
ASP.NET Uploading files in the background (BITS/AJAX?)

I have a webpage where users can create a database record and select a file they want to upload to the database server. these files can be big, like 100mb. I dont want the user to wait, so I want the file to be uploaded in the background. So that they can continue with doing other stuff while the file is being uploaded. Is BITS the way...

Ajax in VS2010 Resolve CSS and Images

Hi I've never used Ajax before and I'm new to web development generally, but I have a website for which the Tab Control would be helpful. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Premium. I don't think a tab control comes with VS2010 (?) so I downloaded the Ajax toolkit from http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/act.ashx. I extracted the zip then added t...

How do I display an MOC user's online status on a web page *without* Active-X ?

Is it possible to display a user's online status without Active-X? In my googling I've found a number of articles about displaying MOC online status on Sharepoint using the IMNRC() function in the OWS.js file but this seems pretty old-skool with all of the Active-X object instantiation and as a result will only work in Internet Explorer....

Json callback problem

I'm trying to get a greasemonkey's script to work jquery and json. this is the json url http://www.sora101.net/auction.php?id=1&callback= this is part of the script $.getJSON("http://sora101.net/auction.php?id=1&callback=?", function(data){ alert(data.id); } ...

Ajax Reload iframe

How can I reload iframe using jquery? //Reload Iframe Function Reload Thanks in Advance ...

JSF Status bar / connection status information..

Hello folks, I would like to implement a kind of information for my users about the progress status. I have found several components like: Richfaces status or IceFaces onnection Status So, I would like to add something like that to my page especially for ajax requests. What's the easiest way to implement it? I would not like to use on...

Creating and populating a select dynamically

I have 2 tables, Provinces and Districts. I would like to populate a select field with options as District names based on which Province is chosen in another select. The Districts table has a ProvinceID field to reference which Province it belongs to. I know this is doable, I just can't figure it out. I also want to create and update...

jQuery-Ajax JSON charset conflict

Hello folks, I have two comboboxes "A" & "B". Combo "B" is populated using jQuery Ajax (dataType:json) when a value in Combo "A" is selected (onchange event). There are cases where part of the data in "B" can be chinese/international, in which case the data appears as "????" in the browser. Typically the entire setup is like so: ERP...

An Ajax request is taking 6 seconds to complete, not sure why

I am working on a user interface, "dashboard" of sorts which has some div boxes on it, which contain information relevant to the current logged in user. Their calendar, a todo list, and some statistics dynamically pulled from a google spreadsheet. I found here: http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/reference.html#CellFeed th...

how to determine when a request in completed in mootools?

Hi, I am new to moootools and I am creating a Template class,This is my code - var Template = new Class({ Singleton : true, template : '', /* gets the component type template */ get : function(componentType){ var tplUrl = Core.getUrl('backend') + 'response/' + componentType + '/get_template.php', that = this, ...

Client side message functionality

Hi, How the ilusion of causing site to change content from server side is done? Let the example be gmail chat or chat on facebook. Or even new message sign on stack overflow. Is it done by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_(programming) ? Thanks for help ...

Google AJAX Feed API: How to display 6 blog entries rather than the default 4 one.

Hi Everyone. I need some help in using Google AJAX Feed API. As we know by default this API lists latest 4 blog entries. What code changes to do so that it shows say 5 or 6 latest entries? I cant figure it out in code. Here is the example function: google.load("feeds", "1"); function initialize() { var feed = new google.feeds.Feed(...

How do I make form submission wait for an AJAX callback in jQuery?

I want to include an AJAX call within a .submit() handler so that I can process form data and send email confirmations before the form is fully submitted. Therefore I'd like to make the submission wait until the AJAX call is complete, so that I can cancel the submission or do other things based on the response. How would I go about doin...

Internet Explorer 6 : Euro sign not displayed on ajax request

Hello, i'm using jquery 1.4.2 to send an ajax request to a php page then display the result. This works fine with FF3 and IE8, but in IE6 the character € is replaced by a square, i tried to force the character encoding of the php page using header() but it didn t work... I'm working on windows with Zend Studio for eclipse (projet enco...

NumericUpDown removes zero for decimals

I have an AJAX NumericUpDown Control that takes a decimal. If I put in 1.30, it removes the zero. I do not want to remove the zero, it must remain at 1.30. A demo of this can be found here: http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/NumericUpDown/NumericUpDown.aspx For example, enter 1.30 in the text box then tab out or click ...

Change in Ajax between VS2005 and VS2010

Hi I've never used AJAX before. I'm new to web design but I have a website that I need to add certain dynamic functionality to. Ajax seems like it would help. Problem is, most of the Ajax articles relate to VS2005. I'm using VS2010 Premium Edition. There must have been lots of changes between the versions. I don't have any Ajax toolbox ...

how to get html code from cross domain

How to get html code [ complete div code ] from cross domain. I heard that we can get by using jquery, Ajax, Json concepts. I tried to research on these. But i dint understand how to access. Please give any simple example. I need to know atleast small information. Thanks in advance ...

Is there a better way to update content via ajax in ASP.Net web forms thanUpdatePanels?

I consider myself very knowledgeable in web UI development, and over the last four years I have learned a lot about ASP.Net Web Forms, but I still haven't figured out a good way to update sections of a page via Ajax. I have done this several different ways which basically involves a user control loaded by some sort of .aspx page or handl...

JQuery: Asynchronously loading DIV tag(only) with latest feed using Google-Ajax-Feed-API

Hi Everyone I am writing a code using Google-Ajax-Feed-API to get latest feeds from some site. I want the feeds to be checked for update every(say 1 secs?). I am able to retrieve the blogs but not able to refresh the DIV tags. Any help will be useful. <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("feeds", "1"); $(documen...

How can I code a textarea similar to Stackoverflow, FB, or OKC?

How does stackoverflow implement the "comments" section of this site? I'd like to create something similar to a FB Wall or okcupid.com profile edit. My goal is to create a wiki of sorts that has editable regions like each of these sites. It's important that I can associate the user's cookie with the edit on the serverside so I can mai...