
How to do Model Binding with Jquery Ajax

Hi, I'd like to use model binding to keep my controllers looking cleaner, you can see how much nicer it is using model binding: public ActionResult Create(Person personToCreate) { //Create person here } vs public ActionResult Create(string firstName, string lastName, string address, string phoneNum, string email, string postalCo...

jQuery AJAX trampoline redirect

I am working on site where users get a 30 minute cookie and after it expires, any calls to the server redirect to a "session expired, click here to re-login screen." Here's the wrinkle: When the user gets to the session expired page, the URL of that page is that of the page they were trying to reach. Clicking the "Login Again" link tak...

Google using # instead of search? in URL. Why?

I'm not sure how long they've been doing it but I just noticed google using # in their search url instead of search?. New way http://www.google.com/#q=stackoverflow Old way http://www.google.com/search?q=stackoverflow The pound/hash sign is generally used as an anchor to a section of a page. Besides a shorter url what could be the bene...

Prototype's Ajax.Request and Internet Explorer 8

The following code is supposed to perform an AJAX request after the page loads, and then display the response of that AJAX call in a popup. This works in Firefox, but I have no idea why it does not work in IE8. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Do this stu...

How do you make ajax work from different directories?

First, let me show you the folder structure: public_html[] |_ project_folder[] |_another_folder[] |_xml_folder[] |_xmlfile.xml |_ js_folder[] |_javascriptfile.js |_ file.html |_ file2.html I have some file.html ...

Ext.Ajax.request callbacks never called when isUpload is true.

Hello, I'm using ExtJS to make a form that generates a report from the data in the database in CSV format. After the user chooses a simple range of dates to extract the data and submits, running the following code : var frm = document.createElement('form'); frm.id = 'frmDummy'; frm.name = id; document.body.appendChild(frm); Ext.Mess...

Javascript XML Parser

Hi, We've sets of webservices and we have to make request on clientside (sending request to getting response in a jason format, and parsing XML document through - having XSLT support would be great). We need a Javascript library which will be independently responsible to all the above work and should handle browser compatibility issues...

jquery ajax tabs with asp.net user control gridview

I have a user control that has a gridview in it with paging. The paging is driven by an object datasource, so it's using the dopostback events by default. I want to use jquery to load the usercontrol into a tab via ajax because I have multiple tabs that I don't want to load all at once and take all the database hits if they aren't neede...

Should you do validation on the server side?

Should you do validation on the server side, or is it ok to just do the validation on the client side? @TheTXI I am happy your amazed I just did not want to leave anything out that could potential change someone answer to give me false information. It seems alot of people touched on what I was going after but the part of the Ajax s...

Ajaxian HTML to PDF print control

Is there an AJAX control for converting HTML pages into PDF? I'd like to add a "printer-friendly" link which creates a PDF file of the current page. ...

IE8 XmlHttpRequest Debugging

I am looking for some way to elegantly inspect XmlHttpRequests in IE8. I wouldn't mind a plugin or an external program. I have yet to find anything that works nearly as well as Firebug. I have already tried Julien Couvreur's bookmark debugger, but it did not seem to work with Prototype. Julien's Script ...

Does ajax require a web service?

If I want to get data to update partially in a page with jquery (or something else) ajax, does the page I call have to be a web service? Or will just any page that returns json or xml be fine? I guess I'm asking it like this because in asp.net you have "offical" web services. In other languages and frameworks they may not be like that...

Null error when using JQuery Validation with JSON AJAX

I am using the JQuery Validation plug-in and Ajax for my page. Validation works fine when I leave every thing blank. It also works fine if I enter fields besides the SKU field (the one which AJAX is being used for). I get the problem when I enter something into the SKU input but not the other inputs. When I do the this I get an error: "E...

jQuery UI Drag + drop after AJAX call

I'm using a AJAX call to create a new droppable box. Now within that box I want to create another droppable container after a successful drag and drop event into that box. I don't want to create a recursive call, however. $("#box").click( function (e) { // Create container // Create addDrop droppable firs...

In a rich:tab component what is the difference between switchTypes? ajax, client, or server

I am trying to implement a search page with 2 tabs: Basic Search Options and Advanced Search Options. The Search button is outside the tab at the bottom of the page. I am trying to figure out which switchType to use on the rich:tab component. richfaces offers 3 switch types: ajax server client I don't understand when someone who u...

parsing unknown attributes of elements within an xml file using jquery

Is it possible to get both the attribute name and the value of an element? Basically i want to get the name and the values of all attributes of a single element, in order to write them into a Javascript Object like this: obj { key: "value", another_key: "another_value", } Thx for any response ...

Get accurate position for a click on a linked image using jquery

I'm working on an app that allows tagging directly on photos via clicking (like Facebook, flickr, et al). However, I can't seem to register the right coordinates for a click on a photo. The problem is the x coordinates seem to be absolute x distance of a click within the browser window(rather than within the photo), while the y coordi...

How would you code this: The SO Announcement bar

I'm a person that learns best from example. Currently, I'm diving into the field of Web Development after fifteen years of developing desktop apps. I'm still getting used to all the web technologies used for developing modern web sites and everywhere I look, I see cool little UI elements and have no idea how they're implemented. So I ...

Java: Need efficient notifications between site users.

I have a simple ajax game between 2 users with java backend (tomcat, spring). I need some good way of notifying one user that his opponent made a turn. Now all communication is done through database and waiting for opponent to finish his turn looks like this: while(!timeout && !opponentIsDone) { //...get the game record from db and...

creating non-reloading dynamic webapps using Django

As far as I know, for a new request coming from a webapp, you need to reload the page to process and respond to that request. For example, if you want to show a comment on a post, you need to reload the page, process the comment, and then show it. What I want, however, is I want to be able to add comments (something like facebook, wh...