
How to use Asp.net Ajax control toolkit from CDN?

Is it possible to use it without actually downloading the binaries and adding it to project as reference? ...

Error: "The website declined to show this webpage" with AjaxControlToolkit 3.5

What I have? I have a ASP.NET page deployed in layouts folder of 12 hive in SharePoint. This page makes use of Accordion control in AjaxControlToolkit.dll V3.5.40412.2. I have placed the page code behind class assembly and AjaxControlToolkit.dll in Virtual Directory bin folder. What I want? I want to load this page when a link clicke...

ModalPopupExtender with thmbnail (problem in javascript)

this is the code,it is not working in Firefox,Chrome,to show full size image unless user click on image for couple of times, I basically replace the thmbnail image with full size image in javascript, here is my code, TransitionDuration="50" FramesPerSecond="40" RequireOpenedPane="false" SelectedIndex="-1" SuppressHeaderPostbacks="tru...

ModalPopupExtender with thmbnail and full size image

Hi There, let me rewrite my question, I have a Ajax Accordion in my web site, Users can add images, in Accordion,I keep the thumbnail and fullsize image's path in Sql Server table, Users can see the thumbnail, and when they click the thumbnail, I use a ModalPopupExtender that open an asp panel to show the full size image, with progress ...

Ajaxcontrol toolkit ConfirmButtonExtender with radiobuttonlist control

I have a Yes/No Radiobutton List, When the asp.net page is loaded, if there are items in the gridview this radio is defaulted to Yes. Now if the user clicks no, I have to delete all the items for the gridview and persist them in db. But I want to show a confimation whether the user wants to go ahead doing this operation. If user clciks Y...

html editor properties

I used the AjaxControlToolkit html editor on my page: <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor" TagPrefix="cc1" %> <cc1:Editor ID="txtjobdesc" runat="server" AutoFocus="False" /> I sent the values to the database as txtjobdesc.Content.Tostring(); But, if I type just a paragraph in the edit...

Hidden/Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Doesn't Fire Server-Side UploadedComplete Event

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false. Example: Page code - <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControl...

How can I prevent a textbox from taking focus on the postback when I have a calendar extender on it?

Hello, I have repeater, inside this repeater is a user control. In my c# codebehind on my user control I dynamically add a textbox and assign a calendar extender to it. Similar to this. //custom control protected void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e) { TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "myTextBox"; MaskedEditExtender meeD...

AjaxControlToolkit TabContainer with weird rendering behavior

I've built a web application that contains a page that uses the AjaxControlToolkit's TabContainer/TabPanel objects. I've developed a custom stylesheet, as well. I'm developing using Visual Studio 2010. The following is the behavior of my application: VS2010 Development Server (localhost:XXXXX): Works as expected with the custom styleshe...

AjaxToolkit control Extenders in a composite web control

I am writing a bunch of controls for a Toolkit of controls and each control needs to use the various controls like the CollapsiblePanelExtender, RoundedCornerExtender, popup window extender etc. But since I am using the Web Control and inheriting from the Composite control but upon rendering if I try to render the extenders, it makes the...

How can i get Plain text from Ajax Editor?

I need to get both plain text as well as html text from Ajax Editor. I'm able to get the html text and not able to retrieve plain text. i'm not supposed to eliminate html tags from the editor to retrieve plain text. Is there any property, which gives plain text from ajax editor? Sample code from my app: i'm able to get rich html te...

ajax animation extender problem

hi but see this error aniamtion extender could not be set for property animation. why? thank's ...

Call (show) a modal popup located in MasterPage from it's childs

I'm trying to make a default modal box that must be accessible from any part of the application, and need to be called whenever I want from inside any page. (must be called from code-behind). So I came up with the idea of a Panel + modalPopupExtender placed in the MasterPage, and calling it from child pages via code-behind. How can I ...

Accordion need to know when it collapses

I'm using the Ajax Control Toolkit Accordion Version 1.0.11119.0 and I need to know when a pane colapses. Is there a client side index change event? ...

post in update panel returns 0|error|500| reason or how to handle the error to see better description

Hello, I have an update panel which contains a few controls, a Place Holder which is dynamically populated (i don't know if this is what is causing the error) and after the post is made the server is returning 0|error|500| only that, everything is working fine in my development machine, but something is wrong on server (Windows Server ...

ASP.NET AJAX ToolkitScriptManager Issue With Combining Scripts

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 web application in which i am using the ToolkitScriptManager as below: <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" EnablePageMethods="true" ScriptMode="Release" LoadScriptsBeforeUI="false" runat="server" CombineScripts="false"> <CompositeScript> <Scripts> <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/JavaScrip...

Remembering active tab on refresh of ASPX page

I've got an ASPX page set up that loads and displays dynamic data from a local SQLite database. Since the data is being written to the database from a separate C# application, I've set up my ASPX page to refresh every 30 seconds when the database has flagged itself as actively receiving new data. On my ASPX page, I've got a TabContainer...

Modal Popup Extender Problem

Hi Everybody, I am doing an ajax enabled website and ı wanna use the modal popup extender But, ı have some problems. -I have found sample code of how to use modal popup extender in asp.net and download the project when ı put this project in localhost(inetpub) ıt works very well but when ı use the sample code in my project it is not wo...

AjaxControlToolkit 3.0.30930.0 vs System.web.extension

Hi, I recently started to use AjaxControlToolkit v3.0.30930.0 in my application together with System.Web.Extension 3.5. My development environment is Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 2.0 and the development language is C#. The Ajax control I used is the ModalPopupExtender. I also used the UpdatePanel and updateprogress controls. E...

Uploading image with AsynFileUpload(ACT Control) and changing Image Url of an Image Control??

Hi! I Used AsyncFileUpload(one of Ajac Control Toolkit Controls) to Uploading User's Image. this works well. But i want to change the image url of an image contorl to uploaded image url. how can i perform that? I put Image control in a Update Panel: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelNew" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:...