
Problem with the way the Ajax Control Toolkit TabContainer sets the default submit button

We have an Ajax Control Toolkit TabContainer containing some textboxes for doing a search. When you keypress inside one of the textboxes, the TabContainer sets the default button to be the button immediately following the tab control. This is fine because that's the search button. The problem occurs after the button is clicked and resul...

AutoCompleteExtender positioning menu incorrectly when scrolled

We have an AutoCompleteExtender linked to a TextBox. Both controls are placed inside an UpdatePanel, and the UpdatePanel is displayed as a pop-up dialog using a Javascript library (Ext.BasicDialog). The pop-up is a div on the page, not a separate window. The problem is that when the user scrolls inside the pop-up, the AutoCompleteExten...

Add AjaxControlToolkit accordion pane at runtime loses previous pane(s)

I have an AjaxControlToolkit accordion control that i'm trying to load panes at runtime. When I click a button inside a listview, it should add a new pane to the accordion control. Here is the code that adds the pane in the onitemcommand event within the listview var pane = new AccordionPane { ID = key }; pane.HeaderContainer.Controls.A...

AjaxControlToolkit TabContainer ActiveTabChanged event fired twice when UpdatePanel and ToolkitScriptManager is used?

I recently upgrade this configuration: ASP.NET 2.0 AjaxControlToolkit, 1.0.20229.0 System.Web.Extensions, Version= To ASP.NET 3.5 System.Web.Extensions, Version= AjaxControlToolkit , Version=3.5.40412.0 I have the following structure: <asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="PageScriptManager" runat="server"> </asp:ToolkitScr...

How to install ajaxControlToolKit.dll in gac

I have two different version dll of ajaxcontroltoolkit in a project, i can not put both in bin folder so i need to install them in gac. How to do it. ...

Setting up a button to trigger both modalPopupExtender and his Click Method

Hey guys, I have this modalPopupExtender, I want it to show a CheckBoxList with some data. I have set up a button to call both the method to fill the CheckBoxes and trigger the modalPopup (TargetControlID). they're all inside an UpdatePanel. with the right triggers. The problem is that when I click the button it shows the modalPopup bu...

Creating an AJAX-Enabled Web Site

Hey, I'am trying to follow an ASP.NET with AJAX Training. At certain moment, they deploy an AJAX-Enabled Web Site. but for me I can't found this option (I'm using Visual Studio 2008). Even if I installed the Ajax Control Toolkit it still not working for me !! What must I do to find this ? ...

ModalPopupExtender doesn't work on IE6 frame layout

I'm using a "frame" layout similar to the one in this excellent answer: a div #top at the top of the page, a div#left on the left, and a div #main with the main content. The #top and #left divs contain navigation menus. Now I want to use a popup div using the AjaxControlToolkit ModalPopupExtender inside the content (#main) div. This w...

Master page popup login control using ajaxcontroltoolkit don't work

I made a pop control on the master page in asp.net 3.5 please see the following code: Main.master aspx code: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" style="display:none; background-color:White; width:700; border-width:2px; border...

Fixing MaskedEditExtender to prefix date with correct Century

Hi, I am using a MaskedEditExtender on a textbox to verify a date. MaskType="Date" Mask="99/99/9999". Users of the system are used to typing just the last two digits of the year (i.e. 22/06/10) so I am trying to make this possible. I have tried using Century="2000" but this option does not seem to function at all (still results in 22/0...

Dismiss Modal Popup (ModalPopupExtender) with click or Esc

Using a ModalPopupExtender to display context help text on a panel. Is there a way to dismiss the popup either by hitting the escape key or clicking on the panel? The code in question: <asp:Button id="RoleTypeHelpButton" runat="server" CssClass="Gs3Button" Text="?" OnClientClick="return false;" /> <act:ModalPopupExtender id="Rol...

Ajaxtoolkit downloaded for each page

We have a SharePoint Solution that uses the Microsoft Ajaxtoolkit. I am doing some performance testing and see that the javascript is being downloaded for each page, causing some page to download more than 1 MB. The type of call that is being made is: http://serverName/ScriptResource.axd?d=aMbl7-5dNZOmlggsdXNoTVIFa6esvsBgC6BHXX0EL95-p...

How do you give permissions to ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit in web.config?

Hi, I've been trying to add the ASP.NET toolkit to my web application and I can get the demo site to work but I can't seem to implement any of the controls in my application. After playing around with it for a while, I think I've found the problem. In my web.config, I have: <authorization> <allow roles="Users"/> <deny users="*...

AJAX Timer Control to load a control every 5 secs

Hi I have the following Hierarchy Page -> Usercontrol1 with ( asp:UpdatePanel & asp:Timer) ---> Usercontrol2 with (asp:UpdatePanel) with a grid In page load i am loading usercontrol1, then usercontrol1 loads usercontrol2. I am getting following error :- "Cannot unregister UpdatePanel with ID 'UpdatePanel1' since it was not ...

ajaxcontroltoolkit setting hidden value after asyncfileupload has completed

I have an asyncfileupload control that I'm using from the ajaxcontroltoolkit. On the file complete in the code behind I process the file and write the information in the file to a database. I get the id of the record from the database, and this needs to be written to an asp hidden field. I've tried just setting the value: fldImageID....


<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" PopupControlID="PopUpTbl" TargetControlID="lblReport"> </ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender> this is my coding.... i want the total control will disable when popup window show.... but i cant do this............. dont confuse... TargetControlID="lblReport" is j...

Maintainability: jQuery or the Ajax Control Toolkit?

My team is currently working on a substantial update to an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application which uses the Ajax Control Toolkit on virtually every page. We've found that in many cases that its use is unwarranted (clearly a previous developer decided to "Ajaxafy" everything), and a richer - and simpler - experience can be found using jQue...

Can I use the Ajax Control Toolkit client side from jQuery?

This was according to me possible with the Ajax library. But that however seems to be obsolete? ...

ModalPopupExtender does not postback

hi, I have this page where in i have a ModalPopupExtender. Now the panel that shows up as a ModalPopup has 2 buttons namely "Invite" and "Cancel". My problem is that when i click on either of the buttons postback does not occur and i am unable to run my server side code. When i click on the "Invite" button it simply hides the ModalPopu...

How do I change the tab container properties from the ajax tool kit using CSS stylesheets?

Currently, I am working on a C# / VB project that is using tab containers from the ajax toolkit. I would like the tab panels customized as below in the css style. I have tested the css stylesheet in a clean web application and it works very well. However, when i tested it in my current project the padding between the tabs is gone. I h...