
Not Understanding Basics Of Dynamic DataBinding (bindPropety) In Flex

I need to dynamically bind properties of components created at runtime. In this particular case please assume I need to use bindProperty. I don't quite understand why the following simplistic test is failing (see code). When I click the button, the label text does not change. I realize that there are simpler ways to go about this...

Modifying File's CreationDate and ModificationDate Properties in Adobe Air

I have written an Air program that mirrors a directory tree. The problem is that the destination folder structure and content need to be identical - right down to the creationDate and modificaitonDate file attributes. How can I change these file attributes using Adobe Air? I'm able to READ them both just fine, but the properties are r...

What is the "proper" method for determining if a swf is running within an AIR application?

I've got a Flex Web project and a Flex AIR project that use a common code-base. The common code defines several run-time loaded Flex Modules. I want the Flex Modules to behave differently depending on whether the running base application is WEB or AIR. What is the proper method for determining from the module code whether the module i...

How to get folder size in Adobe Air?

How to get folder size in Adobe Air? ...

Flash video slooow in AIR 2 HTMLLoader component

I am working on a full screen kiosk application in Flex 4/Air 2 using Flash Builder 4. We have a company training website which staff can access via the kiosk, and the main content is interactive flash training videos. Our target machines are by no means 'beefy', they are Atom n270s @ 1.6Ghz with 1Gb RAM. As it stands the videos are a...

How to search for a file on users file system? ( Adobe Air application)

So we want to seacrch for file like exampl*.ex*mple. We want to search in all users files and folders. I know it will take long, but steel using ONLY AS3\MXML, no native commands, no external programms - only AS3\MXML libs and classes, we can skeep all folders with sise <= 200kb So How to search for a file on users file system? (in A...

Dynamically Casting In ActionScript

Is there a way to cast dynamically in Actionscript? What I want to accomplish is illustrated by the following code: var Val:*; var S:String=SomeTextEdit.text; switch (DesiredTypeTextEdit.text) { case 'int':Val=int(S);break; case 'uint':Val=uint(S);break; case 'String':Val=String(S...

Programmatically Detecting Valid Style Properties In Flex

If I want to know if an object has a particular property I can code this: if (SomeObject.hasOwnProperty('xyz')) { // some code } But some styles masquerade as properties at design time such as Button.color... How can I know what style properties are valid at runtime? ie: What is the equivalent of hasOwnProperty for getStyle/setSty...

Dynamically Creating Flex Components In ActionScript

Isn't there some way to re-write the following code, such that I don't need a gigantic switch statement with every conceivable type? Also, if I can replace the switch statement with some way to dynamically create new controls, then I can make the code smaller, more direct, and don't have to anticipate the possibility of custom control t...

How to install .air files with air2beta

I have some troubles installing air files that've been built with air2.0beta or air2.0beta2 They both do not install (error message: 'your need an update to install this air application) even though I've got the latests Air2 runtime installed. Any suggestions on this? ...

Adobe air air.navigateToURL bug with internet explorer

Hello I have a really bizarre problem with my adobe air app. I have a method which launches a local HTML file and passes some querystring items to it. Here is the code: function printWin(def) { def = encodeURI(def); var req = new'print.html'); req.method = 'GET'; var urlvar...

Equivalent of describeType for Flex Component EVENTS

Using "introspection" In Flex I can say: var classInfo:XML=describeType(SomeObject); Which will list for me the Accessors, Methods And Variables. ( But what is the equivalent to programmatically inspect all of an object's possible EVENTS? (NOT JUST the events f...

Adobe Air: Read and Write MP3 or JPG from local directory and switch bytes

I would like to make my local jpg and mp3 files kind of unreadable (without encoding) by just putting the first 100 bytes from the beginning of the file to the end and then saving the file with a .dat extension. I know I have to use the byte array but can't get it work. I would also need then a small function to read that file and put t...

Flex DataBinding Drilling Down Through Arrays

The help page on the BindUtils.bindProperty function: Has this to say: "For example, to bind the property host.a.b.c, call the method as: bindProperty(host, ["a","b","c"], ...)." But what if I need to bind to host.a.b[2].c? How do I do that? ...

Equivalent of Flex DataBinding using Pure Actionscript

When Flex Sees Something Like This: <mx:Label text="Hello {MyVar} World!"/> It Must Translate That Somehow Into ActionScript. But What If I Need To Do Something Similar, At Runtime. How Can I Accomplish What DYNAMICALLY? WHEN I DO NOT KNOW THE CONTENTS OF THE BINDING TEMPLATE. In ActionScript it would need it to look something lik...

What components can you use to create AIR apps?

Dear community, I'm creating AIR apps in FlashDevelop using the free Flex SDK. Are there any AS3 components that I can use to speeden up the development process?? For example: List with renaming Tree with dragging items, renaming I searched Google lots, but in vain. ...

save downloaded file automatically in directory using AIR

i'm newbie, so please help me... package com.func { public class Downloader { import; import; private var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); private var fr:FileReference = new FileReference(); public function Downloader(){ } public...

Flex HTMLLoader component not raising mouseDown events for all mouse clicks

I have built a Air 2/Flex 4 kiosk application with Flash Builder 4. Currently I am implementing a touch screen browser to enable users to navigate company training videos. In an attempt to improve the usability of the website on the touchscreen I have placed the HTML component in an adaption of Doug McCune's DragScrollingCanvas (updated ...

I/O between AIR client using Native process and executable java .jar

I am using Adobe AIR 2.0 native process API to launch a java executable jar. I/O is handled by writing to the input stream of the java process and reading from the output stream. The application is event based where several events are fired from the server. We catch these events in java code, handle them and write the output to the outp...

Does an application installer OUTPUT anything?

For example if App-A tries to installed App-B. Is there any way for App-A to know when App-B is finished installing and can be run? update to be specific I am trying to install ChromeSetup.exe on windows using AIR 2. update 2 Good information guys, after reviewing all your answers is seems like I should run the installer with the -ms...