
Preventing ajax-jquery loaded external file from caching in IE

Hi you all masters. I need help since 2 days I'm looking all over the internet and couldn't find answer for my problem. I have this jquery script to call an external file. So far so good. The script is working fine, but as always IE makes what he wants. The external file that I load with this script (weather.php) is a file with real-tim...

How to generate simple pop up using Jquery

I am designing a web page. In that when we click the content of div named mail, a popup window should be shown containing a label email and text box. I searched in google as simple popup in Jquery but the code is weird. Please help me by providing very simple jquery pop up. ...

.NET ROUTING and ajax sys undefined

Whenever .NET routing is included in my web.CONFIG i get a sys undefined error which prevents ajax from being loaded. I'm using .net 3.5 w/ c# any help would be much appreciated. ...

Checking if a username already exists asynchronously - ASP.NET

I have seen several websites nowadays that asynchronoulsy checks if the user name you are typing is available or not. It appears that they use AJAX for this (and capture the textbox on changed event and maybe call a server side method that does a DB call?) For a ASP.NET/C# site, how would I go about doing this? I would really appreciate...

Crystal reports and AJAX in .Net 2.0

Hello, Has anyone attempted using JQuery dialog to display crystal reports in .Net 2.0? Also, the crystal report viewer is within an AJAX update panel. We are trying to implement that and having nightmarish issues with printing and exporting the reports. If I use full postbacks from the report viewer, it closes the JQuery dialog. If I u...

Jquery UI Slider - Input a Value and Slider Move to Location

I was wondering if anyone has found a solution or example to actually populating the input box of a slider and having it slide to the appropriate position onBlur() .. Currently, as we all know, it just updates this value with the position you are at. So in some regards, I am trying to reverse the functionality of this amazing slider. On...

Difference between Client Callbacks and Ajax Page Methods - ASP.NET

Based on my understanding, both of them essentially do the same thing (lets us execute a server side method from JS). Are there any differences? Also, Ajax Page Methods can be implemented either using JQuery or using ScriptManager. Which one is preferred and why?? **BOUNTY: Adding a bounty to get clear explanation of the question. Tha...

variable declaration in ajax

Hi I need to write an ajax function to reload the content in a div of my Free marker tool page the Div contains a question with yes or no radio buttons and when the user picks yes and click the submit button the page should reload and as I am very new to ajax I wrote something like this PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THE FORMAT I WROTE IN CREAT...

What is the most performant way to inject new code into the DOM?

Hi. I am engaged in a small debate with the server side developer for my project (I'm the front end guy) around injecting new stuff into DOM. He maintains that the best method to inject a large amount of code (received via ajax) is to send a JSON object and then to iterate through each item of that object. He says that will save some ba...

How can I use jquery for drag/drop

I have a drag and drop script using an older version of jquery which relied on Interface.js which was what people used for drag and drop before jqueryUI was ever created. I really need to convert/re-write my cript to use the newer versions of jquery though and the syntax is different now and it will not work with the older interface.js ...

limit number of jquery drag and drop id's

I have the code below that makes a list of div's drag and droppable, on drop it returns a list of the id's in there new order. I need to add 2 features to this code somehow. 1) In a dropdown select list there will be 5 options. 3,6,9,12,15 and when a user picks one of these numbers I need to highlight the first X number of the div's....

Generated html code is not click-able

Help me please i'm a newbie in ajax and framework jQuery , i make in jQuery a page , with different plugins a page , but when i receive html code from ajax ,and is not click-able , i used a function live() , but only helped on plugin delete , with edit plugin is not working , what can be the problem... This is script for editing <...

How to bind an event to the group of links in AHAH-requested HTML

Hi all! I have an AHAH-requested HTML, like: <table> <tr> <td>...</td> <td><img src="..." onClick="get_next_ahah(sell####)" id="sell####"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>...</td> <td><img src="..." onClick="get_next_ahah(sell####)" id="sell####"/></td> </tr> ... and so on where #### - numerical IDs from DB. How can I replace th...

How should I associate server-side data with client-side UI elements in HTML?

I run into this problem constantly while developing AJAX applications. Let's say I want users to be able to click on a "flag" icon associated with each comment on my site, which results in an AJAX request being sent to the server, requesting that the comment be flagged. I need to associate a comment id with the comment on the client side...

How to capture user interaction with a website?

How can I capture user interaction on a website? How many links a user has clicked. From where user has come. I want to create my own logic. I don't want to use any statistics tool. How can I accomplish this? Thanks in advance ...

Referencing parent window from an iframe on a modal popup

I am using the AJAX modalpopupextender and I have an iframe embedded in the modal popup. I need to be able to reference the parent window (the window from which the modal popup was launched) to reload/change the URL when certain events on the modal popup are fired. I have tried window. top, window.parent, opener, root, etc., and have h...

how to use ajax datepicker in vb.net 2.0

Hi, Can I have good example or code about how to use Ajax Datepicker in my vb.net 2.0? Please suggest? Thanks. Best Regards, MS ...

How to block a panel's contents but not block the entire page

hi. i have a requirement where I have 2 panels. The first panel is having some content. The Second panel is having some content but here I need to block the Panel1. This means I want even panel1 to appear but it should be blocked like things means when user clicks on any button in panel1 N...

How to make multiple Popups using Jquery

For pop up im using the following code style : a.selected { background-color:#1F75CC; color:white; z-index:100; } .messagepop { background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #999999; cursor:default; display:none; margin-top: 15px; position:absolute; text-align:left; width:394px; z-index:50; padding: 25px 25px 20...

How to change the language of 'Google News' regarding the GSnewsBar object (Ajax API)?

The following deals with GSnewsBar object of the Goolge-Ajax search API which is explained here: http://www.google.com/uds/solutions/newsbar/reference.html There are some parameters which allow to change the layout of the news. But there is no example of how to set the news language. Currently I always get news in English but my aim i...