
Reset IDataInput Stream

I am unsure how I would reset an IDataInput stream when deserializing data in an AIR application. What I am attempting is: public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void { var file_version:String = null; try { file_version = input.readString(); } catch (e:Error){ //We have an older file type, attempt to parse var...

How to communicate between two NativeWindows in Air

How can I send messages to or manipulate the contents of a NativeWindow instance from the parent window that created it? I have read several places that to communicate between NativeWindow instances in the same application you need to "maintain a LocalConnection or write a whole whack of JavaScript". As it happens, I have no issue with...

Flex 4 richeditabletext word wrap

Hello, I'm trying to word wrap a richeditable text but I'm having some problems: I want it to wrap vertically so I can avoid the horizontal scrollbar. The Air app only has a spark list and the itemrenderer used is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="" ...

how can i access adobe AIR’s embedded SQLite database? I need to backup/export snippely (an air application)

I have a air application called snippley All i want is to get to the data (my snippets) and export them. ...

Which one is best for UDP applications?

Hi all, I'm working on file transfer project using UDP. Server side CPP. I developed an application of client end in Flash builder but its not giving the proper result. There is no multi threading in Flash, this is also one reason. Can anybody tell me which one is better than this and which supports multi threading. I'm looki...

Get IP Address with Adobe Air 2

I'm building an app in Adobe Air 2 with AS3 and need to get the users ip address. From what I understand this code should work but is tracing: "::1" not an ip. Thank you. var netInterfaces = NetworkInfo.networkInfo.findInterfaces(); var addresses = netInterfaces[0].addresses; var userIp = addresses[0].address; trace(userIp); ...

Tell when someone has gone offline in Adobe Air 2

I need to know when someone has lost their internet connection immediately after doing so. I'm coding my app in as3 and Adobe Air 2. Thank you :) ...

If switching to adobe air will be a good move ?

I am web developer from a year.I have Used PHP,python with client side Js libraries like Jquery,motools, etc. So if switching to Adobe air will be a good thing ? If It is strong enough to make decent desktop apps (Eg: music/videos player)? If apps can be made for Android or iphone OS ? Can i use Jquery like libraries (i am very used ...

Adobe AIR Equivalent in Silverlight?

Is it possible to create standalone, desktop Silverlight 4 apps similar to what you can do in Adobe AIR? ...

Suppressing the EULA dialog the first time AIR 2.0 is run.

In AIR 1.5, I accomplished this by putting a 'eulaAccepted' file in Application Data\Adobe\AIR. This doesn't seem to be working in AIR 2.0. Has anyone figured out how to suppress the EULA dialog in AIR 2.0.2? Thanks. ...

Android SDK vs. Adobe AIR: Pros and cons?

Has anybody blogged about this comparison, or does anyone want to give it a shot here? Would be nice to see some reasoned thoughts on Adobe AIR on Android vs. the "native" Android SDK (in Java). Edit: Despite few views and no answers, I'm leaving this question up here since it's a topic that needs to be covered at some point... but if ...

Launching an Air Application from the browser

I am working on integrating an air application with a web application and for the most part it works. The only issue that I am having is that when I attempt to pass variables from my launching badge, the application does not load and I get no errors from my swf. Here is my current code base: Launching Badge AS: package { import flash...

Cropping/Clipping A Sprite

How is cropping/clipping accomplished on a Sprite in Flex? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" creationComplete="Init()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ public function Init():void { var spr:Sprite=new Sprite(); uic.addChild(spr); ...

Can't Run this exe after Release Build in Flash Builder.

So my problem is that When I run this in flash builder It works great. But after I export release build it as a native installer I can get it to run but my button no longer activates my other exe. Any help would be great. Here is a copy of what my mxml looks like = new Vector.(); processArgs[0] = "hello";...

Adobe AIR - Inconsistencies in detecting whether Adobe AIR runtime is installed

I am having issues detecting whether Adobe AIR is installed using the following process: Having installed Adobe AIR 1.5, we are at times getting a value of not installed from the getStatus() function of the air.swf located at

is Adobe AIR's openWithDefaultApplication() not available in the AJAX SDK?

The only documentation of Adobe AIR's openWithDefaultApplication() function I can find is a tutorial for it in the Flex SDK. Is Flex required to use this function? Calling it via JavaScript results in: TypeError: Value undefined does not allow function calls. The code I'm using: var poster = air.File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath...

How to build an eBook reader that supports adobe Content Server ?

I'm looking into a way of building eBook reader that will support adobe content server DRM. The only solution find was Adobe Digital Editions Which is an off the shelf product and I'm looking for some sort of SDK. any advice will help. 10x d. btw i don't have enough rep to post additional links adobe digital editions url == www.adobe....

flex + AIR nativewindow minimize

Hi, In my Flex AIR desktop application I am opening a nativewindow(a window component). On a button click I am explicitly minimizing the nativeWindow using: nativeWindow.minimize(); It minimizes the window that is fine but after that if I traces the nativeWindow.x & nativeWindow.y, they comes as -3200, -3200. due to this I am unable t...

flex AIR NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent

Hi, In my Flex AIR desktop application I have a nativewindow. I am using nativeWindow.minize() to minimize the nativeWindow. As I know that the sequence of NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent's is 1. displayStateChanging 2. displayStateChange But in my native window on nativeWindow.minize() the sequence goes like 1, 2, 2 i.e displayState...

Adobe air httpservice

hai i am creating an AIR application to display records from MySql database using pHp Here i am using AIR http service <mx:HTTPService id="userdisplay" url="http://localhost/Myproject/index.php" useProxy="false" method="POST" resultFormat="object"> </mx:HTTPService> I am getting record in XML formal and able to display in a datag...