
DataTable output in AEP

When using a DataTable for output in a .Net AEP, how do I set the Output Parameter? What data type is used? Thanks, Howard ...

Rights for running system procedures?

Can a non-adssys user run the system procedures? I am developing a BizTalk WCF Adapter for Advantage that can be used and I need to browse and resolve the metadata. This is an add-in for Visual Studio, supporting .Net 2.0 or higher, that generates schemas and a binding file (wsdl). It can also generate classes that can be used in a WCF...

Installation of Advantage ODBC 64bit driver

After installing the V10 64-bit driver from here on 64bit Windows 7 Professional and trying to connect I get the following error messge: "ODBC -call failed [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (#0)" When I c...

advantage ole db provider adsoledb for 64 bit - can't get it to work

trying to get a local server version of Advantage OLE DB Provider to work on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. installed the 64 bit version release and copied my application. registered the adsoledb64.dll from the app directory. I get nothing. Doesn't write a log either. Am I going to have to compile the app on the 64 bit machine? ve...

Getting an exception from the adsDataReader

I am getting the following exception. There are two records in the table and HasRows = true Advantage.Data.Provider.AdsException was unhandled by user code Message="Error 5018: The handle given was not recognized by Advantage. Verify specified handle is open/active. The given handle is not recognized as a valid Advantage Client Engi...

How do I create a Linked Server from Sql Server to .dbf tables using Advantage ODBC or OLEDB?

How to create a Linked Server from Sql Server to .dbf tables using Advantage ODBC or OLEDB? ...

entity framework + advantage database: converting nullable numeric types

Hello, I am using VS2010, Entity Framework 4.0, and Advantage v. 10 in my application. I have written a Linq-to-Entities (L2E) statement that tries to convert a nullable numeric (decimal) type to a decimal. A simple statement might look like: var x = (from test in entities.Tests select test.ValueA.HasValue ? test.ValueA.Valu...

entity framework + advantage database: UDFs

Hello, I am using VS2010, Entity Framework 4.0, and Advantage v. 10 in my application. I am trying to make a UDF I have defined in my Advantage DB available to my application code. The designer does not show the UDF under stored procs in the "Update Model from Database" wizard as I would expect it to. So I manually added the UDF to t...

Advantage Notification Trigger

Has anyone used an Notification Trigger successfully? Does anyone know where I can get a sample of the string returned? Thanks, Howard ...


I have tried to pass in the proc name into procedureNamePattern and the procedure seems to return all the metadata for all the procedures. I pass in a empty string and I get the same results. The following is the code used: using (AdsCommand command = new AdsCommand { CommandText = "sp_getProcedureColumns", ...

in advantage database is a query "active" until it is "complete"?

I'm trying to track down a performance issue by looking at the "Active Queries" tab in the Advantage Management Utility. The documentation for this tab says: Active: True if the query is being actively processed by the server. A query must be active to be cancelled. Is a query Active until it completes? Or can it become inactive for ...

Removing records with the same ID in selected dataset (ADS)

I'm trying to query a clinic practice management database to return a dataset that matches any in a list of values (icd-9 codes) for four different fields, but then only return the id number for the patient, or only the first record for that patient which has one of the icd-9 codes. Then, I plan to finagle some sub report to give me the...

how can I add 100 years to a date in Advantage Database

I have a bunch of records in my Advantage Database that ended up with the year 1909, rather than 2009. How can run an update statement that will add 100 years to each of these dates? (Advantage is telling me that there is no "str()" function, and it won't let me concatenate month(mydate) with "/". ...

Table Join problem with dotnet data provider and chartype="GERMAN_VFP_CI_AS_437"

Hi, i've got a problem with my dotnet application reading data from different tables of my advantage database server through a sql "join" statement. The tables are from an old clipper application, so the table type is "ntx". One *.dbf and several *.ntx files for each table. I use the dotnet data provider to connect to the database. Co...

Issues with data types

The datatype char does not appear in the Data Architect for version 10. It now shows up as character. I cannot find anything in the documentation for this type. I have spent months developing a WCF Custom Adapter for the Advantage Database. Now I am getting data type exceptions because of the CHARACTER data type. Does anyone know of...

I see new datatypes in the ARC list.

Can someone provide me with an updated "Advantage .NET Data Provider Data Types" list so I can map the new type names to the Advantage Client Engine Constant Name and the .Net Db Type? Thanks, Howard S. Edidin Senior BizTalk Architect Ceridian Benefit Services ...

Advantage AEP x64 Build and Install

I am building and Advantage AEP to run on a Win 2008 server (64bit). I'm developing the AEP in VS2008 on a 32-bit machine. Building for Any CPU and testing using Local Server works just fine. When I Build for x64, VS2008 gives this error. Error 1 File "C:\Projects\Experiment\AdvantageTrigger1\bin\x64\Release\ADSUpdateTriggerHX.dll" is n...