
Avoid traffic shaping by using ssh on port 443

I heard that if you use port 443 (the port usually used for https) for ssh, the encrypted packets look the same to your isp. Could this be a way to avoid traffic shaping/throttling? ...

A C daemon that does traffic shaping

Hi there... I'm working on a C daemon that monitors a configuration file (updated using a web interface) and then uses the Linux "tc" (traffic control) command to update the systems traffic shaping configuration. What's a good way to actually invoke the tc program? Should I use the exec family? Is there a library I can use that would b...

Traffic Shaping, Failover tools

I have just become the only IT manager of a small business. We have multiple internet providers (Comcast, Time Warner, XO and Qwest). I'm looking for some solutions that can aggregate those connections, and use traffic shaping to provide the best route. What are some of my options? Free? Low cost? I don't mind using a linux based sys...

Any free/cheap bandwith shaping or network impairment software with API?

I'm looking for a (preferably) free software to install on a dual NIC box to shape badwidth and/or introduce packet loss, latency, etc. Now I know dummynet and similar software but I need an API to control it. Maybe a simple RESTful http or SOAP based one. Preferably something more manageable than command line. It may not be a producti...

Traffic shaping under Linux

Where can I learn about controlling/interrogating the network interface under Linux? I'd like to get specific application upload/download speeds, and enforce a speed limit for a specific application. I'd particularly like information that can help me write a traffic shaping application using Python. ...

Traffic monitoring and shaping (C\C++)

Hi! I want to write a library (C\C++) which would be able to monitor network traffic (TCP and UDP) as well as limit bandwidth to a particular network area (apply different traffic shaping rules to different network zones). This library should work on Windows 7 (64-bit). I would be glad if this kind of library can be written as entirely u...

How to throttle network traffic for environment simulation?

Hello! I'm trying to test an application that uses a database connection. What I would like to do is throttling the bandwith to, say, 1 MBit or such to get a better feeling for the application under realistic conditions. I already use Wireshark to have a look at the communication with the DB and I expected Wireshark to have a feature l...

socket connection bandwith limiting / traffic shaping with ActionScript

Does anyone know of a way to monitor and/or limit bandwidth usage for a given socket connection in ActionScript 3? I have an Adobe AIR app from which I need to upload large streams of data. However, due to bandwidth restrictions I want my users to be able to designate how much upstream bandwidth the application can use. Any ideas? ...

Discriminators for using in flow-based classification

I need to classify TCP traffic base on video and non-video. So i need to find characteristics of each flow. My classification is Flow-based and one of my variables is incoming packet length. but it is not accurate as P(video|1200Bytes)= 0.04 P(non-Video|1200Bytes) = 0.22 I need some help to find some variables, at least two more to d...