
FileUpload with UpdateProgress

UPDATE: I've added a java script function: function showWait() { if ($get('filUpload').value.length > 0) { $get('UpdateProgress1').style.display = 'block'; } } <asp:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" OnClick="btnUpload_Click" OnClientClick="...

Update two different values with one AJAX response

I want to update two different values with one ajax-response. <span id="nr1">Change this</span> <span id="nr2">and change this</span> Now I can just change one value, I do like this: document.getElementById('nr1').innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; Is it possible to do something like this: document.getElementById('nr1').innerHTML =...

Is there a JQuery Table plugin that supports an HTML table as an AJAX datasource

I've been evaluating a number of JQuery table plugins to handle my paging and sorting needs. I am looking for something that allows be to page and sort my tables with an AJAX call. The problem that I am having is that all the plugins that I have found expect the Ajax call to return JSON. This is perfect for simple scenarios but falls d...

How to perform slide right using Jquery

I had a div class that generate a arrow >>. when that div is clicked i want to show the list of items which should slide from left to right and should wait for 20 secs. when clicked once again, it should slide left and disappear. Im Trying it using Jquery.But not working. Please help me. Any help will be highly appreciated. ...

multiple forms with ajax/jquery?

I am using this plugin: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/#getting-started I am having issues, getting it to submit (using a single function) more than one form on the page at the same time, and to make it more complicated, I am loading the form via ajax from a remote html call. So the form function needs to be loaded again. The question ...

What is the best way, inside a controller, to know if the request is a XMLHTTP one or not (ZF)

I have different logic in an action depends if the request is an AJAX one or not. (For AJAX logins, I do not need to redirect after successful login, which is not the case in normal login, for example). What is the best way, beside checking the headers for X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Is there a flag or something? ...

Ajax browser compatibility

I am developing a webpage in which I use Ajax in the following way. var xmlhttpres=""; function Ajaxfun(spanUsername,spanPassword) { xmlhttpres=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlhttpres==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request"); return; } var url="CheckExistuser.php"; url=url+"?Us...

flot graph on a timer

I want my flot graph to update it's data on set intervals. I have been unable to find any built in functionality that does this so I intend to do something along the lines of redrawing the graph each time an interval expires. The data parameter being passed to flot is the only value that will change. The data variable is populated using ...

prototype ajax not properly executing query

So I decided to start using prototype and here's my first question. I'm trying to send out an ajax request to a php page which updates s single record. When I do this by hand (ie: typing the address + parameters it works fine but when I use this code from javascript: var pars = 'trackname=' + track + '&tracktime=' + time; new Ajax.Requ...

jquery tab gives 404 sometimes when loading remote content

I am using jquery tabs to load content from a remote file. I have about 30 links in tabbed navigation all loaded with the same script, but for some reason I get 404 errors on 3 or 4 of the links. Each time I reload the page, the links that don't work will change, so some links that didn't work previously will load properly and others t...

Loaded AJAX content breaking out of DIV tag

Hi. I'm new to Java/AJAX etc. I have a page with links down the left and a DIV on the right. I want content (other pages) to load in the DIV when users click on the links on the left... beginner AJAX stuff I guess. I played around with a few JQery plugins and found one that allows pages to load with a fade effect, which is perfect. I h...

Can the jQuery UI datepicker show entire year and style selected date programmatically?

I need a datepicker that will display the entire year for adding dates to a schedule, and I want to be able to make different dates different colors based on other criteria. I know I can use the beforeShowDay function on page load, but what about changing the selected date's style programmatically? Currently we have an asp.net button...

javascript WTF, phantom function call

I'm trying to have 'help' tooltips which appear when you click on labels of certain class, and go away when you click away. Nothing appears. I can set breakpoints in firebug and see the 'loading' tooltip, and then when the ajax returns the tooltip updates correctly, then removeTooltip gets called phantomly (stack trace just says F() F(...

jQuery AJAX post not working, but works with curl

Hi there, I'm trying to make a post request via ajax using jQuery (for the BaseCamp API), and I can't seem to get it to work. I can get it to work using curl just fine, so I know it's something I'm doing wrong with jQuery. Here's the curl command which works: curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -u my....

Best Ajax Search/Filter

I am looking for the best way to mimic the facebook friend window, where you can use ajax to filter what you type and update it. Any suggestions? I was playing with flexgrid but I think that's overkill ...

can anybody help me how to deal this 2 javascript conflict

The First Script that allows me to create a moving clouds and loop after if reaches the end // dvdp - volll - iphone alert var agent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_iphone = (agent.indexOf('iphone')!=-1); // TJP - volll var stispace=new Array(); var jumpspace=new Array(); var skyspace=new Array; skyspace['dir']=-1; skys...

Creating new html in JS or ajax loading a html layout?

I have a page where I need to create a large amount of HTML that's not already present in the page. Using jQuery I've been building the page with JS piece by piece, adding divs here and there, etc, until I get my layout. Right now I'm thinking rather than do all that in JS, I can create the layout in a separate HTML file and then load ...

Does $.get() work to invoke actions when using ASP.NET MVC?

Does $.get() work if I'm working with ASP.NET MVC? If so, would someone please give me an example? I have written an aspx page that I wish to call using $.get(), in which I intend to call some function and send a response back to the page. If not, then would someone please point out an alternative? ...

Simple PHP AJAX File Read Progress Problems!

Okay, im not very good at describing these things, so bear with me.. Im trying to find a way of showing a status/progress bar kind of thing to show the percentage (or whatever) of how much of a text file has been read/parsed by php. I know roughly what I need to do (be it by counting the lines, or filesize and that of the actual text fi...

How to load large amounts of data in a ListBox? ASP.NET MVC application

I am working with an ASP.NET MVC application. There is a requirement that a user be able to select an item from a ListBox that could contain over 30,000 entries. Is there a dynamic way to populate the contents of this ListBox using an Ajax call - that would perform well? Would I be better off just populating the ListBox control on th...