
How can I access PostData from WebBrowser.Navigating event handler?

I've got a windows form in Visual Studio 2008 using .NET 3.5 which has a WebBrowser control on it. I need to analyse the form's PostData in the Navigating event handler before the request is sent. Is there a way to get to it? The old win32 browser control had a Before_Navigate event which had PostData as one of its arguments. Not so ...

Using axWebBrowser control to capture page request and postdata.

I'm writing a small utility to capture all requests made to a web server from a windows application using the axWebBrowser control. So far I have the following working, as the user traverse the website clicking on links, posting forms etc I capture the webpage and the data being send to the server to request the next page. Where I ru...

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?

I want to reload a page using: window.location.reload(true); But I receive the POSTDATA warning because the refresh function want to resend previous POST form data. How can I refresh my page without this warning? UPDATED: I have no control of the project! I can't workaround the POST itself! ...

Get value from session or request?

currently i have code that does var req = HttpContext.Current.Request; if(!isNull(req["title"], req["desc"], req["tags"])) { doSomthing();} on certain cases i move title into session data then redirect the page or do whatever i need. Now this does not work. Is there something i can use to pull data from either request or session? ...

redirecting postdata

Hi there. I've recently upgraded a page on our server from classic asp to The page recieves postdata and saves it to a file. The page is used by many of our clients and the url (to the asp page) is hard coded into their software. This means that i cannot simply swap the old page out for the new one. I'm trying to find a way to ...

HELP! "The custom error module does not recognize this error."

(Please consider this a courtesy more so than a question, but still, please add your advice!) If you hit "The custom error module does not recognize this error" in Outlook Web Access, and you're in Firefox; then your session probably just timed out! You just wrote a big email!!! If you go BACK, all form fields will be BLANK! AHHHH!!!...

Writing Ajax code in JAVA

I want to write ajax code in java i.e. i want use the functionality of ajax without using ajax. I'm looking for some API of JAVA which can do so. Like we post data of a web page through JAVA program similarly I want to perform operation of ajax through JAVA program. Please suggest. ...

is it possible to tamper post data when using frames

I have a site that is using frames. Is it still possible from the browser for someone to craft post data for one of the frames using the address bar? 2 of the frames are static and the other frame has php pages that communicate using post. And it doesn't appear to be possible but I wanted to be sure. ...

Sending POST data in XUL?

I'm trying to send POST data to the current tab, based on this ( But it doesn't seem to be working, nothing happens... I'd be very grateful to whoever shines light on the problem! Thanks in advance! :D var dataString = "name1=data1&name2=data2"; var stringStream =...

Problem with PHP Post Data...

If anyone could help me with the problem I'm having I would be one happy programmer. I'm working on an e-commerce site that is having trouble authenticating with the gateway. This problem just start randomly on a site that had been working for years. This suggest to me that either the host made a change / update to it's PHP configurat...

Is there an extension or a way to write an extension for firefox that allows a developer to refresh a page, but discard POST data?

I'm a developer, and I spend much of my day refreshing the webapps I work on. Occasionally, I'll encounter pages where POST data was submitted, and firefox will prompt me to Resend POST data or to Cancel. Now, I know that I can just redirect a page to itself to get rid of this warning, but I still want to keep this warning for our us...

How to get data in the servlet send via dojo.xhrPost

> var xhrArgs = { > url: '/mum/proxy/http/localhost:8080/DemoProject/MyServlet', > postData:' MyDataToBeSend', > handleAs: 'text', > load: function(data) { }, > error: function(error) {alert(error);}}; var ret = > dojo.xhrGet(xhrArgs); Hi All, I have written the above co...

HTML-Form not Posting? Content-Length: 0 (in HttpFox)

Literally yesterday an application I am developing does not post any form inputs and instead using HttpFox watch tool I am seeing the following as the POST data. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 0 When running the application locally with ASP.NET development server I cannot post the form using any browse...

ASP.NET custom control: when is LoadPostData() called?

Hi all I have developed a custom control that extends ListBox. The idea is that the control 'remembers' modifications to its elements which occurred client-side, e.g. as a result of an AJAX request. The way it works is that the control also renders a hidden input, and the result of the AJAX request is stored in the hidden input. This ...

Navigation controls for a WPF Frame/WebBrowser with POST data

Hi, I need to display a web page inside a UserControl. To navigate to the web page I need to provide POST data. So far, so good. But I also need is to have some navigation controls (back/forward) to function according to the user's navigation inside the web page (just like a normal browser would act). What I tried so far is to put a Web...

How do I get curl to correctly identify mime type?

I'm using php to post an image along with some other data. Using the sample code from the php doc site (example 2 here:, if I output what gets sent with my script ($_FILE) I see something like this: Array ( [file] => Array ( [name] => temp.gif [type] => application/o...