
Adobe Air how to check if URL is online\gives any response exists?

I have url I want to check if it is live. I want to get bool value. How to do such thing? ...

In Flex/AIR, how can I keep a loaded SWFs stage property localized to that swf?

Does anyone know of a workaround for loading an AS3 swf into an existing AIR/Flex (Flex 3) application and having the loaded SWF retain its own reference to its stage (not the loader's stage)? I've tried the loadForCompatibility property on SWFLoader, but that isn't giving me the behavior I'm wanting. The loaded swf still has the main A...

Flex to Flex simple TCP connection

Hi all, I'm working on a large file transfer(P2P) in UDP air application. I want to connect client and server using TCP. Can anybody tell me how to connect both both in TCP. Thank you. ...

More efficient way to remove an element from an array in Actionscript 3

I have an array of objects. Each object has a property called name. I want to efficiently remove an object with a particular name from the array. Is this the BEST way? private function RemoveSpoke(Name:String):void { var Temp:Array=new Array; for each (var S:Object in Spokes) { if (S.Name!=Name) { Temp.push(S)...

Calculating Text Width In ActionScript And Flex

I'm trying to calculate how WIDE to make my button, based on the text that it will contain, and when I try to google for how to calcuate something as simplistic as the WIDTH OF SOME TEXT, I go cross-eyed just trying to wade through apparently nonsensical esoteric counter-intuitive voodoo. Can anyone out there help simplify for me how I ...

What does ActionScript mean by 'antiAliasType' in the following context?:

// When I Run The Following Two Lines, I Get The Error Shown Below var B:Button=new Button(); var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics=B.measureText('Hello World'); // TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter antiAliasType must be non-null. From My Point Of View, As Useless Errors Go, This One Is Unsurpassed. Can anyone point me in ...

XML As XMLNode in Actionscript/Flex

How do I get the root node of an XML object in Actionscript? One would think that I could say this: var Node:XMLNode = XMLVar as XMLNode; But although XMLVar is of type XML, Node will = null. So how do I do it? ...

How to get a bytearray from file stream in Adobe AIR?

I read limited (small - 15 - 500 mb files). I need to be able to put all file bytes into one single bytearray. So I have a function: [Bindable] public var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray; //.... code ....// protected function fileOpenSelected(event:Event):void { currentFile =

Generating Source Info For Flex BitmapData.

Instead of populating the BitmapData class from an IMAGE. I would like to (within Actionscript) GENERATE some new BitmapData by capturing the Bitmap representing say, a TextArea component on the stage. In other words, sort of take a "screen capture" or "screenshot" of one of the components, and convert that into an image. Am I silly t...

What is the largest file size we can transfer through air application?

Hi all, I'm trying to transfer large file(1Gb+) using UDP(in packets) through air application. I'm transfering byteArray by taking chunks of packets from FileStream. But its giving 'Error #1000: The system is out of memory' at sender side after certain number of packets sent and by this time the downloaded file size at server side is 25...

How can i change task bar icon of application using mdmzinc3.0 in system

Hi, I have developed a flex application with zinc3.0 software (Desktop version).in this application when I change from outlook (any application in windows) to zinc application (.EXE) task bar icon is showing by default zinc icon. According to my requirement I need to change zinc icon to my own icon in taskbar how can I do that? In zinc p...

How to achieve Database Synchronization in Adobe Air with out LCDS

i designed one application which pulls data from DB once its stated,if all the clients pulls data at a time from server, there is a lot of bandwidth, and one more worse case is one client may close & open his application many time a days, so there is a lot of bandwidth consumption on serve... Is there any database Sync technique to impl...

Actionscript: How Can I Know When The Source Property Of An Image Is Completely Updated

var I:Image=new Image(); I.source='C:\\Abc.png'; var H:int=I.height; H is always Zero! I am presuming this is because the image hasn't finished reading the png file off the disk yet. What event can I monitor to know when it's width and height will have the right values? The 'Complete' event only seems to work for DOWNLOADED images. ...

Can Adobe AIR Desktop application take full screen snapshots (aka Print Screen button)

I would like to know if its possible to get full screen snapshots from an air application. What i am interested in, is functionality similar to PrintScreen button in windows, which takes snapshots of all screens, including third party application windows, not just window in which air app is running. If its not specific to air, and flash/...

Problem with HttpService POST

I'm trying to send some data to PHP using HTTPService POST but for some reason it's not working. The same example works with GET but not with POST: private function start():void{ var param:Object = {}; = "2010-10-10"; userRequest.send(param); userRequest.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, result); user...

Running The JVM From Within An MXML Component

Thinking outside of the box here... What possible basic approaches could be taken in an effort to create a Flex component that could run Java? I know I can easily use flex to browse to or launch a Java app, but there are things I can only do if I can run the Java from WITHIN an MXML Component. I the strictest sense, I know it's not im...

How to write & read Key & value pair from Text file In Adobe Air application

i want to write a single text file with few key & pair values like username,counter,last login time of air application in client's mechine, howz is possible ? ...

How to specify an AIR <fileType> configuration which matches files with _no_ extension?

I would like to specify that my AIR app can open text files that may not have a file extension as part of the name. I would like to create a specification for my Foo-app.xml file to enable this. For files of type ".log", the looks like: <fileType> <name></name> <extension>log</extension> <contentType>text/plain<...

Send info from web browser to adobe air app

I'm creating an app and I need to know how to send just a few words or a number from the web browser to the adobe air app. Something similar to iTunes where you click on an iTunes link and redirects you to the app. I am willing to use any web scripting language for it. Thank You :) ...

How to get ability to start up multiple same Adobe Air applications?

How to be able to start up same Adobe Air applications multiple times? How to make it to my app? ...