
Adobe Air with WCF service

I want to communicate with Adobe Air with a WCF Client. I have created the WCF service. I have Flex Builder 3.0, but how do I communicate the WCF service using Adobe Air? Please guide me. ...

adobe air 2, sharepoint ntlm webservice authentication

Hi, Is it possible to connect to a Sharepoint 2007 web service, using Adobe Air 2.0 / Flex 4? Does anyone know if this is possible, ideally with some examples? Thank you, Bob [EDIT] Connect using NTLM authentication on the webservice ...

Capturing Adobe Air keyboard events in new window

This is sufficiently important to me that I'm opening the question up to a bounty with a simple goal: Can anyone successfully open a new, full-screen NativeWindow in AJAX Air and, from that window, detect key strokes? Hopefully I'm just overlooking something really, really simple, but if JS is not capable of listening for keyboard even...

Adobe AIR 2.0 & proxy usage

I can't find anywhere information about AIR 2.0 and proxies. In 1.0 and 1.5(?) AIR used system's proxy settings but in 2.0 there's new native API and sockets. So is it now possible to do AIR program that let's you define a proxy and use that for let's say URLRequest()? ...

Debug AIR Application on Client Machine

I have an AIR application that is causing me problems on a single client machine, and on a specific user account. I have a debug interface that I developed to print traces to but apparently you can not get stack traces when not in a debugging environment. I am seeing "TypeError #2007" with no additional information. I tried to output t...

Flex Air, static main window reference?

As I can get a reference to the main window of an Air Flex application within a component? (The component is not in the main MXML) ...

Can a Flex Air Window (NativeWindow) be modal? how?

Can a Flax Air Window (NativeWindow) be modal? how? ...

Compiling AIR application with Ant Task (WindowedApplication could not be found)

I'm trying to compile my AIR application with Ant, using the mxmlc Ant Task. It seems to compile fine, and I get a .swf, but when I try to run it with ADL, I get the message "Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found." It looks like the AIR libraries aren't being included properly. Here's my mxmlc task: <mxmlc file="${...

Saving several images (and metadata for each) in a single file using Adobe Air

Is it possible, via Adobe Air, to save multiple types of data in a single file? For example, an application would allow the user to load in external images, position them on stage and label them. This data would be then be stored in a ByteArray (I guess) using BitmapData for the images and probably XML for the metadata. I would then lik...

Publish/Subscribe Messaging in Adobe Air using HTML/Javascript API

I'm trying to build a small app using real-time messaging. I don't know flash, actionscript, or flex, but I'm very comfortable with HTML & Javascript so I thought I'd give that a go. I was able to get a sample running using the XmlSocket, but I'm interested in upping the ante to RTMP using FluorineFX. As I understand it, I should just ...

socket connection bandwith limiting / traffic shaping with ActionScript

Does anyone know of a way to monitor and/or limit bandwidth usage for a given socket connection in ActionScript 3? I have an Adobe AIR app from which I need to upload large streams of data. However, due to bandwidth restrictions I want my users to be able to designate how much upstream bandwidth the application can use. Any ideas? ...

Exactly how many users can Support Blazeds Messeging service ? for much user support what we need to do(pooling) ?

I designed one On line Trading Application, which uses blazeds & jetty, in that i used AMF-LongPooling as channel, with following parameter, Here is the problem is Each message is not reaching all the user,who are connected, messages are missing to few users (300 recieving out of 600)... what we need to do to provided instant messages ...

flex sdk into xcode

Is it possible to use xcode to develop adobe air application?? how to install flex 4 sdk into xcode? Thanks! ...

Loading a local filesystem module from an AIR application

Hi chaps, I'm trying to load a module from an air application. Using ModuleManager. My loading code looks rather like: public function loadModule(lib:String):void { //lib = "file:///path/to/my.swf" var moduleInfo:IModuleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(lib); moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, moduleLoaded); moduleInfo.addE...

How do I get GPU acceleration for H264 in an Adobe Air fullscreen app?

I'm toying with an Adobe Air app that plays quite large movies. I want to run it on a 1920x1080 display connected to a Mac. Unfortunately, the movies tend to stutter and I'm betting that happens because I'm not using HW GPU acceleration for H264 playback. Most of the player code is ported (aka copied) from a web player I built and which...

Simple AIR Notification App (noob)

hello all, I would like to create a simple AIR app that show's a notification on the bottom right of the users screen. this app won't show all of the time, it will just show if I push a new notification to the users computer. I am doing this in Dreamweaver. It will open on Windows XP computers only. So far I have found out how to show a...

Adobe Flex - TextArea to file

Hi All, I am having an text area in .mxml file. <mx:TextArea id="outputText" .../> I am exporting its data into a .txt on a button click. as - FileReference fRef=new FileReference;,"testFile.txt"); But the problem is when I export it into a text file, it gets stored a single line instead of multiple lin...

AIR - HowTo write a File

I want to generate a Class (.as) file and store it on the users desktop all from the AIR-App. Someone can describe the best practice method? Many thx and best regards... ...

Determine drag proxy when using itemRenderer on DataGrid

Hi, I'm using default drag/drop on Flex DataGrid, however, the dataGrid itself has an itemrenderer. Looks like: public class FlashFileDataGridRenderer extends Label{ public function FlashFileDataGridRenderer(){ super(); } override protected function updateDisplayList (unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { ...

Adobe AIR: detecting general events (e.g. keyboard or clipboard)

Hello. I'm new here and I'm sorry if I write something wrong in advance. In my AIR-application I need to detect general events to implement such features: reacting to copying the text, i.e. detecting changes in the clipboard; reacting to global shortcuts, i.e. detecting keyboard events when application is not in the focus. The secon...