
How do I build C# asp.net ajax wizard (or rather convert a PlaceHolder based wizard)

I have looked at similar questions and cant seem to get the answer I need. We have a Webform based asp.net application with Wizard based interfaces. These vary between 2 to 5 steps where each step may be reliant on the previous one, ie populated before the user sees it. The Wizards are based on hiding and showing PlaceHolder controls fo...

How to set different baseUrl path in jQuery ajax requests in development and production mode?

My baseUrl path for jQuery ajax requests is different in development and production mode. How can I set it in some kind of config.ini file to switch it easily. Rightnow I'm using a baseurl.js file containing just baseurl path. In production mode, I change this variable via shell script. What should be better approach? edit To make th...

Mapping javascript objects to their ids in an MySQL database

Hey all, This is a question that I have been pondering for a long time, but didn't want to ask because I wasn't sure how to describe it.. I'm still not sure if I can describe it well but here it goes.. I have a web app that allows you to manipulate a bunch of elements on the page, but has one save button. When I hit save I would like ...

Minimal AJAX server in C++

I would like to create a very bare-bones web server in C++ which only needs to respond to XMLHttpRequests. The idea to have an Apache server serving webpages which directs the XMLHttpRequests to an existing application so that the app can provide monitoring data to users. I have a hacky implementation working now where the existing app w...

using objects in ajaxcalls php files

i have instantiated a class in my index.php file. but then i use jquery ajax to call some php files but they can't use my object that i created in the index.php file. how can i make it work? cause i don´t want to create new objects, cause the one i created holds all property values i want to use. ...

How to restrict affecting range with jQuery?

<table> ... </table> <script type="text/javascript"> $(selecctor).click(...) </script> The above is to be dynamic loaded by ajax. What I want to do is restrict the selector so that it only affects the DOM within the table above it.I( can't assign an idto the table) EDIT To Gumbo's solution: <div id="container"> </div> <table> .. <...

jQuery ajax problem with IE6

Hi my problem is a bit wired: my $.ajax success handler looks like: function(data){ alert(data); } Pretty simple, yeah? The problem is that data IS ALWAYS 3 character long - no matter what was sent by the server! The characters: 31 65535 8 (using charCodeAt()). In other browsers (even in IE 8) all works fine. I've looke...

1 million link elements in one page?

will it get "laggy" if i fetch 1 million link elements and put it in the DOM. cause i want a navigation list on top..its kinda like the one Apple's got on their site and you can scroll left or right with your keyboard. the only difference is that the center image will be get larger in size compared to the others. the link elements will...

does google translate api works on ajaxembedded texts?

i wonder if i can use google translate api to translate ajax embedded texts on my website? ...

Send \n with jquery ajax

I made a little script that send a textarea content to PHP page with get ajax request: $.get('./data/pages/admin/actions.php?savepost=1','&post_id=' + $(box).attr('id') + '&text=' + new_text,'text'); new_text get content from textarea with val(); When I save the text from php it has no \n character. Some1 can solve my problem? Thanks...

django ajax proxy view

A django web app needs to make ajax calls to an external url. In development I serve directly from django so I have a cross domain problem. What is the django way to write a proxy for the ajax call? ...

When using AJAX should you do everything through AJAX or is it OK to use headers too?

I know when you request a page normally it is typically the case that you would use server side session data and set cookies via HTTP headers, but does it work the same when the content is requested via AJAX? ...

ajax problem - 200 OK in firebug but red message with no response body

Hi guys, I have small ajax problem related to cross domain as i see it. On localmachine i created html example with some ajax: in registration text field user types 'username', on every keystroke ajax sends it to local Tomcat, where servlet checks if that username is already used and sends 'taken' reponse back. No problem on localho...

jQuery FullCalendar click 'next' event notificatin

How can i get notified when the user click on 'next' (arrow) ? I'm using the calendar in month view and I want to load the next month data on demand. Also, do smbdy has an example of consuming data from ASP.NET (AJAX call) ? ...

How can I view XMLHttpRequests in IE 8?

Firstly, apologies if this is a duplicate. I've searched and looked at related questions but haven't found this question. I'm debugging an AJAX problem in IE8. My throbber seems to spin forever, and on the on completion callback for my AJAX (jQuery's $.getJson()) it is meant to disappear. Of course, it works fine in Firefox / Safari. Ho...

APE-Project and ASP.NET MVC

Hi Guys, I am attempting to utilize the reverse-ajax project APE-Project with ASP.NET MVC and wondering if anyone has had any experience utilizing this project with ASP.NET and can provide some advice accordingly ? Is there something better to use than this [APE is free however so its +++] Thx ...

Problem with my JavaScript AJAX request in IE8

I have a products range on this site http://vanquish.websitewelcome.com/~hawko/hawko-lighting/led/ using jQuery In Firefox / Safari, clicking view will allow you to see more details on the product on the right. This includes a gallery (if > 1 images), a download specs sheet if one is available and view more details. The JavaScript wor...

a special kind of jquery slider plugin

i want to have a special kind of slider that contains elements like this one: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/coda-popup-bubbles/ the differences are: you can scroll with your KEYBOARD right pile and left pile. the slider jumps to the next element and NOT the next set of elements. the element in the center will be LARGER than the other...

ASP.net, Ajax, JavaScript help

Hi, I need help in how to set webform control proprieties in asp.net and ajax control using javascript. I have asp page that has checkBox, TextBox, MaskedEditExtender, and RegularExpressionValidator. I set the mask for MaskedEditExtender as Mask="(999)999-9999" and I set the ValidationExpression for RegularExpressionValidato...

Ajax with multiple form inputs

Hi Guys, I am working on a new system and am stuck at a point with jquery + ajax and getting it work work correctly with the other things happening on the page. Basically the page is to submit a quote and on the page you can add as many quote items as you want. When someone clicks on new item it runs the below code wich gets the value...