application to extract a SWF from it? ...

Is it possible to determine if Adobe AIR app is running from browser?

Is it possible to determine if Adobe AIR app is running from browser? So I want to check if app is on, how to do such thing? ...

Integrating virtual keyboard on a HP TouchSmart with an Adobe AIR app

Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to integrate the ToushSmart's virtual keyboard with an Adobe AIR application? In most programs (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc), when a user touches a text field a little keyboard icon automatically pops up which, when pressed, will bring up the virtual keyboard. However, this doesn't happen when ...

Problem with Juggernaut and transparent wmode in Adobe AIR

Hi, I am trying to use juggernaut in Adobe AIR application, however the big issue with this is that the juggernaut flash file should have wmode parameter set to 'transparent'. This is a bit of a problem for juggernaut because it seems that it doesn't work with that parameter included. The interesting part is that it is working under Lin...

Where does the Adobe AIR Browser store it's cache?

When you create a AIR app with an embedded web browser, where does it store it's cache? How can I clear this cache? ...