
jqgrid dropdown menu

Hi, i'm trying to build up an edit form with some . The first one use a dataUrl to load some Provinces; selecting a value another must be populatied with an ajax query filtered with a where clause. I have tried using this: {dataUrl: 'query1.asp',dataEvents:[{type:'change', fn: function(e) {$("#select2").parent().load('query2.asp?variab...

iWebKit/iPhone: Chatbox with MySQL, AJAX, PHP and Javascript

Hello, i am busy with a chatbox that contains MySQL, AJAX, PHP and Javascript. Now i want to have this on my iPod Touch/iPhone, so i am building a website with iWebKit. The following codes i provided is done now; just asking why it does not display the chatbox itself (so not the senders) after more than 2 lines are entered... What code...

AJAX object in Safari and Chrome?

I asked, Can you tell me why my searches are working ok in IE8 but get stuck with safari and chrome? www.netivot.biz The ajax code is at www.netivot.biz/js/Ajax.js It works with some xml and xslt files then jitter suggested to preplace my code with : function getAjaxObject() { var xmlHttp = null; try { ...

Ajax loading gif

I want to show loading gif while I fetch my actual content from the server. I know how to get this done if it was just that. The problem I am facing is that I want to show this loading gif as a modal box. Can some one help ? Edited: Here is what I am doing in my code $('#'+buttonId).click(function(){ // Put an animated GIF image ...

Call a javascript function with a bound value

I am using ASP.NET 4.0 new AJAX template framework, I bind a dataview using data coming from a JSON formatted web service. I would like to call the onClientClick method of my LinkButton while passing the bound value, here is my code snippet: <asp:LinkButton onClientClick="GetCategoryDetails({{CategoryId}})" ID="lnkCategory" runat="...

order that code is executed in, in an RJS script

I'm trying to implement a carousel function that's ajax driven. In other words, fetching new "slides" through the controller". I'm using glider.js (with prototype). My RJS file needs to load the new element into the DOM, and then Glider is called. My simplified RJS looks like this: page.insert_html :bottom, "content", :partial => 'pos...

Upload fails once, then works correctly

I'm working on an ASP.Net custom control. In my control I have a FileUpload control, inside a MultiView, inside an AJAX UpdatePanel. I've added the submit button to the post back triggers of the update panel. (This is the standard fix for getting a FileUpload to work within an UpdatePanel). On the first submit the FileUpload does not u...

AJAX: problem with redirect

Hi, This is the first time ever I'm using AJAX, and I want to do the following on an otherwise static page www.xyz.org/some_site.html: Send a GET request to another url "www.xyz.org/testscript" if response has either status code != 200 or content != 'ok': do nothing else: include sth on the website (i.e. set style="display:block" on a...

How can I read the text in the file from remote machine(from IIS6.0 Virtual directory) either using Javascript or Ajax

how can I read the text in the file from remote machine(from IIS6.0 Virtual directory) either using Javascript or Ajax and copy into client machine 'TEMP/specified' Folder ...

Refire certain scripts after jQuery AJAX load.

I need certain scripts to refire after an AJAX load. How could I accomplish this? ...

JavaScript inside Ajax - Internet Explorer

I would like to add a Javascript at the end of some ajax content, It works fine on firefox but internet explorer print the script without running it. <script type="text/javascript"> $.tablesorter.addParser({ id: 'title', is: function(s) { return false; }, format: function(s) { s= s....

Dynamic Javascript appending with location.href attribute and ajax-cross-domain.com script.

After assigning this: window.onload = initfunction; I want to append the AJAX cross domain script to the header: function initfunction() { var dh = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = null; script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', 'http://whatever.com/cgi-bin/ACD/ACD.js?'+location.hr...

AJAX signout with Zend Framework and jQuery

When a logged user click the signout link I'd like to call the logout action without refresh the page or redirect. Any helps? Thanks! ...

Ajax large screen refresh

Hi Guys,, I have an Ajax page where a chart and a graph are displayed on the page, say 50% of the page is updated. When the next request is sent off the chart and graph are redrawn and I am unable to find a way to make this look professional, especially on slower computers. I am using Fusion Charts for the chart, Ajax and jQuery. Any...

jQuery/AJAX in IE : Object doesn't support this property or method

Ok, I'm stumped. Basically, this script works fine in FF, but not in IE (6,7 or 8) - in which it returns an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error. Any ideas?: function portfolioAjaxLoader(page){ $("div#portfolio_container").load("include/DCK_portfolio_gallery.inc.php?cat=" + page); } $(document).ready(function(){ $(...

AJAX Beginner Security, how to secure server side files

Hello, I've read quite a few online AJAX tutorials, where they show you how to set it up, then send a request to a server side script via either GET or PUT...My question is how do I stop unwanted people/applications from accessing that same script? For Example, Say i had a server side script that added some type of object (say a music ...

Rails helper to call remote upon completion of event?

I'm collecting latitude and longitude from Mobile Safari with some JavaScript code. After collecting the information from the browser, I want to update the location with an AJAX request. Is there a helper or otherwise simple way to do this with Rails/Prototype or will I have to do an XMLHttpRequest? I only see link_to_remote, periodicall...

Ajax problem not displaying data using multiple javascript calls...

I'm writing an app that uses ajax to retrieve data from a mysql db using php. Because of the nature of the app, the user clicks an href link that has an "onclick" event used to call the javascript/ajax. I'm retrieving the data from mysql, then calling a separate php function which creates a small html table with the necessary data in i...

Using greasemonkey and/or gmail API to reduce width of mail pane.

Hi there. I'm on my way to creating a greasemonkey script for gmail. The first thing I want to play with is reducing the size of 'main' pane. This is where either the list of emails are or where the email message is being displayed. Using Firebug, I can find two separate instances of a "<div class="nH nn" style="width: 1013px;">" tag....

Why does my ajax request disappear immediately from firebug console?

Something is going wrong with my jquery ajax-ing. When in a similar situation before I have been able to open the site in firebug and watch the ajax request in the in the console, seeing exactly what was sent and received. In my current project for some reason I see the request flash across firebug's console but it disappears almost im...