first: always is the same action.
two: the form has multiple "CSS SUBMITS" like
<form action="/myaction" method="POST">
<a id="foo1" name="foo1" href="#" role="form_button">submit1!</a>
<a id="foo2" name="foo2" href="#" role="form_button">submit2!</a>
<a id="foo3" name="foo3" href="#" role="form_button">submit3!</a>
<input type="submit...
Hello there,
I am working on a ajax based application and try to add the jquery datepicker (and its timepicker extension) to a few forms. They provide just the functionality I need. The basic problem I have now is to deal in an environment where the DOM is not complete or better triggered within the application (clicking the edit button...
I used if statements before in a the success function of an ajax call but for the life of me I can't get this to work. I can alert all VARS and they show the data, but the condition statement will not work. What am I doing wrong? I just can't get it.
type: "POST",
url: "/ajax/uiProcessPhoto...
So I'm using a form_remote_tag to attempt an ajax form submission, like so:
<% form_remote_tag :update=> 'test', :url=> {:action=>'test_action'} do -%>
It renders with no apparent problem:
<form action="/pages/test_action" method="post" onsubmit="new Ajax.Updater('test', '/pages/test_action', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, par...
We have two update panels on our webpage. Now first update panel is having button cancel. While second update panel is having a file upload control.
Now if the user uploads a file that is going to upload in about 2 mins, and in between, say after 30 seconds the user clicks the cancel button, the upload taking place in update panel 2 sho...
I have an updatepanel that inside it I have a dropdownlist control with postback enable when the user click on that dropdownlist AjaxEditor's value must change but error happend it says "Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Input string was not in a correct format"
<asp:DropDownList ID=...
In Prototype, this Ajax call posts its form to the server as a URL encoded string of name-value pairs, as you would find in a HTTP GET request:
function doajax()
var current_req = new Ajax.Request('/doajax', {
parameters: $('ajax_form').serialize(true)}
How would you do the same thing ...
Is it possible to call server side methods? (with postback)
This will post back as if I clicked the button1.
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm._doPostBack('Button1', '');
The problem with that, is that I need a button on the page.
I know I can use static webmethod, but I want to know if it's possible t...
I'm looking for an elegant way to make a bit of jquery aware of the filename and path of the ctp file containing a given dom selection. I'm using simple_html_dom to write changes to template flies via an ajax call. I need to provide the filename and path of the view or element template ctp file that contains the dom element I've selected...
I'm using Asp.NET 4 with Ajax Client Templates for my homepage.
The homepage generates a galley of pictures. Each picture has name ,description and additional details.
My problem is that client templates seems to be very bad for SEO.
This is because Google/yahoo bots see the page before templates load any data (images with description...
I have a div where I want to show 6 images. Address of these images are coming from server. I am using this code.
updateImageDiv = function() {
type : 'POST',
url : 'slider.php',
dataType : 'json',
Hi, I tried to create a an link - image that changes the language of a page. But I encountered an issue, that the GET url params got lost after the ajax call, so not only the language changed, but also the content changed because of no params. The solution I found is to write down every single param that I use accross the whole website a...
I am making a request and then right after it I abort.
var x = $.get(url, function (d, e, xhr) { alert(d); });
The problem is that it executes the success function and returns empty data... (example here)
Is there a jQuery method to abort? or Is there a way to check if the xhr was aborted?
I have a simple $.ajax call that returns a response that looks like this:
<div id='type'>success</div>
<div id="graph"></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
//some script that manipulates the graph div
and on my .ajax's success(response) function, I have:
my problem is that it always r...
Hi guys. This is my code, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
var resolve_ajax_login=function(){
$.ajaxSetup({cache:false });
var loginvar=$("#inputlogin").attr("value");
var senhavar=$("#inputsenha").attr("value");
{login:loginvar, senha:senhavar},
I didn't want to have a ton of code on one page, but to keep the code modular and simple. So in my TabContainer I have the following where each tab refers to a web page and my code is inside each web page. My TabContainer itself is inside the default.aspx page.
<asp:TabContainer ID="tabTOL" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssCla...
Hi how can I pass a client side (JS) value in server side (C#)?
I have a generated table (after uploading images) and it contains images and I want to select the image and throw the ID back in server side.
The uploade I used was JQuery Uploadify and I have a "onComplete" function
(simple code)
'onComplete': function (event, qu...
MOST of what the Flash is capable of jQuery can do that too...
plus jQuery has its own advantage of being light and its integration and interaction with HTML directly...
forget about falsh games for a while.... just consider flash based websites
only for website designs and their interaction i am thinking jQuery + AJAX is VERY ENOUGH...
I make an ajax call to retrieve a list and cache is set to true. Later, I insert a new item, and retrieve the list again, but this time I set cache to false. Jquery properly shows me the correct list. It is at this point when I would expect jquery to start caching this updated list with the newly inserted data. However, when I make anoth...
I'm trying to build a Rails app in which you can edit the same model from several different locations on the page. I want changes to be saved automatically every X seconds, with an option of manually triggering a save.
I have come up with a solution, but it seems very complicated, and I assume other Rails users have already faced simila...