
How to control style of today's cell in asp.net ajax CalendarExtender?

Based on the AjaxControlToolkit API for the CalendarExtender I can control the style of the selected date using: .ajax__calendar_active { background-color:red } And according to the API, I was hoping, that .ajax__calendar_today would allow me to control the style of today's table cell, if show. Unfortunately, this .ajax__calendar_tod...

Strange new error with ASP:Panel / UserControl / UpdatePanel combination

Hi there, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible here. We have some code that was working and now, without being changed, is not. I've isolated the issue, so here is the situation: We have an ASPX page, and on it there are 2 asp:Panel controls(Panel1 and Panel2). In each of these panels, there is a single WebUserControl (Panel1 cont...

ajaxToolkit:DropDownExtender where is items ?

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="server" Height="30px" Width="68px"></asp:TextBox> <ajaxToolkit:DropDownExtender ID="TextBox5_DropDownExtender" runat="server" DynamicServicePath="" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="TextBox5"> </ajaxToolkit:DropDownExtender> //this.TextBox5_DropDownExtender ???? YearList.Items.Add(DateTime.Today....

Can somebody explain the differences, status and future of the various ASP.NET AJAX libraries and toolkits?

I'm confused about the differences and relationships between the various Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX components/libraries/toolkits and particularly the naming of them. It starts off relatively simple with ASP.NET AJAX itself: ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 (available for ASP.NET 2.0 in a separate package called ASP.NET 1.0 Extensions) ASP.NET AJAX 3.5 (...

JQuery dirtyForm not working on text boxes in ajaxToolkit:TabPanel

I'm a newb to jQ so please forgive my ignorance. I'm using Asa Wilson's plugin jquery.dirtyform.js to prompt a user of unsaved changes before they nav away from a page (ASP.Net C# 3.5). It basically loops through all controls and appends a class and handler to each input. Controls w/i an ajaxToolkit:TabPanel are ignored, unfortunately....

Which is best Ajax Framework?

I am going to use the ajax for simply refresh the multiple element on the page based on synchronous or asynchronous . I want to refresh the page When the ajax request in completed. Is there any ajax framework that has ajax utility function ? I did not use any javascript framework. Now I am developing page based on J2EE. ...

asp.net, enable/disable tabpanel

Why isn't this working? <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel Enabled='<%# User.IsInRole("admin") %>'... While this works: <asp:TextBox Enabled='<%# User.IsInRole("admin") %>'... ...

Why are there multiple ajaxtoolkit libraries, 1 per language?

I don't have much experience in making app multi lingual, but it seems to me that you don't need a separate dll for each language that you want to handle. Could someone speculate why the toolkit was designed this way? ...

Ajaxtoolkit TextboxWatermarkExtender: How to change the text from Javascript

I think thaAjaxControlToolkitTextBoxWrapperThis use to work, but I think that upgrading to te latest version of teh Toolkit (4 something) broke it: var txtExpireYear = document.getElementById("ctl00_phPageContent_dtmPassportExpirationDate_txtYear"); txtExpireYear.AjaxControlToolkitTextBoxWrapper.set_Value(dtmDateOfExpire.getFullYe...

How do you clear a CustomValidator Error on a Button click event?

I have a composite User control for entering dates: The CustomValidator will include server sided validation code. I would like the error message to be cleared via client sided script if the user alters teh date value in any way. To do this, I included the following code to hook up the two drop downs and the year text box to the valid...

My ASP.NET Accordion will not animate panel changes when triggered by check boxes.

My accordion panel in markup: <ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="MyAccordion" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected" ContentCssClass="accordionContent" AutoSize="None" FadeTransitions="true" TransitionDuration="250" FramesPerSecond="40" RequireOpenedPane="false" Suppre...

disable browser autocomplete for ajax:AutoCompleteExtender

I'm using the .net ajaxtoolkit control AutoCompleteExtender. It works great but my firefox autocomplete overrides the values that the extender is returning (the firefox one lays on top of the control's). is there a way to disable the browser's version of autocomplete so that the .net one takes precendence? ...

Registering javascript handler function to handle CollapsiblePanelExtender event

I checked my html page generated by asp.net and I can see this line Sys.Application.initialize(); Sys.Application.add_init(function() { $create(AjaxControlToolkit.CollapsiblePanelBehavior, { "ClientStateFieldID":"rptActiveQuotes_ctl01_qcQuote_cpeDetails_ClientState", "CollapseControlID":"rptActiveQuotes_ctl01_qcQ...

TextBoxWatermarkExtender and Custom validator problem

i have two textboxes one for phone and one for email for phone textbox i have used textbox watermark extender and a filtered textbox extender provided in ajax extension toolkit as a water mark extender text iam displaying only numbers are allowed. the problem is that on client side validation of two textboxes by custom validator iam chec...

ASP.NET application not working after being published - problems with Ajax pro tool kit

After publishing the solution from Windows XP, the AJAX pro tool are not working after being deployed to Windows Server 2008. How can I solve this problem? Using C#, .NET 3.5, and DevExpress tools. ...

Problem with Ajax Toolkit ASP.NET (Visual Basic)

Hey, I'm trying to use Ajax Toolkit in ASP.NET page to display a Calendar Extender with this code, but it's not working for me. <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <div> <br /> <br /> <b>Calendar :</b><br /> <asp:TextBox ID="Date1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox...

Accordion need to know when it collapses

I'm using the Ajax Control Toolkit Accordion Version 1.0.11119.0 and I need to know when a pane colapses. Is there a client side index change event? ...

Modal Popup Extender Problem

Hi Everybody, I am doing an ajax enabled website and ı wanna use the modal popup extender But, ı have some problems. -I have found sample code of how to use modal popup extender in asp.net and download the project when ı put this project in localhost(inetpub) ıt works very well but when ı use the sample code in my project it is not wo...

MA Ajaxtoolkit error in _loadScriptsInternal

Hi, I'm doing some work at the moment trying to convert some legacy code into .net 3.5. This involves taking both .aspx page and codebehind and rewriting most of the latter whilst retaining most of the former. I've run into an annoying bug which seems to be caused by something conflicting with the MS Ajax Toolkit and I can't work out w...

Ajax tookit CollapsiblePanelExtender won't open on startup

Hi, I have a page with two CollapsiblePanelExtender controls on it. The page is a multi-stage process which posts back to itself several times as the user steps through the process. All the page controls, includung the CollapsiblePanelExtenders are in an update panel and the page is derived from a master page. When the page first loads...