
FileStream problem....

here my codes : package com.func { public class Downloader { import*; import flash.filesystem.*; import; import; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import; import mx.controls.Alert; private ...

Is it possible to convert / generate a video file from a Flash .swf that loads dynamic content (mp3, jpegs and FLVs)?

I have a web application that loads and plays content through Flash player - images, audio and video. The content is dynamic and I want to be able to allow users to save what they see as a video file, perhaps FLV. So that they can play back the original presentation, share it, upload to youtube etc. I am thinking that this will have to...

Importing a program from ActionScript 3 to Adobe AIR

Hello, I have made an application that is coded only in ActionScript 3.0, and uses HTML and JavaScript for the display. I would like to have the same result, but using Adobe AIR. I do not know Adobe AIR at all, so I was wondering if you could direct to some good tutorials that will teach me how I can move my .html/.js/.as files to Adob...

How to use AIR 2.0 NativeProcess API with Java?

How do you use this great new API in connection with Java? Do you use just pure native process API like nativeProcess.standardInput.write() and with which you cannot debug Java side neither invoke remote java method. Or you are using some library that leverages remote method invocation such as flerry l...

Is there any major differences between Adobe AIR over Titanium

at first i thought with Titanium, i can develop for Mobile and Desktop over AIR on Desktop only, but a quick look at the AIR Site, i guess i am wrong. Benefit from a consistent, flexible, and visual development environment for applications on multiple platforms and devices such as smartphones, smartbooks, tablets, netbooks, ...

A Better Way To Make SelectedIndex Correspond To Selected Item In Flex ComboBox

Isn't there a better way to accomplish this?: (RegionID is a Flex ComboBox) RegionID.selectedItem=value.Region; var N:int=0; for each (var E:Object in RegionID.dataProvider.source) { if (E==value.Region) { RegionID.selectedIndex=N; } N++; } this.validateNow(); All I want...

Adobe AIR - How can I download files from web server without save dialog.

Hi I'm Leo Hyun from South Korea. So I want to make downloader application using AIR. My web server has somefiles. I want to download that files and save my desktop without save dialog. I don't know how can I fix it. actually I'm just beginner for AIR. I'm using Flash Builder 4 & Flex 4.0 & AIR 2.0. Somebody help me plz! <?xml ve...

How to Import data to SqLIte using Adobe Air

Hi, I am working on an Adobe Air project(using JavaScript and HTML). Users can install application and can enter customer details. The central server(PHP + MySQL) contains all the customer data and air applications sends customer data to that server and request for new data from the server. This process is working fine. But now I want o...

File size limit for upload in Adobe Air

Hi I am building an Adobe AIR app and integrated an FTP client for file transfers. But I found out that maximum file upload size is 100 MB. I need to transfer bigger files. Any suggestions or workarounds? ...

Flash and AIR technologies on apple's computers

Hi, i saw couples of weeks ago some notes in adobe AIR website that they said adobe AIR will not be supported on Apple's devices like mac-book-pro, and am working on an application that will be made using adobe AIR and flash technologies and i have to make sure that it will works on apples computers ?? it's really important and i will...

Problem using Flash/Adobe Air 2.0 Sockets

Hi, I'm trying to write some data to a raw data socket(around 22 MB's). The scenario is such:- 1. Open local file 2. Read a chunk of bytes. 3. Write it to the Socket 4. Repeat 2 & 3 until the end of the file. Now the problem is that my code(Below) is not transferring the complete file. It transfers maybe 3 out the the 22 MB with my t...

Dojo's dijit.Editor not editable in Adobe AIR application?

Maybe someone has some idea what I'm doing wrong here. I'm writing an AIR application and I'm trying to embed a dijit.Editor on my page - I've tried both with a simple: <div dojoType="dijit.Editor"></div> And doing it programmaticly: <div id="editor"></div> ... // in the onLoad function var editorwidget = new dijit.Editor({height:...

Fullscreen mode in Adobe Air application, but with no window or title bar

Hi, What I want is to run my application in fullscreen mode, but without Windows window, title bar or anything else - just the content that I have created. I tried stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; which works, but I can't get rid of the window and the title bar. Help? ...

Adobe AIR 1.5 - Package AIR installer as a native Windows Executable (.EXE)

Hello StackOverflow community, Is there any way to package the installer for an Adobe AIR application using Adobe AIR 1.5 as an executable (.EXE) file? I found that this is possible for Adobe AIR 2.0, but it requires an upgrade to Adobe AIR 2.0 runtime. Are there any other options using the Adobe AIR 1.5 runtime? Thanks, Mauricio ...

Adobe AIR 1.5 - Package AIR installer as a native Windows Executable (.EXE)

Hello StackOverflow community, Is there any way to package the installer for an Adobe AIR application using Adobe AIR 1.5 as an executable (.EXE) file? I found that this is possible for Adobe AIR 2.0, but it requires an upgrade to Adobe AIR 2.0 runtime. Are there any other options using the Adobe AIR 1.5 runtime? Thanks, Mauricio ...

How to protect SQLite database from corruption

I'm trying to figure out which is the safest strategy for protecting my (file-based) SQLite database from corruption (in this case, I'm working with Adobe Air, but this could apply to any webkit browser that uses SQLite, including Mobile Safari). I'm thinking about creating a database connection, keeping it around for only maybe 5 or 1...

Flex background not changed after changing theme

So I am pretty new to flex. I am developing an AIR application and I want to change my project theme to one of the additional included themes that is packaged with Flash Builder 4. So, I went to the Project Theme and changed it and it looks like it is supposed to in the Design View. When I run the application, the components (eg: a butto...

Difference Between Class Reference And Class Instance

Given that both of these calls to getQualifiedClassName return the same thing (mx:Label), how would one go about programatically differentiating between an instance of a class and a reference to the class... var lab1:Label=new Label(); var lab2:Class=Label; var qcn1:String=getQualifiedClassName(lab1); var qcn2:String=get...

How to correctly Deserialize obects while catching errors

I have a class DataFile which is the top level class that I am serializing. DataFile contains an ArrayCollection which in-turn contains objects which extend ArrayData, each which overrides readExternal in different ways. Over the course of the development the ArrayData object from version 1.0 is now different than the ArrayData object i...

Runing native process in Admin mode in FLEX AIR 2 in Vista 6 bit

Hi I have a Flex AIR2 application which uses native process to run CMD.exe. Application running fine on WinXP, Win R 2008 server. But not running on VISTA 64 bit OS. Flex not able to run CMD.exe when application installed in C:\Program Files (x86). When I run application as Administrator mode it is working fine. Below is my code, I wan...