
AJAX 404 with results using BuddyPress

On my development machine everything works fine. On the live server (Godaddy), the AJAX requests from BuddyPress are returning results and a 404 error in FireBug. But the script is seeing the results as a fail and the indicators continue to spin. Example: http://jobaru.com/ on the homepage there is Newest | Active | Popular under me...

Best way to make a cross-site request with JavaScript?

Until the cross-site XHR API becomes widely supported, what is the best way to make a cross-site request through JavaScript? I've been using iFrames, but those can get a bit messy. Is there a better way? (By better, I mean easier to work with.) Also, I'd prefer to see pure JavaScript code, not a framework such as jQuery, etc. I'm using ...

When is UI eye candy appropriate in a web app?

To start with some context, I'm so annoyed whenever I get on a Windows computer that has the settings adjusted for "best appearance" over "best performance" that I instinctively turn off all fades, transitions, animations, etc. immediately. I almost can't focus until it's changed. However, when it comes to my web apps, I will very occas...

Browser refresh on AJAX with script tags in the response

I'm having some issues with a jQuery AJAX call. My code works fine when I request a page with no javascript in it, but when I have script tags in my code, things start to get weird. It seems that any script tags referencing external URLs cause the browser to redirect. In firefox, the page goes blank. In safari, the page clears and loads...

Best Technologies for AJAX Web Development

Hey Everyone, I have some experience in AJAX development, mostly on .NET and MooTools. However, I want to learn more and see what others out there thought about the various other options available. I am looking more for advise about the front end. The back end, I will most probably be coding up in .NET using c# and WCF services. Please...

How to determine that an Ajax request is older than 5 minutes in PHP?

I am developing one site, and I want to ensure that Ajax requests which are older than 5 minutes are not executed. This means that I want to execute only fresh Ajax requests. How can I do this? ...

How to prevent Ajax/javascript result caching in browsers?

How to prevent browsers from caching Ajax results? I have and event triggered Ajax script the displays results only when the browsers data has been cleared. Tested in IE6 and Firefox 3.0.10 ...

Determine ajax request from my server

is it possible to determine the server from which ajax request is send??, and if yes then how could i determine and execute only those requests which are from my server.. ...

Javascript Event syncronization problem

hi all, I have a small but very vital issue regarding syncronization of execution of onblur and onclick event handler in javascript. Actually I have a html form containing one text box and one submit button. onblur is put on textbox this handler executes a method called ajexValidation(). Submit button is associated with onclick hndler ...

Same Ajax called twice..JQuery

Hi, i have a question in JQuery..I m using $.ajax() in my code (Function 1)to send the fieldname and the sequence number to the ctrller which gets its data by $_POST['name'] and $_POST['sequenceno'] and updates the fieldname in the table with sequence no given..And generates the Preview Display Panel with the inserted fields .. Now i ...

Ajax request parameters, what am I doing wrong?

I'm formulating an Ajax request using prototype in the following method: function updateServerStep(stepNumber){ alert("updating server step to " + stepNumber); var params = {stepNumber:stepNumber}; alert(params.stepNumber); var request = new Ajax.Request('UpdateStep', { method:'Post', parameters:params, ...

Jquery AJAX / Animation Control Flow

I'm having a hard time working out a design pattern in Jquery to control multiple AJAX and Animations. I of course have the AJAX and Animations bound to some events like 'click' but I'm trying to keep the code modular with functions and adding wrapper methods ($.fn), but I don't know how to get code to run when a function or a wrapper m...

send parameters from drop_receiving_element

Hi all, users can be dragged to nodes to move or copy a user from one node to another node. I have a problem with how I send the variables to user move and copy methods in userscontrol. The drop zone is defined as: <%=drop_receiving_element "move_drop_zone_"+node.id.to_s, :update => "users", :url => move_user_path(:id => node.i...

implementing a AJAX chat site

I want to implement a chat site with following features: Direct one-on-one chat with a randomly picked stranger If my conversation partner gets disconnected, I should be shifted to different stranger In short, I want to imitate http://omegle.com/ Which language is best suited to this task? Jsp and Java? PHP? ASP? Others? Should a...

How can you push data to a web page client?

I just learned about the AJAX Push Engine but it runs on Linux/Apache which is not an option for me. http://www.ape-project.org/ Currently with AJAX to keep a page current I have to poll the server frequently which is not great for a high traffic site. The option to push data to the client only when necessary is a great option, but nat...

Internet Explorer does not expand table after ajax call

When I make a jquery ajax call to auto fill a dropdown on page load the dropdown control is cut off by the containing table. I understand that if set the table width to 100% it would fix this but in my case I cannot do that. This code works fine in FF. It's almost like IE won't "re-render" the page after the ajax call completes. Here's t...

Safari doesn't allow AJAX Requests after form submit?

I am writing a Javascript based upload progress meter. I want to use the standard multipart submit method (rather than submitting the file in an iframe). During the submit, I send ajax requests that return the % complete of the upload and then update the progress meter accordingly. This all works smoothly in FireFox & IE. However, Safa...

Second Call to Ajax get the First Result Allways

I Using this code <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#DoTask').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // added this $.getJSON('/TareasBackGround/DoTaskInteractivo', null, function(response) { $('#ResultadoEjecutarTarea').html("<br />Resutado:" + response.res...

Is it normal to have a short delay after .innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; ?

Is it normal to have a short delay after .innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; ? Delay aproxamilty 1 sec. after xmlhttp.readyState==4. Using firefox 3.0.10 ...

How to check if an ajax function is busy from a previouse call

How to check if an ajax function is busy from a previous call? How can i prevent the call to an ajax function if it's readyState != 4 yet from a previous call? ...