
Facebook Style AJAX Search

Hiya All, I've created a Facebook style ajax search for my site where as you type it will bring up the results in a nice list below your search. $("#s").keyup(function() { var searchbox = $(this).val(); var dataString = 's='+ searchbox; if(searchbox!='') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/livesearch.php", ...

jquery preload the page loaded via load() method

Hi, I'm trying to do something like boxy or facebox or lightbox...and so on. The only problem is that I don't know how to preload the page that is loaded into the box via load() method. It should work like this: It pops the box Loading animation is added When the page is loaded the animation disappears So i need to know when the pa...

Ajax jquery <a> to update database

I have a view_mine_and_others.php file that outputs this html <div class="rec" id="1"> <div class="val">343</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> <div class="rec" id="2"> <div class="val">12001</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> <div class="rec" id="3"> <div class="val">4233</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> I...

Ajax jquery success scope

I have this ajax call to a doop.php. function doop(){ var old = $(this).siblings('.old').html(); var new = $(this).siblings('.new').val(); $.ajax({ url: 'doop.php', type: 'POST', data: 'before=' + old + '&after=' + new, success: function(resp) { if(resp == 1) { $(this).siblings('.old').html(new); } }...

ajax post url issue using jquery

i request a ajax call using jquery $.ajax{} on url parameter i hardcoded the path as "/Home/Ajaxpost" its working fine with default, but i hosted in IIS so the project name included in path like "/Project/Home/Index" so now if the request goes lik "Home/Ajaxpost" fails Action not found. How can i dynamically set the path for ajax...

How to use Ajax for showing list from database in MVC

Hi On view users page am showing list of users in the list, and i want to show recent users by selecting dropdown of (Recent Users) in the same page. now am using post action to get the values and bind the list its getting full page load but i want to use to Ajax with Jquery option to show the list of datas in the same view page any one...

start downloading file with ajax

Hello, I like to access my download.php with ajax, that way I can show a little downloadscreen in a div, BUT I have this in my htaccess file, that basicly says deny outside access for all pages. I forgot about it, while I was trying to access my download.php file with window.location = urlnieuw Is there a workaround for this problem...

'A4J' is undefined

hello i have a problem with ajax4jsf library on ie7 it give me error 'A4J is undefined' but this error not appear on firefox and chrome library which i used myfaces1.1.5 and ajax4jsf1.1 Here is my web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"; xmlns:xsi="w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-...

Internet Explorer XML Ajax reply value iteration

Hi there, folks. I've already asked here a question about this issue. The thing is that I would really appreciate to get your help on this, as I can't seem to detect and solve the problem I'm having with an AJAX functionality on a site that I'm currently developing. I have a webform that makes an asynchronous call to a handler (.ashx) ...

update panel issue

For whatever reason - my update panel is not updating. Now please note that this is all inside the item template of a template field inside of a gridview. Major Nesting. Help me,Please <ItemTemplate> <asp:ImageButton ID="bttnEdit" runat="server" injid='<%# Eval("Id") %>' causeid='<%# Eval("Cause_Type") %>' natureid='<%# Eval("Nature_...

Ajax jquery synchronous callback success

I have this function that makes an ajax call. I'm describing the problem in the last chunk of code comments. function doop(){ var that = this; var theold = "theold"; var thenew = "thenew"; $.ajax({ url: 'doop.php', type: 'POST', ...

Are there any GUI toolkits built on top of HTML Canvas like swing,swt,gtk or qt?

Are there any GUI toolkits built on top of HTML Canvas like swing,swt,gtk or qt? So that it is possible to build applications like applets or flex gui:s inside the html canvas. ...

How to use jQuery AJAX $.post to store PHP $_SESSION variables?

Help! I'm having trouble wrestling AJAX to work for me. I have a paginated gallery with checkboxes beneath each image and I need to store the checkbox values in session variables if a user moves between the pages, so when they submit the form at any time it will include all checked values across all pages. I'm using this jQuery code: ...

Is it possible to prevent a request from going to the page?

This might be really hacky, but I'm beginning to get desperate Is it possible to prevent a request from actually hitting the actual page...ie, can I write something in Application_BeginRequest that processes the part that I want, and then skips the rest of the lifecycle? Oh, and is it possible to do it in such a way that the ajax updat...

How to avoid spaghetti code in Javascript

I'm finding myself writing a lot of spaghetti in Javascript when I have to deal with asynchronous applications (specially when dealing with OpenSocial code where all the data has to be obtained through JS). The usual pattern is something like: User logs into the application for the first time, get his data. Do A on his data (e.g. get h...

What is the minimum amount of HTML an UpdatePanel requires before it falls over?

If for instance, I was to give a response back to an ASP.Net Update Panel page, but use Response.Write and then end it before anything was rendered, what is the minimum I would need to write in the Response.Write? ...

Inserting content into an existing div with AJAX and jQuery

I'm currently using the following code to insert generated content into a DIV: $(this).next("div").load("getcontent","contentid="+id"); However, at the moment this replaces any content in the DIV by the content returned by getpost. What I would like is to insert the content at the start of the next div. Is this possible/easy with jQue...

AJAX popup causes screen to re-load using ASP.Net

Using the following code: http://yensdesign.com/2008/09/how-to-create-a-stunning-and-smooth-popup-using-jquery/ When I click the button to activate the AJAX popup, it does appear, but the page is reloading on the button click. How do I get around this? Thanks. ...

rails form_remote_tag and onselect submit...

I have a form_remote working perfectly for the form currency. The only change I want to make is the do away with submit button for a select box. So they just click the correct currency and it submits the ajax request. <%= collection_select(:currency, :set, Currency.find(:all, :conditions => 'primary_source = "ECB"'), :code, :pretty_na...

best way to store images and then display them

Hi... I have a form that searches a mysql db for whatever the user is after, and returns the results on the same page in a div (using ajax then php to search mysql)... The results are ads, as cars for example, and I want each ad to have a unique image associated with it so that it displays the images next to the ads... Storing images ...