
asp.net form postback or not depending on button clicked

hi everyone! I need an idea for a situation like this: There is this aspx form which contains some buttons like "save", "import", and print; on the last one clicked a window should appear providing the user with a print-friendly version. what i need is the form not to cause postback and reload in this case, while normally postback-ing w...

Ajax Auto-Lookup function for text box

I am designing a php page.In that i have text box.I want autofill (just like google search text box)option for that.I am new to jquery.I am slow in implementing.If anyone knw pls guide me.I want a simple code so that i can paste and check it.I surfed website.All are complex . ...

Easiest Way To Make A Form Submit Without Refresh

I have been trying to create a simple calculator. Using PHP I managed to get the values from input fields and jump menus from the POST, but of course the form refreshes upon submit. Using Javascript i tried using function changeText(){ document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = '<?php echo "$result";?>' but this would keep giving ...

Ajax Accordion - Multiple controls with the same ID '_content' were found

Hi I'm dynamically adding accordion panes to an Accordion Control. When I add a single pane, no problem but trying to add 2nd pane I get the exception: *Multiple controls with the same ID '_content' were found* I've tried assigning unique Ids to the panes as follows but not joy. Can anyone please help? Thanks Rob. if (User.IsInRole(...

How to load a webpage in a visual designer?

I'd like to load a webpage and be able to change it, much like the A/B testing tools do. How is that done? ...

want to implement ajax file upload in my user profile form for picture upload

imple ajax upload , want to know how to implement it in my code ... I have searched lot of uploader not know how to implement it in my code. $('#message_form').html('Profile Information Edit'+ ''+ ''+ 'First Name :'+ 'Last Name :'+ 'E- Mail :'+ 'Photo :'+ ''+ ''+ 'G...

Sending JSON via AJAX to PHP using jQuery

Hi guys, I am trying to send JSON to a PHP file using jQuery AJAX, basically what I am trying to do is get the values and id's of a bunch of child elements and then assign them to a JSON object and then send that object via ajax to the PHP file which would then process it and enter it into a database. Here is my code, Javascript/jQuer...

How to access two different XML files with jQuery Ajax calls

I have two functions function ShowCrossWord(var randN) { randomnumber = randN; $(document).ready(function() { $.get("crosswords.xml",{},function(xml){ $('crossword',xml).each(function(i) { }); }); }); } and function ShowLegend(var randN) { randomnumber = randN; $(document).ready(fu...

Change window location Jquery

I am using ajax to load my website content and want to update the window location when ajax is successful. How can I update the window location to "/newpage"?? I need users to be able to go back and to refresh. Is this possible?? ...

Generating the same HTML with PHP and JS

Often I add helper functions to my PHP that return complex HTML. For example, it is not an easy task to ensure that a form element is accessible, can handle errors etc. and so I will have a PHP function wrap this problem. Unfortunately, sometimes, I will need to generate the same HTML but with JS instead. An example of this is where I h...

ASP.NET Application lag after post back

When running my application lately, there is a very long delay after a request is made to the server. When debugging and stepping through, the code finishes quickly and then a dialog comes up, which I'm assuming is the reason for the lag. (I've tried a series of other options including disabling usage of ViewState, disabling debugging,...

HTTP Error 400. The request has an invalid header name. When using jQuery Ajax to ASP.NET MVC via proxy

I am getting this error message: Bad Request - Invalid Header HTTP Error 400. The request has an invalid header name. When using local proxy for testing. The only difference I noticed in Request Headers in Firebug is: Connection keep-alive is changed to Proxy-Connection keep-alive Is this Ajax security related? How can...

Django , with jQuery Basic help !!

Hello , I am working on quick project , listing search results from bing and my goal is user can save searches they perform . however i manage to list the search results in the template , and right now want to save the result items to the database using AJAX ! well this is my first attempt with ajax ( jquery ) and django ! template {...

XMLHttpRequest Ajax IE Problem

I am trying to do a simple Ajax Demo: HTML file with textbox and button Text file whose content is displayed in textbox when button is clicked. The example works fine in Mozilla but in IE it gives error Access Denied on the line where I use the open method. May be it's restricting the access to the local file system. What should be ...

How does Google Instant work?

Any ideas on exactly how the new google instant search works? It seems to just be AJAX calls to the old search, but it's pretty hard to simplify Google that much. Anybody have speculations? EDIT: I know there is AJAX sent with each keypress, but is it predictive? Or do you think it's just a regular ol' google search? ...

ASP.NET Busy indicator

Is there a way with ASP.net page (with AJAX) to display some some of busy indicator (just a label is fine) while disabling some buttons (to prevent double-click) and then do the work. At the end of the work, the label changes to indicate the new status. When I tried to do it this way : Public Sub BtnEnvoyer_Click(ByVal sender As Obje...

Why is this jQuery Ajax request failing?

The FCC recently made available a small set of API calls to access FCC data. In particular, I'm interested in the Consumer Broadband Test API. I'm trying to access this API through jQuery but am failing. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong with my code or if this seems to be a problem with FCC's API. If you visit this API...

Modifying BIRT Web Report Viewer app - replace Parameters dialog with slide down section on top

Hi, Is it possible to modify the default BIRT Report Viewer web application so that all the dialogs are replaced by slide downs esp. for parameters. Has anyone already done something similar. TIA ...

How to restructure an AJAX search form

I have this page (A) that has an input field and once you submit it, it makes an AJAX call and displays the results. Now, I need a search field on another page (B) that once you submit it, it redirects you to the former page (A) with the results displayed as if you did it on the first page (A). What would be the best way to handle this?...

ie is stretching cached images loaded asynchronously

I am loading images via ajax on my website. They load in a container with a max-height of 600px. The images are set to have a height of 100%. They load in perfectly the first time but come out streteched very wide when stretched. .gallery { height: 600px; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 35px; } .gallery img { height: 100%; } here is ...