
Change A Character In A String Using Actionscript

What is the opposite of String.charAt()?? If I Have a string: var Str:String="Hello World"; How do I change the 5th character, for example, from a ' ' to an '_'? I can GET the 5th character like this: var C:String=Str.charAt(5); But how do I SET the 5th character? Thanks in advance. ...

Adobe AIR - Option to not create a shortcut when installing an AIR application

Hello Stackoverflow community, Does anyone know if there is an option to not create a shortcut to an AIR application after its installation? Currently, all I have found is an option to choose the location of the application shortcut from within the start menu (in the application descriptor file, using the programMenuFolder option) Tha...

Detect NativeDragDrop to Trash or RecycleBin

I will let user remove item from List with a cool method. Drag an item in adobe air List control and then drop it to Trash(OSX) or Recycle Bin(Win). The trash accept move drag action only. So I think I must set dragMoveEnable=true. When I drag an item to Recycle Bin on Windows. It show accept effect(alpha mask) and Air remove that obje...

How to design desktop app ? (from web app dev)

I have only worked on web apps for my whole career. I'm starting a new desktop (Adobe AIR) app project but I found myself having difficulties with: stuck with thinking about overall UI design in the traditional page model not sure how to handle the navigation part in the UI not taking advantage of states deciding what should be implem...

Flex/Air: Sending data with a certificate

Hello Community, I need to send data from an Air application, using a certificate. This certificate is to be provided by the user through a USB Key. I've got a lot of questions regarding this. Is it possible to do what I'm looking for? If yes, is it possible to do that only with the Flex/Air sdk or should I use Java or some other lan...

which javascript UI framework should i use with adobe air?

which javascript framework would best suit adobe air development ...

How to update Native Air Appilication?

I created native air 2.0 app. (exe file) how to implement auto update for it? ...

What technology is used to build multitouch applications?

Can anyone provide any details, code snippets, examples, etc. of how to go about building something as cool as this "Rock Wall" that Obscura Digital built? Let's just pretend we have access to whatever technology is required. Where do I start? ...

Can't export release build / compile for Adobe AIR 1.0

I opened up an old project in Flex Builder 3 which runs on Adobe AIR 1.0. I believe it was originally written in Flex Builder 2. When I try to run the Adobe Air application, nothing happens. When I try to export a release build, I get this error: If I change the main-app.xml file to use the 1.5 version of the namespace, it builds fin...

Access WindowedApplication from package class.

Hi, I'm developing an AIR application, where i need to access WindowedApplication's function from the package class. This is the Main application (Partial code) <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApplication()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import

How to put\save files into your application directory? (adobe air)

How to put\save files into your application directory? (adobe air) (code example, please) ...

How to put\save files into some publik directory? (adobe air)

We develope for multy users OS. So my Air App needs to save some files to let all users acsess them (and be able to acsess them on its own). So I need a function to save files into public directoris (crossplatform function) . Can any one please share such one? ...

How to download and unpack .ZIP folder using Adobe Air?

How to download and unpack .ZIP folder using Adobe Air? So I have http link onto that zip file I need a function to download it onto users hard drive and unpack it into some folder on filesystem. How to do such thing? (code example, please) ...

Flex: Package is unexpected error

import mx.controls.Alert; package dbconfig // error line here { public class DBConn { private var dbConn:SQLConnection; private var dbFile:File; public function DBConn() { this.openConnection(); } public function openConnection(){ dbFile = File.applicatio...

Cross-platform HTML application options

I'd like to develop a stand-alone desktop application targeting Windows (XP through 7) and Mac (Tiger through Snow Leopard), and if possible iPhone and Android. In order to make it all work with as much common code as possible (and because it's the only thing I'm good at), I'd like to handle the main logic with HTML and JS. Using Adobe A...

adobe flash buider (flex4): Error #2025 or Error: addChild() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElement()

Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Flex, so apologies for my dumbness. I've searched for an answer but haven't found anything that seems to be doing the trick. What I'm trying to do: port this example to Flash Builder 4. All seems to be fine but for one thing. When I ...

Basic CRUD in Adobe Air + Flex ?

Id be grateful if someone listed out resource and tutorial links for doing basic CRUD with ADOBE Air Flex Sqlite ...

How to save a string into file in applicationdirectory and get its real location? (Adobe Air)

How to save a string into file (file.superlongextention) in applicationdirectory and get its real locationon Hard drive (like C:/files/...)? ...

Strange error when compiling an AIR 2.0 SWF

I am doing a project at the moment using the AIR 2.0 RC SDK. As far as I know, I created a new class for my project, and added a constructor to the main class file. At least it wasn't too serious: creating a new class for a project is quite commin I guess. But after I did so, I suddenly got the following output when compiling the movie: ...

How Android 2.2 interacting with Flash 10.1 (how to use flash from my app)?

Hi! I'm searched adobe and android developers sites, but can't find any details on this. Is it possible to use Flash as a part of my app? E.g. like a widget/GUI element? Or it's integrated in browser only and can't be simple accessible? I know, Adobe AIR apps are supported as standalone .apk. So it must be some API/SDK (from Google) t...