
ajax datepicker

Hello everyone, In attachment File Have ziped file for Ajax Datepicker. The Code is working but i have some problem. if i want to use it with php, how can i know where is the $_POST name . Code : <div id="widget"><div id="widgetField" style="width: 290px; height: 26px"> <span>28 July, 2008 &divide; 31 July, 2008</span> <a href="#">S...

Creating a dynamic one page web application

I would like to make a web application (PHP) that will have overlay container that contain dynamic fields/forms. I would like the user to complete the form but not be taken away from the main part of the page. Imagine, browsing a website and reporting a page error into an overlay but not being taken away from the page you were reading....

Form submition with jQuery is not working correctly with IE8

jQuery $.ajax() does not seem to work correctly with IE8 but it is working with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. I am submittin the form and response back in JSON format. Here is my code: test.php: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jsFile.js"></script> <form action='_test.ph...

How can I observe the existence of a file with ajax live?

I want to observe the existence of a file with ajax. At the moment I have a refresh button, I have to press to refresh the status. I want to automate this refresh. ...

how to create 5 X 5 grid in PHP ajax ?

I'm doing project on Graphical based password and the case is i'm creating a 5X5 grid on webpage,and use will click on the points on grid and the points will save in database, the concern is How to create Grid .. and save the points with Ajax technology or using jquery ? ...

wrong syntax in IE? - ajax & Js

Hi, i have a code line like this: (JS) numOfprocess = parseInt(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('process_count')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) for (i = 1; i <= numOfProcess; i++) { processStatus = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('proccess' + i)[0]; if(processStatus.childNodes[0].nodeValue == false) {...} } everytime i use this syntax there is an...

Jquery Not letting Me Save My FULL Text. Only 1 Word

I have the following code that will check to see if the div text has change and if so then update the text in the mysql table. but when i try and add spaces in the text and it dont allow it to save every thing i have write. Can somebody help me out please Thank you. <script>function save() { var div_sN6VmIGq = $("#64").text()...

flash video using ajax not working

Hi, i'm doing a website with some flash content in its home page, i have 5 videos to show in it, for that i have used ajax and javascript to give a next link and previous link option in it. so when a user click on the next link he can see the next video. the first video is working perfectly, but when i click on the next link, ajax is w...

JSF Ajax updates makes commandLink fails at the first click

In my JSF page I have a combobox that updates a table when an item of the combobox is selected. The table contains items with an edit link. The problem is when the table is changed by the combobox you need to click twice on the link to go to the page. The first click just refresh the page. Here is the xhtml: <?xml version="1.0" enco...

Gridview SQL Parameter null from javascript/ajax populated dropdownlist.

Hello all. My issue is similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2613627/how-to-use-the-value-of-a-selected-value-from-a-dropdownlist-populated-with-ajax but I am using ASP.NET, not PHP. I have a dropdownlist that is populated by another dropdownlist's current value through ajax. So if DDL A is 'NY', DDL B is populated with differe...

Rails ajax form entry shown twice

Hello I want to write a small blog with Ruby on Rails (3), with posts and comments submitted via a ajax form. But when I submit a comment it is often shown twice, and I got no idea why. when I write @post.comments.uniq in the _create.js.rjs file, it works fine but this seems not to be a clean solution. When I reload the page without aja...

How to parse the returned object from "success" callback method in JQuery using AJAX

Hi all, I have this stadard code for receiving a class from a web service: function getStuff() { var callParams = "{'param1':'" + "oren" + "'}" $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: callParams, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", succ...

How to emulate this javascript functionality (movable div and saved positions)

I have seen a feature on a site I would like to emulate. I have intermediate php skill but am a novice javascript user. The feature is the site content displayed in divs which can be moved around on the screen and their position saved using cookies. This site: [url]www.nowgamer.com[/url] is where I saw it (latest podcasts, videos, review...

Submitting a dynamic form using jQuery and AJAX

Hi guys, I am cloning a HTML drop down list using jQuery, the problem I have now is that there is no limit to the amount of cloned sections, and I have to capture all of the sections into a mySQL database. How can I get all of those different sections with different ID's into a mySQL table, since I am using POST, how will the receiving ...

How do I subclass the jQuery ajax object or reuse a common callback?

I'm sorry for ambiguous title, but this question is hard for me to put into words, I can only seem to describe it with code. I have the following function function initRPC(procedureName, parameters) { var parcel = //some code that parcels up the procedure name and params $.get( 'url' : 'rpcserver.php', 'dat...

Implementing cybersource using Ajax

Hi All, I am using cybersource as the payment gateway for my application. The payment information is sent correctly if we post the form without using an Ajax request. Now we need to implement this by using an Ajax request. I tried passing the information to cybersource but got a javascript error "access denied" when I tried to submit t...

rails multiple form actions with ajax...

I have a basic Rails form like so: <%= form_for @person do |f| %> <%= f.label :first_name %>: <%= f.text_field :first_name %><br /> <%= f.label :last_name %>: <%= f.text_field :last_name %><br /> <%= f.submit %> <% end %> How could I optionally send the form information to another an entirely different controll...

ajax same id with multiple values

Hello, i have a calendar showing the full year. on click of the button this needs to update mysql and display info using ajax and php. it impractical to have a unique id for each date how can this be done. the code is only currently display the first date??? var dateClicked = document.getElementById('dateClicked').value; var query...

Retrieve picture from an url

Hello, On my ASP.Net page in C#, the user is able to enter an url (web page). When it's done, I would want to get the picture in this page. For an example of this, go on Facebook and write a status with an url in it. A panel open with the description of the page AND the picture. Is there a parser or a little application that I can use ...

Is there a client side tool like Xenu?

I want a tool like Xenu's Link Sleuth developed using JavaScript because I cannot use any sever side scripting. Alternatively, can you offer any tips and links to help to develop a client side tool. ...