
Unobtrusive dynamic form fields in Rails with jQuery

I'm attempting to get over the hurdle of dynamic form fields in Rails -- this appears to be something the framework doesn't handle very gracefully. I'm also using jQuery in my project. I have jRails installed, but I'd much rather write the AJAX code unobtrusively where possible. My forms are fairly complex, two or three levels of nestin...

JWYSIWYG or jHtmlArea within a Jquery Ui Tab

Hello, I am not able to get my jwysiwyg and Jhtmlarea text editors to work within an AJAX loaded Jquery UI Tab Both text editors work when loaded normally. This loads the tabs on the "View Page" <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> This loads the page via AJAX on the "View Page" <li...

Ajax Result without returning View

I have a method set up that uses jquery form for a file upload - after the upload I wanted to update a layer. Here is my code... The problem is that the method is a JsonResult, and I can't figure out how to invoke the updating of another part of the page after it runs. Any suggestions? <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.We...

js libraries and ajax frameworks

what's the difference between using a js library like jquery and using an ajax framework what's the most active ajax framework out there( preferably for PHP) or a better question would be...what's the difference between an ajax request fired with Jquery and an ajax request fired using any "AJAX frameworks" ...

Is possible to debug dynamic loading JavaScript by some debugger like WebKit, FireBug or IE8 Developer Tool?

From my recent question, I already created some JavaScript function for dynamic loading partial view. So, I can't debug any dynamic loading JavaScript. Because all of loaded JavaScript will be evaluated by "eval" function. However, I found some way to create new JavaScript by using the following script to dynamically create script into ...

Writing Ajax code in JAVA

I want to write ajax code in java i.e. i want use the functionality of ajax without using ajax. I'm looking for some API of JAVA which can do so. Like we post data of a web page through JAVA program similarly I want to perform operation of ajax through JAVA program. Please suggest. ...

asp.net/ajax custom templated control, showing/hiding items with placeholder

Hi All, I have a custom templated control(toolbar) that contains a custom usercontrol(button) The button uses jquery to style and manage the states/postbacks/non=postbacks etc. A few of the buttons are hidden with a placeholder and are displayed when hitting one of the buttons. All the buttons with regards jquery seem to be initiated ...

Get html data from a web page which is populated by ajax

I've a web page on which certain section is being populated by ajax. I want this data. I've written a java program which posts the data and submit the form but unable to fetch the ajax content of the response. My application is a core java app. I'm simply posting data/submitting form with all request parameters set correctly. But not ...

How to make ajax faster and a ajax loaded Reply text field like on orkut

HEllo, I have a site where I want to introduce reply user functionality. How to make an ajax loaded reply text field like a popup? currently, i m using a text field which takes hell lot of time on clicking reply. Is there any method to make it faster? My ajax call is : $("#replyMe").click(function(){ $().ajaxStart($.blockUI); $.aj...

How can i update div continuously

I have asp.net application where i have a div which showing the value from other site. The value of that site is changing continuously. I want that my div will automatically update in some interval time. How can i do this. ...

How to fill the form when user clicks on a row without refreshing the page?

I have a entry form. Below it, I want to show a grid containing existing records. As the user clicks on a row of the grid, the values must get filled in the fields of the form above. Is there any way to do this without refreshing the page? ...

Ajax Call inside a each() Loop not being asynchronous

Hi What I'm trying to do involves going through a series of checkboxes. For each one of them that it is checked, I have to perform some calculations (using an ajax call). If there is an error, I have to break the loop and return a message. Every ajax call takes about 0,4 seconds to perform but that shall never be a problem because I c...

I need to know how COMET works

Hi i want to implement comet in php... i have idea about how ajax works but i tried to study about long polling server push using comet but i am facing problem to figure out how it works. so can you please help me... ...

Disabling ajaxSetup Defaults for some AJAX Calls

The corporate intranet I built heavily uses AJAX calls to load tables and other resources. By default I have a modal dialog box appear with a loading gif to let the user know the page is loading. I set this default up with jQuery's ajaxSetup. There are a couple of areas where I use a search box with autocomplete. And I noticed ever...

Ajax Adobe AIR and Facebook Connect

Hi guys, Is anyone aware of any Facebook Connect implementation for Adobe AIR Ajax. I know there is an Action Script (written by facebook guys) but it seems that Facebook has forgotten about AJAX version for Adobe AIR. Since Adobe AIR can't make calls via xd_receiver.htm would be quite usefull to have version written for Adobe AIR AJAX...

What is max size of ajax response data?

I send request from asp.net page and then wait for response, calling GetCommand via SetInterval method: function GetCommand(id, sid) { getCommandResponse = $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "../WebServices/TSMConsole.asmx/GetCommand", data: "{'param' : '" + id + "', 'sid' : '" + sid + "'}", contentType: "applicatio...

what is encoding in Ajax?

Generally we are using UTF-8 encoding standard for sending the request for every language. But in some language this encoding standard is not working properly,then in that case we are using ISO-8859-1. ...

Weird issue; Button click, Jquery to consume ASMX

I'm having quite a frustrating problem that I'm sure is TRIVIAL. Whenever I move this jQuery post inside the click function it sometimes works, but most of the time does not. If I move it outside it works and posts and gives a response like it should everytime.. ::boggled:: Someone please enlighten me. $(document).ready(functi...

Why can't I authenticate to Google Finance via ClientLogin by jQuery AJAX?

I can't seem to authenticate by making a POST request via ajax! I always get an HTTP 400 error. What could be the issue? ...

ajax and javascript penetration

When designing the interaction for websites and using javascript it is always important to make sure it degrades gracefully. That said, how many people cannot see content because they lack javascript. When working with ajax calls, you create pages people can be taken to when they don't have js. The practice is to default to those pages, ...