
Jquery failed parsing XML .

I am parsing youtube video feed in AIR app . Using jquery to parse it. $(feed).find("entry").each(function() { var tit = $(this).find('title'); alert(tit.text()); } It seems like after parsing category(category tag is closed a different way) it fails to parse rest of the doc.The above code successfully alerts t...

img tag in RichTextEditor Adobe AIR

Hi, I wanted to insert an image into a RichTextEditor in AIR application. For my surprise I found this code working perfectly if the project was Web application but it doesn't work if I use it into AIR Desktop application. Here's the code <mx:RichTextEditor height="100%" width="100%"> <mx:htmlText> <![CDATA[ <p>Thi...

How to reach PHP-Document on Webserver with Adobe AIR HTML/JS/jQuery

Following thing: Within my Adobe AIR Application (I use the HTML/JS/jQuery variant, not the flash/flex variant) I want to contact my Web Server where a PHP-File is stored that handles database interaction. So I want my AIR-App to request data from the php file (the db) and show it. But when I make a request with .ajax() the AIR Runtime s...

Adobe AIR and Appcelerator Titanium for desktop application

Which would be better (performance and development time) for me if I'm creating an desktop application using HTML/CSS/JS? Is AIR more efficient at Flex and ActionScript than HTML/JS? I've played with Titanium for a bit, but packaged app is more than 30MB, which is more than the AIR runtime + app. Is it alway that big or am I missing so...

Adobe air application act like a browser.

I just started in Adobe air html/js . In the current application I want to do something like this . I want to open the urls/web pages in the application and application should act like a web-browser to them . But with that I want to modify the opened pages a little, like add some css/js to them. Something like when you open Web pages ...

Capturing System-level Keystrokes with Adobe AIR

Hi As the title suggests, is it possible to capture system-level keystrokes? Any help or pointers will be appreciated!! ...

How can i detect Adobe AIR version through javascript?

I want to detect the adobe AIR version through to do that? ...

Handling JavaScript calls to not using Native Windows - Adobe AIR

I am developing an Adobe AIR application which uses both native windows and floating panels. Is is possible to enable the creation of a floating window instead of a native window when a JavaScript function is called? It is required that all of the floating windows are contained within one native window, therefore the creat...

Run BAT file from Adobe AIR?

To package an .air file into a native installer you have to use a batch program called adt. The command on Windows will look something like this: C:\Users\jisaacks>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.1.0\bin\adt" -package -target native "D:\DEV\Flex4\Workspaces\AIR Native Packager\AIRNIP\AIRNIP.exe" ...

Flash - Flash Media Server Alternative

I am not advanced yet, but i know what exactly i am looking for and want to do. After doing Air/Flex i came to a stage i need "Flash Media Server Xversion" Question: Is there any Open/Free Linux based alternative for this "Flash Media Server"? By google i came to this, is it also possible to use as alternative 1.

How to trigger a desktop application from my website?

I need to do click a button within the admin side of my external website and cause it to trigger an application within my local workstation (with parameters based on button). I have full control of the server, PHP, etc. I can also install any application on my workstation. What is the best way to do this? Adobe AIR/Flash? Java? I need s...

AIR2 accessing native processes

I am interested in playing around with the new nativeProcess which has been added to AIR2.0. I came across the google command line utility which allows you to do operations on google apps from the command line eg: $ google picasa create --title "My album" ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg

Flex 4 cursor (special hit area)

How I can make a cursor with an image, but the mouse click area must be at the center of the image In addition, if any way to change the img size this will be great ...

Autoupdating AIR apps on Linux without prompting for sudo password

Hey there overflowers, Maybe that's more of a Linux question than an Adobe Air one, but there you go: I have an AIR 2 app that does auto-update in the background, with no need for user interaction. It uses Air's own ApplicationUpdater framework (the one that doesn't require a UI) - all goes well until the package gets downloaded and nee...

Can I develop for Android and iPhone with Adobe AIR if I don't care about the App Store?

As far as I understand, applications made with Adobe AIR have been blocked from the App Store. If I wanted to utilize AIR anyway to create a cross-platform app (for iPhone and Android) would it be possible to distribute the apps outside of the App Store? I have very little experience with the iPhone, but I know that in Android you can t...

Is there a way to access an Address Book from Air API?

I wanted to sync my contacts with my CRM Application. my CRM Application gives me a nice API to develop to, but I need to read and write from my Address Book... Mac Address Book Outlook Address Book Outlook Express Address Book etc using AIR API, is there any way to access this? ...

Splitting text by newline character "\n" in Adobe AIR

Hi guys, I am creating a AIR application in flex. I have a textArea having a string something like - AAA BBB CCC DDD QQQ WWW EEE SSS KKPPP SSSL AAAS I want this to save this into .txt file. I am using -,"testFile.txt"); But its is saving everything in 1 line. When I open the file using notepad everything i...

Embeding fonts in Adobe Air

Aside from Cufon, is there any way to embed fonts in Adobe Air applications? I'm sort of confused and disappointed that the debugger version of the Air runtime allows embedded fonts (the fonts are set via @font-face declarations in the CSS and are not installed on my machine) but when it comes time to export, the fonts are completely gon...

Adobe Air parent frame bridge

Hi Guys, I tried following the tutorial at but just can't get it right. I have an app with an iFrame. Dynamically loading into the iFrame are pages from a website. To ensure any links in these pages o...

air application

Hi,! i am getting following action script error VerifyError: Error #1033: Cpool entry 89 is wrong type. and i do have one warning that Cannot load as3corelib.swc (reason: ERROR: Load Timeout). It may require classes (such as Adobe AIR components) that are not supported by design mode. Check the Eclipse error log ...