
AJAX Autocomplete appears at a random vertical position, not touching the textbox

Hi, I am using the AJAX Autocomplete extender for ASP.NET 2. Everything works fine...I am calling a webservice which gets me the values to fill the drop down with after 3 letters are typed into certain es. I have set the maxheight attribute and am using a scrollbar in case there are more entries than would fit that height. However, I no...

jQuery UI -> handling dynamic content?

Hi, I'm trying to use a dynamic, single dialog that changes based on ajax calls. Is there any elegant way to change the height and width based on the new content? Currently, I have an empty div which is filled, causing problems. Help? ...

Is AJAX old yet?

I'm about to begin building a real-time interactive website that will allow the user to create various objects and drag and move them around inside the browser, similar to, but very different than the newly announced Google Wave. Are there any newer methodologies than AJAX being used right now for creating real-time interactive web page...

Ajax Paging - Enable Back Button

Hello, I have a ASP.NET MVC implementation in which I get partial views via jQuery for things such as paging and filtering. The problem is though that I break the browser's back button by doing so. How can I restore back button behavior (rewrite the URL without refresh using pound? Not sure how that works though, and how to re-fetch data...

AJAX on localhost using IIS and php and MySQL

I am trying AJAX for the first time on my localhost. I am using IIS and PHP with MySQL. This error is generated: "A HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found" when I try this javascript command: xmlhttp.send(null); xmlhttp is a varable and is used to retrieve the GetXmlHttpObject ...

Dynamic button control in AJAX

I create a button control and it shows up, but when clicked event does not fire, not sure if it could be because control gets greated after previous event in AJAX which fires fine. Should only get executed once. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks. Button btnCommentSave = new Button(); btnCommentSave.ID = "mySavebtn...

Variable speed of response with jQuery Ajax requests

When I perform an asynchronous request with jQuery Ajax, sometimes the response is returned quickly in 800 ms, somtimes it's slow and the response is returned in 2.50s (avg), and sometimes it hangs, and just shows the loading images. I'm not sure if it's because of my PHP code or jQuery Ajax code. I send some values using jQuery Ajax: ...

Is there a Wiki with a Web 2.0 UI (like StackOverflow's) ?

I need to use MediaWiki at work. It used to be okay, but with sites s.a. StackOverflow, there's some user interface issues that simply don't do any more. Most importantly, I'd want to see the live preview when typing. There shouldn't be need for a preview mode. What Wikis are you using? Which would be the best for a recent (easy) Web e...

jquery html creating multiples of the same form

I am using ASP.NET MVC, Partial Views and Dialogs. I make a ajax request to the server and it hands me back a partial view. Then I use: $('#elementTag').html(returnData) to refill the bounding div's. However, this partial view contains the inner working for a dialog wrapped in a form element along with the rest of the partial view conten...

xml validity, ajax, and php

Hello all. I'm returning some XML from PHP to Javascript via ajax and getting some 'invalid xml' errors. The xml I'm returning looks like this: <response> <song>tdb2009-01-29s2s06</song> <song>tdb2009-01-29s1s02</song> </response> And my javascript to parse it looks like: function u_handleServerR...

Will asp.net-mvc ajax related requests count as page views in IIS?

Will asp.net-mvc ajax related requests count as page views in IIS? Does it make a different on the response type of the request? i.e. json versus ... ...

jquery GET request not working in IE

Hi, I have the following jquery code: function update(){ $.get("getlatest.php", { id: $.cookie('last_post_id') }, function(response){ $('#board_posts').prepend(response); $('.incoming_post').slideDown("slow").effect("highlight", {}, 3000); $('.incoming_post').toggleClass("incoming_post").addCl...

Few questions about auto fill search terms

Hello everyone, I am trying to make it easy form my end users to search through my sites by autofilling the search box when the user types in a word through using ajax calls. Now first I will show you my code so far and then I will add the questions I have. Here is the HTML: <input type="text" id="searchfield" name="q" > And the ...

Detecting XHtmlConformance setting at runtime (without reference to web.configs)

Question: Is there a way to detect what XHtml conformance setting a particular ASP.Net web page is being generated using at run time (without reference to the web.config). Background: We have ASP.NET web pages which need to work under different XHtml Conformance modes - mostly Legacy (Sorry Mum), but some which use Transitional to enabl...

Template for JSON data?

I found this? Is this the best way to do it? http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2009/05/03/using-jquery-with-client-side-data-binding-templates.aspx I'm looking to use some sort of repeat loop with variables that throw in JSON data. I am using Codeignitor and jquery. Thanks ...

Jquery dynamic pagination for comments expert opinion

I am trying to create a dynamic pagination system for my website and I've decided on using ajax callback function to dynamically show the comments when the user clicks on different page elements.. So I'm pasting the code below as an example as to how I am doing it...I would like to ask you guys if I'm doing it right or if their is any be...

Show "Loading..." in dropdown box

I'm running a database query to load a dropdownbox using jquery. Is there a way to display the words "Loading..." in the dropdownbox while the query is running? Thanks. ...

UpdatePanel where Button Event does not fire.

I have a UpdatePanel with a PlaceHold contained in it. I create some controls with Labels and Buttons, when Button is clicked it fires an Event that clears PlaceHolder and adds some Textboxes and a Button with an Event. Problem is when this Button is click it appears to do a PostBack and does not fire Event associated with Button. I th...

Catching server side errors inside Ajax form submission

Hi, I am working with a Java application, and I have ajax form submission from a modal window. I would like the code to load either success or error page in the modal depending on the server side processing results. The following code is working for the success scenario only. $.ajax({ type: "POST", ...

RoR, Jquery, Ajax form errors

Alright. I have a create form where people are able to create businesses which are then added to the database. Everything worked fine. Rails was throwing it's errors if things weren't filled out correctly and if they were, you;d be directed to another page that would show you the business you just created. Now with that, I have to be ab...