
Admob integration for blackberry

I am developing an application which requires Admob integration.I have googled much about it but could not find any help about it except for one question in blackberry forums and that too with no answers to it. If anyone has been successful in integrating Admob with blackberry , then please help me also in doing this.. Thanx ...

iPhone + AdMob + remove the Ad view

Hello, I have integrated AdMob in my iPhone application. I am adding an Ad view in of my UIViewController as follows: ProgrammaticAdViewController *temp = [[ProgrammaticAdViewController alloc] init]; temp = [[ProgrammaticAdViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; [self.view addSubview:temp.view]; So, I will be able to ...

Admob in iPhone with Tabbar and TableView

I'm having tab bar with 5 buttons. Out of 5 tabs, 2 are table views which uses navigation controller for showing sub views on click of cell. Above the tab bar, in each view I left some space for ads using "Admob". I'm adding ads using IB. But its giving EXC_BAD_ACCESS when its reaching "adMobAd = [AdMobView requestAdWithDelegate:self];" ...

iPhone sdk can't get Mobclix to work

I followed the guide here, and when I build my application the ad (or anything for that matter) doesn't show up. Nothing, nada. I followed the guide very carefully. I know that it is trying to retrieve an ad (thanks to little snitch), but it doesn't display. Has anybody experienced this and do you know of a fix? ...

AdMob and UINavigationControllers

I'm playing around with AdMob and I"m trying to get something going with an auto-rotating view inside a uinavigationcontroller. I have the ad at the top of the screen. Not sure if this is the right approach, but in my LoadView method I have: self.navigationController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,48,320,432); The navbar appears below the ...

AdMob ad in iPhone app makes App content disappear when "done" is pressed!

Hello All, When I return from an adMob ad by hitting "done" the content of my app has disappeared ! All that remains is a background image I had attached directly to the main window. Oddly I can still hear the result of my touch events from my main screen (which is now gone). This may be related to the issue some people have had re...

Advertising API for Java ME applications?

Hello, I know AdMob is not for Java ME. Do you know any other advertising API or services that can be used in Java ME application? It might be really good if I can earn some money with my free Java ME applications. ...

AdMob for iPhone-how much do you get?

I've almost finished my app and I'm thinking about integrating AdMob there. But, in my mind, ads create bad impressions. How much do you earn by adding AdMob to your app? Is adding ads worthy of it? ...

Android: AdWhirl cannot find AdMobAdapter

Using AdMob by itself works perfectly. Using AdMob through AdWhirl causes the following problem: 23114 dalvikvm I Failed resolving Lcom/adwhirl/adapters/AdMobAdapter; interface 144 'Lcom/admob/android/ads/AdListener;' 23114 dalvikvm W Link of class 'L...

Iphone Admob Interstitials

Hi there! Can you please tell how to be properly displayed interstitial ads in iphone applications. I implemented this is exactly the same way as in Interstitials example (SDK Admob), but this always showing videos with zombies - so it should be, really? If I understand correctly, I should specify my own video url and it will be adverti...

AdMob SDK for iPad?

Trying to get my Universal app released and I rely on AdMob ads for revenue in this particular app. I'm having an issue getting AdMob support working, though I keep finding references to people actually running AdMob on their iPad Simulators. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'AdMobInvalidLibaryVersionException', reaso...

Ads in whole app iPhone problem

I am using mobclix together with admob. The code is to big to add it in all classes. So i created a new class: Ads Everytime i want an ad in a view, i have to send the view to the ad class: - (void)initAd:(UIView *) pView { NSLog(@"ads init"); self.loadedView = pView; ..... To create an ad in a class: Ad* ad = [Ads new]; [ad...

Can I use more than one ads api ( sdk ) in my application ?

Hi all, I am developing a game in which I have some game play screens, game info screens and game finish screens. I want to show the ads from admob on info/playing screen and from greystripe or mobclix before the results screen comes. I am curious for knowing, if it can be done (The app will not be rejected by apple ?) Thanks, Madh...

AdMob ads on Android app are not rotating / refreshing

Has anyone else had this problem? I have a game, and the Ads show at the top of the phone above my game view. When I'm tapping away on the game, the ads just stay the same. BUT, if I don't touch anything and wait the 15 seconds, as is set in my Interval, THEN the ad changes (usually). I don't get any error reports. There's nothing t...