
Is it able to use AjaxPanel in this way?

I have a simple html table tag with 2x2 cells on my ascx. There are two textbox control inside. I wrapped the table by a ajaxPanel. Outside the ajaxPanel, I have a button, and onclick event will set the value of two textbox to "1". But after click the button, I found the value is set with postback. Please advice~ ...

in IE, the "X-Requested-With" header of jquery becomes "x-requested-with" (lowercase)

Why it is converting to lowercase? In Firefox it goes as: "X-Requested-With". While in IE, it goes as: "x-requested-with" ...

gridview whith dropdown extender

hello, I have gridview with TextBox Template field and DropDownExtender so when user click on the textbox another gridview will appear tha contain List of items and button to add the item to the first gridview. my qusetion is: how can i in the event of button click(which is in the extender gridview) to get the row index of the first grid...

ASP.NET MVC AJAX returning new page on simple call

I'm not sure what's wrong with the following setup. I have a View that lists a number of records, and each has a dropdown associated with it to change a value on that record. I had it all working without AJAX, but you had to change a bunch of the dropdowns then click a Submit button. I wanted to change it so that it would save the dropdo...

gridview dropdown extender

hello, I have gridview with TextBox Template field and DropDownExtender so when user click on the textbox another gridview will appear that contain List of items, on row data bound for first gridview i give the data source for the second gridview. my problem is that: for few second when the page load the second gridview(in the extender )...

Rails: how to get value from another field when executing an onchange remote function in textfield

I want to create a form for making a reservation for borrowed items. A reservation consists of pick up time, return time and items the reserver wants to borrow and their amounts. For example, I might want to reserve three plates, three knives and three forks for the rest of the week. In the form, I want to do an AJAX validation that che...

Ajax : formhandler exceptions are lost when the control comes back to the page

It would be very helpful if someone can share any info/probable solution for an issue i am facing, which is, after submitting the request to process, if an exception is generated and a new FormException is created and added to the request so that it can be read and displayed in UI However when we read formHandler.formExceptions in the js...

getting the location header of an ajax call with javascript prototype

Hi everybody, In my javascript application(using prototype), I need some info from a third party server an this server sometimes requires web interaction with the user, and for that reason it sends 302 http code with a new URL in the Location header. What I want is to capture this new URL to open it in a separate window, however the met...

Background Image in an Image Map

I am trying to make a user generated nav bar. This nav bar because it is dynamically created may have more tabs on it than the width of the nav bar. That being the case, I would like to make it so that the nav will scroll from left to right. Currently I use an image mapping technique where I plot coordinates on an image and move divs ...

Prevent New Request While fetching previous request in jQuery

hi , i want to how can i prevent new ajax request while browser is fetching previous request ! i create a system contain a table of data like this : col1 | col2 | col3 data1| data2| data3 when user mouse over data fields I'm used Ajax to retrieve more information about data on mouse over event but if user rapidly move his/her curso...

How do you mimic the UI behaviors of YouTube's watch-action-area using jQuery Ajax?

When watching a YouTube video, a user can click "Share" or "Playlists" and a panel containing relevant FORM elements will appear below it. I would really like to find a simple jQuery example that shows how to implement a behavior very much like it -- just the UI behavior -- complete with the "close" option. ...

Submitting a Rails form with jQuery and Ajax

EDIT: Figured it out so asking a related question. here's my Javascript jQuery.ajaxSetup({ 'beforeSend': function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript") } }) jQuery.fn.submitWithAjax = function() { this.submit(function() { $.post(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, "script"); r...

Is it bad practices to allow null fields to a DB Table in order to simplify Model Binding from Ajax?

Please read here and here to get a quick overview of my problem and to see exactly what I mean when I say Model Binding from Ajax. Would it be a bad idea to make the foreign key fields nullable in order to allow for Model Binding from javascript? For example, we want to bind to a Person object during an ajax call to... (The Person cla...

jEditable: Eliminate AJAX requests if data hasn't changed

Anyone see potential problems with optimizing away unnecessary ajax requests like this: $('.editable').editable(function(value, settings) { // check if changed at all if(this.revert == value) { this.reset() return } ... fire ajax request } ...

How would you code this: The SO Menu

I'm a person that learns best from example. Currently, I'm diving into the field of Web Development after fifteen years of developing desktop apps. I'm still getting used to all the web technologies used for developing modern web sites and everywhere I look, I see cool little UI elements and question how they're implemented. So I thought...

[jQuery] Update URL on AJAX call?

Right now the biggest issue I'm having with using AJAX is the fact that if I use AJAX on a page, go to another page, then use the browser's back button to go back anything that was changed with AJAX is gone. I've thought about using the jQuery Addresss plugin to solve that problem but I don't like how it only amends the URL with "#whate...

Ideas for web application with external input and realtime notification

Hello everyone, I am to build a web application which will accept different events from external sources and present them quickly to the user for further actions. I want to use Ruby on Rails for the web application. This project is a internal development project. I would prefer simple and easy to use solutions for rapid development over...

AJAX Performance Testing

I need to do some performance/load testing on this website - Information Queensland Atlas In the past I have used Jmeter and WAPT 5 with reasonable success however in those cases the websites being testing did not make use of AJAX. For the website above I need to simulate a number of users and determine the capacity of the current serv...

cache or not to cache

I have an ajax application where the client might lookup bunch of data frequently(say by key stroke), the data gets updated on the server side once or twice a day at fixed times by a demon process. To avoid visiting the server frequently, I store the data in a xml file, so the client downloads it once when the page first loads, then loo...

How do I call javascript on host MVC page when ajax call in partial view is complete?

I have an Asp.net MVC partial view that is used for searching. It does an Ajax call to retrieve results. Once the results are retrieved and displayed in the result pane, the user can click on a link in any of the result rows to select one of the search results. When the user clicks on a link to select one of the search results, it will m...