
jQuery JSONP problem in IE6

I've encountered a problem when retrieving a JSONP response from a server in a different domain using IE6. When I make the same AJAX call using JSONP to a server in the same domain as the web page, all goes well in all browsers (including IE6). However, when I make calls between domains (XSS) using JSONP, Internet Explorer 6 locks up. ...

What can cause ASPNET AJAX page to revert to normal ASPX mode ? / UpdatePanel broken

I am using VS 2008 with a very simple UpdatePanel scenario. But i cannot get UpdatePanel to work and cant seem to find out why I have in fact reverted to a very simple example to validate it is not my code: http://ajax.net-tutorials.com/controls/updatepanel-control/ In this example I click on either button and both text links update. ...

Server-side DataTable Sorting in RichFaces

I have a data table with a variable number of columns and a data scroller. How can I enable server side sorting? I prefer that it be fired by the user clicking the column header. <rich:datascroller for="instanceList" actionListener="#{pageDataModel.pageChange}"/> <rich:dataTable id="instanceList" rows="10" value="#{pageDataModel}" ...

How do you measure the progress of a web service call?

I have an ASP.NET web service which does some heavy lifting, like say,some file operations, or generating Excel Sheets from a bunch of crystal reports. I don't want to be blocked by calling this web service, so i want to make the web service call asynchronous. Also, I want to call this web service from a web page, and want some mechanism...

Ajax autocomplete extender populated from SQL

OK, First let me state that I have never used this control and this is also my first attempt at using a web service-- My delima is as follows. I need to querry a database to get back a certain column and use that for my autocomplete. Obviously I dont want the querry to run everytime a user types another word in the textbox, so my best gu...

Disabling interstitial graphic when using cfdiv binding

Is there a way to keep the "Loading..." graphic from appearing when cfdiv refreshes? I'd like to prevent the flicker of loading the graphic then loading the new html. ...

In jQuery Form, 'success' is being called before 'beforeSubmit' is finished

I'm using the jQuery Form plugin to upload an image. I've assigned a fade animation to happen the beforeSubmit callback, but as I'm running locally, it doesn't have time to finish before the success function is called. I am using a callback function in my fade(); call to make sure that one fade completes, before the next one begins, bu...

How to validate ASPNET AJAX installation

How can I validate that my ASPNET AJAX installation is correct. I have Visual Studio 2008 and had never previously installed any AJAX version. My UpdatePanel is nto working within IIS6, although it works ok within Visual Studio's web server. The behaviour I get is as if the UpdatePanel doesnt exist at all - i.e. it reverts back to 'nor...

Alternatives to using delays when automatically testing an AJAX web UI

I will soon be working on AJAX driven web pages that have a lot of content generated from a Web Service (WCF). I've tested this sort of thing in the past (and found it easy) but not with this level of dynamic content. I'm developing in .NET 3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I envisage this testing in: TestDriven.NET MBUnit (this is not ...

Can JQuery.Validate plugin prevent submission of an Ajax form

I am using the JQuery form plugin (http://malsup.com/jquery/form/) to handle the ajax submission of a form. I also have JQuery.Validate (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation) plugged in for my client side validation. What I am seeing is that the validation fails when I expect it to however it does not stop the form from submitting....

How to make XMLHttpRequest work over HTTPS on Firefox?

Hi, When I try to send an HTTP GET request through XMLHttpRequest it works on non-secure HTTP. But when sent over HTTPS, different browsers gave different results: On Firefox 3.0.2: - The GET request doesn't reach the web server. On IE 7: - The GET request reached the web server. Does this have something to do with Firefox 3 getting...

Javascript error: [elementname] has no properties

I'm doing some maintenance coding on a webapp and I am getting a javascript error of the form: "[elementname] has no properties" Part of the code is being generated on the fly with an AJAX call that changes innerHTML for part of the page, after this is finished I need to copy a piece of data from a hidden input field to a visible input ...

How do you pass parameters to called function using ASP.Net Ajax $addHandler

I am trying to use the $addHandler function to add a handler to a text box's click event var o=$get('myTextBox'); var f = Type.parse('funcWithArgs'); $addHandler(o, 'click', f); However I need to pass parameters to the called function. How do you do that? TIA ...

Why would an UpdatePanel stop working after a few minutes?

What aspects of the UpdatePanel are sensitive to time? I have an UpdatePanel that works fine. If I leave the page for a few minutes and come back, the UpdatePanel doesn't work. Looking at firebug, I see that it sends the Request and gets a Response back. However, the page itself doesn't update. I'm not seeing any script errors eithe...

Is exposing a session's CSRF-protection token safe?

Django comes with CSRF protection middleware, which generates a unique per-session token for use in forms. It scans all incoming POST requests for the correct token, and rejects the request if the token is missing or invalid. I'd like to use AJAX for some POST requests, but said requests don't have the CSRF token availabnle. The pages h...

ASP.NET MVC and...YUI? jQuery? Other

After the last project I've done using WebForms, I've decided to pass on using that framework in the future. It's great for getting your basic features out there...not so great when you have more complex UI logic. I'm looking at ASP.NET MVC, and like what I see so far. Of course the issue is that you lose the server side controls when y...

How do you store request URL's in Javascript to satisfy the DRY principal?

Are there any commonly used patterns in Javascript for storing the URL's of endpoints that will be requested in an AJAX application? For example would you create a "Service" class to abstract the URL's away? ...

jQuery get textarea text

Recently I have started playing with jQuery, and have been following a couple of tutorials. Now I feel slightly competent with using it (it's pretty easy), and I thought it would be cool if I were able to make a 'console' on my webpage (as in, you press the ` key like you do in FPS games etc), and then have it ajax itself back to the ser...

NHibernate + JSON/Ajax Parent/Child Relationships? Why no workie?

I have a typical parent/child relationship. Writing news in .NET and adding children works fine, NHibernate plays nice and adds the correct relationships. However, when passing a JSON object from the client to some method that serializes my JSON into the .NET representation, NHibernate seems to get confused. It comes up with the correct ...

Totaling a GridView in ASP.NET

In one of my ASP.NET Web Applications, I am using a BulkEditGridView (a GridView which allows all rows to be edited at the same time) to implement an order form. In my grid, I have a column which calculates the total for each item (cost x quantity) and a grand total field at the bottom of the page. Currently, however, these fields are on...