
drag-and-drop problem in a Tilelist using an ItemRenderer

Hello, in my flex application, I created a Tilelist. In this Tilelist, I am using an ItemRenderer to create a box consisting of an image and an VSlider in each tile. The tile need to be dragable when you click on the image, but not dragable when you slide the slider. How can I achieve this ? I have been scratching my head searching on...

Flash / TileList component

Hi! I have a problem and I hope that someone can help me I hava Flash project with TileList in it I need to change background of some items (not all) in this TileList to red and some to blue Do you know how to do this? Thanks ...

How can I load images as icons dynamically into a TileList using flex?

Ok, so I have a custom render that I have created: <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" width="100" height="100"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] private var fileLabel:String; [Bindable] private var fileIcon:Class; override publi...

Reordering of item in TileList with dataChangeEffect does not work as expected.

I currently have a TileList with a custom itemRenderer based on a VBox. I have bound the DefaultTileListEffect to the itemChangeEffect property on my TileList. However, I've run into a weird problem when I drag an item to a new location in the TileList. When going through the sequence of events (in this case, FadeOut, Move, FadeIn) th...

Flex 3 TileList Drag/Drop/Re-order Exception. How do I rearrange tiles?

Hi all. I’m in need of some dire help here. I'm writing an application in Flex 3 that utilizes a TileList with a custom itemRenderer to display info from a service. Unfortunately, I'm running into an exception with the drag/drop/rearrange portion of the TileList. With dragEnabled and dragMoveEnabled, I receive a fully-reproducible ex...

Flex TileGrid: Why do you default to copying when I drag and drop your items?

Why is it that, when I enable dragging-and-dropping in a TitleGrid, items are copied when they are dragged instead of moved? For example: <mx:TileList dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Array> <mx:Object label="Nokia 6630"/> <mx:Object label="Nokia 6680"/> </mx:Array...

Getting Flex TileList image source

I have a TileList that's loaded with data from Flickr. The tilelist uses an imageRenderer to make a bunch of thumbnails. I'm trying to create a custom drag and drop function, but I want to get the image source of the tilelist mouseEvent target. Here's what the code looks like for the drag handler: public function onPicMouseDown(e:Mou...

Flex: referencing all data in TileList

I have 2 TileList component in my Flex application. 1 tilelist is filled with data much like following xml sample: <person name="Test"> <likes>Flex</likes> <likes>PHP</likes> </person> <person name="test2"> <likes>HTML</likes> <likes>CSS</likes> </person> the data shown in that tilelist is the name. my second tilelist: <items> <pr...

Flex TileList start offset and click handler

Hello! I have some images I would like to display in TileList in Flex. My TileList dimensions are 2 columns by n rows. What I want to do is to display the first item (row 1, column 1) empty and not clickable, and to start displaying my items from row 1, column 2. Is that possible? I also wonder when I create click event for the same Til...

Flex: image switching place in tilelist

I'm running into an odd issue with itemRenderers inside a TileList. Here is a working example without an itemRenderer: 152.org/flex/ Here is the broken version with an itemRenderer: 152.org/brokenExample/ (I don't have the rep to make both of these a link) Both examples have "View Source" enabled. To see the problem use the broken ex...

How to use flex tilelist data effects combined with a ListCollectionView dataprovider

I am using a TileList control with an effect sequence linked to the itemsChangeEffect property. <mx:TileList itemsChangeEffect="{dataChangeEffectSequence}" ...> </mx:TileList > <mx:Sequence id="dataChangeEffectSequence"> <mx:Blur blurYTo="12" blurXTo="12" duration="250" perElementOffset="150" filt...

Flex TileList control, image loading issue

I have a flex 3 TileList in wich a load several image (employee's headshot pictures). The image I'm loading in the TileList are stored in a DataBase (I use the ByteArray class and a Base 64 encoding to store the images in the DB). When I load the images in the TileList from the DB, there is no problem they are displayed correctly, but ...

Accessing the itemRenderer of a selected item

Hi, I have a TileList with thumbnail images. Under each thumbnail images I display the name of the image. I want to build rename functionality. So under the TileList is a "Rename selected image" button. When this button is clicked, I would like to change the state of the itemRenderer component. The label underneath the image will cha...

Flex Tree leaf-element highlighting while drag&drop

Hi, i have TileList from which i'm dragging some stuff(image) to Tree (something like dragging sounds into playlist in iTunes), but when i can drop this stuff, i see only underline, this mean i can drop it only under or above some leaf-element in that Tree. How can i force it to hide this black underline and highlight leaf-element to whi...

External data in TileList Flex

I'm working for the first time with a TileList and an itemRenderer and I'm having a bit of trouble getting the information from my array collection to display and looking for some advice. Here's what I've got private function loadData():void{ var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement(); stmt.sqlConnection = sqlCon...

Flex TileList with associative array

I have an associative array that I want to display using TileList. However, it doesn't understand what is being fed to it. All I got is [object] in the TileList. [bindable] public var people as array = new array(); private function loadArray():void{ people = decoded JSON array showPeople.dataProvider = people;} <mx:Tilelist id="show...

[Adobe Air] Can I catch a mouseUp event of an mx:Window that did not fire hte mouseDown?

Hi, In an AIR application, I have one mx:TileList with several images. What I need to do is let the user drag and drop one of the images on the desktop, giving a feeling of a desktop widget. Firstly I tried to implement this using dragStart etc, but in the end I think it is easier to handle mouseDown and mouseUp on the TileList. In gen...

How can I sort a Flash Actionscript 3 Tilelist based on columns and not rows?

Hi all - I have a Flash Tilelist component (not flex) and have set it up so that 4 rows of 3 tiles each are visible before scrolling. I should note that I'm using a horizontal layout because I need a horizontal scrollbar. I realize using a vertical layout would sort the way I want but gives a vertical scrollbar. The problem I'm encount...

Flex: Rendering a bound TileList - when does it finish rendering?

Hi, I have an mx:TileList which is bound to an ArrayCollection. I have some code that displays a "Loading..." message before modifying the ArracyCollection and some code after that hides the loading message. For small data sets, it works fine. However, I noticed with an array size of about 50~ and larger, flex will hide my loading messa...

Help with creating a custom ItemRenderer for Flex 4

I'm trying to create a custom ItemRenderer for a TileList in Flex 4. Here's my renderer: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" autoDrawBackgro...